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age hliki’a age
agony fodi’a agony
agriculture gewponi’a agriculture
ague ðe’rmh ague
ah ax, w ah
ailment no’sos ailment
air ae’ras air
air-balloon aero’stato air-balloon
airdrome aerozro’mio, aerolime’nas airdrome
airfield aerozro’mio, aerolime’nas airfield
airplane aeropla’no airplane
airport aerozro’mio, aerolime’nas airport
alabaster ala’dastro alabaster
Albania Aldani’a Albania
Albanian aldaniko’s, Aldano’s Albanian
alcohol oino’pneuma alcohol
ale zu’ðos, mpi’ra ale
algebra a’lgedra algebra
Algeria Algeri’a Algeria
Algerian algeri’nikos, Algerino’s Algerian
all about pantaxou’, pantou’ all about
all the ka’ðe all the
allergy allergi’a allergy
alley soka’ki, stenwpo’s alley
almond amu’gzalo almond
almost para’ li’go almost
alpha a’lfa alpha
alphabet alfa’duto, alfa’dhto alphabet
altar dwmo’s altar
although kai’toi although
Amazon amazo’na Amazon
American amerika’nikos, Amerikano’s American
American Indian Inzia’nos American Indian
amnesty amnhsti’a amnesty
among ana’mesa, anametazu’, metazu’ among
amphitheatre amfiðe’atro amphitheatre
amphora amfore’as amphora
amulet fulaxto’ amulet
analysis ana’luson analysis
anarchy anarxi’a anarchy
anatomy anatomi’a anatomy
anchor a’gkura anchor
anchovy antzou’gia, sarze’la anchovy
ancient anti’ka ancient
anemone anemw’na anemone
angel a’ggelos angel
angle gwni’a angle
anguish fodi’a anguish
animal zw’o animal
annotation no’ta annotation
Major Influencer
Greek is a significant influence in other languages because so many words have roots in either Greek or Latin, particularly in English. It’s still used today to help ease the creation of new words. The word Alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”. Approximately 12 percent of all English words come from Greek. English has had some influence on Greek too. Their words for freak out and glamour are like that of English.
Long Words
The longest Greek word ever recorded is “Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon” It’s 172 characters and it’s a fictional dish in Ancient Greek mentioned during the play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Two Greeks
Until the year 1976, there were actually two versions of Greek on record as official languages. Demotic was used for casual conversation and literature. Academia, law, medicine, and newspapers all used Katharevousa. The government designated Demotic Greek as its official language after that year.