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English:Tok Pisin:
pacify kolim bel, mekim bel i kol
pack (vb) bungim wantaim
paddle (canoe) pul long kanu
pain pain - pen
paint pen, penim
palace haus bilong king
palm of hand insait long han
pandanus fruit marita
paper pepa
parakeet kalangal
parcel karamap
parents papamama
park (car) (vb) pasim kar
park (n) gaden bilas
parliament palamen
parrot koki; kalangal
part pat
party pati
pass (oncoming) car mitim ka, bungim ka
pass, overtake abrusim
passenger pasindia
passport paspot
past tense marker bin
pastry kek
paternal smolpapa
patient sikman, sikmeri
pawpaw, papaya popo
pay (n) pe
pay (vb) balm, peim
pay admission peim dua
pay bail baim rum gat
pay for baim
pay out, get rid of tromoim
pay week potnait
payday pede
peace gutpela taim
peaceful (person) belisi
peanut kasang
pearl kiau bilong golip
peas hebsen, pi
pedestrian crossing ples wokabaut
peeping Tom lukstilman, man bilong luklukstil
pen pen
pencil pensil
penis kok
people manmeri, pipel
pepper pepa, daka
perch, spiny fish nilpis
perfume sanda
perhaps ating, nating
permit (vb) larim
permit, license pemit
persistent offender man i go i kam long kot
person man, meri
person from same village wanples
person of same (age, social) group wanlain
person of same religion wanlotu
petrol (gasoline) bensin
petrol pipe mambu bilong bensin
pharmacy haus marasin
photo foto, poto, piksa
photograph (n) poto
picture piksa
Pidgin language tok pisin
pie pai
piece hap
piece of bread hap bret
piece of scone hap skon
pig pik
pigeon balus
pile up hipim
pillow pilo
pillow slip skin pilo
pilot pailat
pin pin
pineapple ananas, painap
pink ret
pipe paip
pity, mercy marimari
place hap
planet liklik mun
plant planim
plantation plantesen, plantesin
plastic plastik
plate plet
platform (railway) ples bilong wetim tren
play pilai, pilaim
play flute or pipe winim mambu
play guitar, piano pilaim gita, piano
playmate wanpilai
pleasant switpela
please plis
plenty Planti
pliers plais
PMV piemvi
point out mekim long pinga long
poison poisen
pole diwai
police polis
police station polis stesin
policeman polisman
polish polisim
politician politisen
poor (needy) nogat moni
poor man rabisman
pork pik, abus pik
porter kagoboi
portion out dilim
possible i ken
possum kapul, cuscus
post pos
post office pos opis, posopis, haus pos
post-box letabokis
postcard poskat
posterior part as
potato poteto, patete
potato, sweet potato kaukau
potato, wild sweet potato kumu
pound memeim
pour kapsaitim
powder paura
power pawa
practice of making totemic figures (also called malangans) to honor the dead malangan, malagan
practise traim
prawn kindam bilong solwara or liklik kindam
prayer book buk beten
preacher talatala
pregnant i gat bel
prepare redim
prepare food redim/wokim kaikai
present (gift) presen
president presiden
press (clothes) ainim
pressure lamp lam bensin
pressure-cook mumuim
pretty nais
price prais, pe
priest pater
primary school praimeri skul
Prime Minister Prai Minista
principle stiatok
prison kalabus
prisoner kalabusman
private tambu long olgeta
probably ating
problems wari
prohibit tambuim
promise promisim
promote strongim
propeller koropela, propela
prophet profet
proud praut (provisional)
province provins
provoke sutim bel, sutim nus
public bilong olgeta man na meri
public transport PMV
pull pulim, pulim . . . i kam
pulp meme
pulverize memeim
pumpkin pamkin
puncture taia i plat
punish strafim
pure klin
purple hap ret
push subim
put putim
put on (clothing) pasim
pyrethrum pairitrum
python moran
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