Translate English to Tok Pisin

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English:Tok Pisin:
machine masin
mad longlong, het i pas
mad person longlongman
magazine niuspepa
magic majik, puripuri, sanguma
magistrate majestret
main bikpela
main road bikrot
main village bikples
make wokim
make a clenched fist brukim han
make clear, explain klirim
make hole in ground digim hul
make love to holim skin
make magic against mekim poisen long
malaria malaria
Malay apple laulau
male man
man man
man's bark type or G-string mal
manager menaga
Manam Island ailan Manam
mango mango
many planti
map map
March Mas
marihuana, marijuana spak brus
market bung, maket
married marit
married couple tupela marit
married man/woman maritman/meri
married quarters haus marit
marry maritim
matches masis
matches are wet, won't light masis i kol
mate, close friend wantok
may me
me mi
meal kaikai
meal time taim bilong kaikai
mean min
means, (it) i min
measure (vb) makim
meat abus
mechanic mekenik
medical assistant, doctor dokta
medicine marasin
meet bungim, painim
meeting kibung, kivung, miting
melon melen
men & women manmeri , pipel
menstruating mun i kilim, i lukim meri
menu pas bilong ol kaikai
message tok
messmate wansospen, wantebol
metre mita
middle namel
midnight biknait
milk susu
millimetre milimita
minibus liklik bas
minute minit
mirror glas bilong lukluk
miserable tarangu
missing (as in not present) no gat
mission misin
missionary missinari, misinari
missionary misinare
mist sno
mistake i no stret
mix miksim
mixed-race hapkas
moiety bisnis, lain, famili
mom mama, mami
moment minit
monastery haus pater
Monday Mande
money mani
month mun
monument makim
moon mun
moon rises mun i kamap
moon sets mun i godaun
more mo
morning moningtaim
mosque haus lotu bilong ol mahomet
mosquito natnat, moskito
mosquito net taunam
most moa tru
mother mama, mami
motor-bike motobaik
mountain maunten
mouse liklik rat
moustache mausgras
mouth maus
movie camera kamera piksa
much planti
muddy place ples malomalo
muffler mafla
multicoloured makmak
mummy mama, mami
murderer kilman
museum haus bilong tumbuna pasin
mushroom papai
music musik or sing sing
must mas
mustard mastet
mutton, lamb sipsip
my bilong mi
myth tok bilong bipo yet
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