Translate English to Tok Pisin

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English:Tok Pisin:
G-string mal
gallon galen
game, meat abus
garden gaden
garden house, summer house haus win
garnish abus
gasoline bensin
gearbox giabokis
gee! oloboi , oloman
genitals bokis, kan, sem (bilong meri) ; bol, kok (bilong man)
Germany Jemeni
get kisim
get into a PMV kalap long PMV
get paid kisim pe
get rid of, throw away rausim, autim
get someone up from bed kirapim
get up kirap, sanap
ghost (of dead person) dewel bilong man i dai
ginger gorgor, kawawar
girl gel, meri
give givim
give up larim
glass (container) glas
glass (substance) glas
globe, bulb golo, lam
glove soken bilong han
glutton man bilong kaikai
gnat natnat
go go
go ahead gohet
go down go daun
go on! koan!
go to school go long skul
go up go antap
goanna palai
goat meme, me
God God, Got
gold gol
good gut, gutpela
good afternoon apinun
good day gude, yu stap
good morning moning
good night gut nait
good worker man bilong wok
goodbye, bye, see you later lukim yu behain
goods kago
gossip about tok baksait
got gat
government gavman
government officer kiap
gram giram
grandparent(s) tumbuna
grapes ol pikinini bilong rop wain
grass gras
grassy patch ples kunai
grave hul (bilong planim man)
grease wel, welim; gris, grisim
great gut tumas
great! fantastic!; literally 'him now!' em nau!
green grin, grinpela
green coconut - kulau kulau
greens kumu, sayor, grins
greet tok gude
grey gre
grill kukim (antap) long paia
groin sangana
ground graun
ground oven mumu
group lain
grow gro
guard (vb sambai long
guava guava, yambo
guest pasindia
guide man i soim rot or gait
guidebook buk em i soim rot
guilt hevi, wari
gullet mambu bilong nek
gun masket, raifol, gan
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