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English:Tok Pisin:
cabbage kabis
cake kek
calendar kalenda
calf of leg baksait bilong lek
call (something or someone) singautim
call (telephone) ring long telipon
call out singaut
call out to singaut long
called, is nem bilong . . . i
calm (person) belisi
camera kamera
can, could inap; ken
can, tin tin
candle kandel
cane kanda
canoe kanu
canoe paddle pul bilong kanu
canvas stretcher bet sel
cap hat
captain (of a ship) kapten
car kar, ka
carburetor kabureta
cards kas
careful of, be lukaut long
carefully isi isi
cargo kago
carpet mat or tepik
carpet snake moran
carrot karet
carry karim
carton katen
carve (canoe) sapim
case, suitcases kes, sutkes, bokis
cassava kasava, tapiok
cassette kaset
cassowary muruk
cassowary (New Britain); see also Muruk benetii
castor oil kaswel
cat pusi
catch a bus baim bas
catch fish hukim pis
catfish mausgras
Catholic Katolik
cattle bulmakau, kau
cause as
celebrate Mass mekim Misa
cement simen
centimetre sentimita
century handet yia
ceremony surrounding the giving away of goods to display one's wealth (Enga) tee
ceremony surrounding the giving away of goods to display one's wealth (Highlands) moga
certainly orait orait
chain sen
chair sea, sia
chance sans
change (small money) senis
change (transport) senisim
change money (from notes to coins) senisim
change money (from one currency to another) tanim mani
charge sas, sasim
chase ranim
chatter sikirapim tok
cheap i no dia
cheap takeaway food bar kai bar, kaibar
check sekim
cheeky person hambakman, sikibaga
cheese sis
cherry sirsen
chest bros
chewing gum pike
chicken kakaruk
chief luluai
child pikinini
chill skin i kol
chin usket, asket
chips (Potato) sips
chocolate soklet
chocolate (candy) braunpela loli
chook, fowl kakaruk
choose kisim long laik
chop katim long akis/tamiok
chops sops
chopsticks sopstik
Christian kristen
Christmas krismas
church lotu, haus lotu, sios
church members Ekelesia
churchgoer man bilong lotu
cigarettes sigaret
cinema haus piksa
circulatory system rot bilong blut
city biktaun
clan bisnis, lain, famili
clay graun, graun malomalo, graun bilong wokim sospen
clay pot n sospen, sospen graun
clean klin, klinpela
clean (vb) klinim
clear klia
clear the table klirim tebol
clearing ples klia
clerk kuskus
clever person man bilong save
clock klok, kilok
clock's alarm belo bilong klok
close pasim
closed i pas
cloth laplap
clothes klos
cloud klaut
club klab; stik bilong pait
clutch klats
coast (n) nambis
coastal man man bilong nambis
coat kot
Coca-Cola kouk, kokakola
cockatoo koki
cocoa kakao
coconut kokonas
coconut cream susu o gris bilong kokonas
coconut frond bombom, bumbum
coconut milk, coconut water wara bilong kokonas
coconut shell sel bilong kokonas
coffee kopi
coin mani ain
cold kol , kolpela
cold season (winter) taim bilong kol
cold, have a kus
colour kala
comb kom
comb of chicken/rooster plaua bilong kakaruk
come kam
come back kambek, kam bek
come out kamaut
come quickly kam hariap
come up kamap
comfortable gut moa
commercial bilong bisnis
company (firm) kampani
compensation paid for a wrongdoing, but in reprisal more than revenge payback
competition resis
complain kotim
completely olgeta
computer komputa
conceal haitim
conceive (a child) kisim bel
concert singsing
concrete simen
condensed milk strongpela susu
condom, contraceptive for males gumi bilong kok
confess tokautim sin
confession konpesen
conscience tok insait
constipated bel i pas
consul tultul
contain holim . . . i stap
continue skruim . . . i go
contraceptive for females samting bilong pasim bel
control, be in charge of bosim
controversy tok pait
convenient i mekim isi
conversation toktok
converse with toktok wantaim
convert tanim tingting, tanim bel
cook kuk, kukim
cookie switbiskit
cooking pit, ground oven mumu
copra kopra
copy bihainim
cordyline plant tanget
corkscrew skru tuptup
corn kon
corned beef solmit, mit
corner kona
correct stret, stretpela
corridor, hallway ples wokabaut insait long haus
cost kostim, kastim
cotton katen
cotton-wool kapuk, koten
councillor kaunsila
count (vb) kaunim
country (nation) kantri
countryside bus
course kos
court kot
courthouse kothaus
courting ceremony involving crossing legs with a partner; literally 'carry leg' (Highlands) karim leg
courting ceremony involving rubbing faces together turnim het
courtyard kot
cousin kasen
cover (vb) karamapim
cover, lid of something tuptup
covet, be jealous of mangalim
coward pretman, man bilong pret
crab kuka
cracker draibisket
crayfish kindam
crazy longlong; waia i lus
cream strongpela susu
crew of plane/ship boskru bilong balus/sip
criminal man nogut, raskol
crocodile pukpuk
cross diwai kros
cross (vb) go long hap long
cross out autim
cross, angry kros
crowd planti man na meri
crown of tree het bilong diwai
crumple (something) krungutim
cry krai
cucumber kukamba
cup kap
cup of tea kapti
cupboard kapet
curry kari
curtain laplap bilong windo
cushion pilo
custard kastet
custom (way) pasin
customs (n) kastam
cut kat, katim
cut down katim i pundaun, pundaunim
cut grass katim gras
cut grass with sarip saripim
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