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s,apka hat
s,arap wine
s,arki. song
S,eytan Lucifer
S,eytan Satan
s,ikâyet complaint
s,ikayet etmek complain
s,imdi at present
s,imdi now
s,is,e bottle
s,oför chauffeur
s,oför driver
s,övalye cavalier
s,övalye knight
s,ubat February
saat clock
saat hour
saat o’clock
saat time
saat, bakmak watch
sabah morning
sabah breakfast
sadaka alms
sadaka charity
sagui.r deaf
sakal beard
saldi.ri. aggro
saldi.ri., hücum, saldi.ri.s, aggression
saldi.rmak assault
saldi.rmak, hücum, saldi.ri.s, attack
sali. Tuesday
sandal sandal
sandalye chair
sandviç sandwich
sanki as if
sanki as though
sanki in a way
sanmak guess
sanmak presume
sanmak suppose
sanmak surmise
santimetre centimetre
sargi. bandage
sari.s,i.n blond
sarmas,i.k ivy
satmak dispose of
satmak sell
satmak vend
savas, war
sayfa page
saymak count
seçmek choose
seçmek elect
seçmek pick out
sekiz eight
selvi cypres
sembol symbol
sen, siz thou
sen, siz ye
sen, siz you
sene year
sepet basket
ses voice
ses vote
sesli harf vowel
sevmek love naught nought null zero zilch eti beef
si.ra, tezgâh bench
si.tma malaria
sidik torbasi. bladder
sidik torbasi. bubble
sigara cigarette
silah weapon
silindir cylinder
silindir roller
simetrik symmetric
sincap squirrel
sinema cinema
sinema movie theatre
sirk circus
sivrisinek mosquito
soguan onion
soguuk bleak
soguuk chilly
soguuk cold
som bali.gui. salmon
sonbahar autumn
sonra, sonralari. afterwards
sonra, sonralari. next
sonra, sonralari. subsequently
sormak ask
soyadi. surname
söz, sözcük word
su water
suçlama accusal
suçlama accusation
suçlu guilty
sultan sultan
sülün pheasant
süngü bayonet
süpürge broom
Suriye Syria
Suriyeli Syrian
susamis, thirsty
susuzluk thirst
sütyen bra
Written Turkish Language
Before 1932, less than half of Turkish words were used in written form. Since 1932, the percentage of Turkish words has jumped from 40 percent to between 75 and 80 percent. The Turkish Language Association started to reform the language after 1932 and its goal was to remove the loan words that had entered into the written languages from the Persian and Arabic languages. Despite not having a lot of written words until the 20th century, written Turkish has been found on Stone Monuments dating back to 725 AD in Central Asia and Mongolia.
Turkish is a Concise Language
In some languages, it takes quite a few words to express something. But in Turkish, it actually doesn’t take that many at all. Just one word might have multiple endings, suffixes, and affixes. This one word can then be used to form the basis of other words.
Did You Hear the One About…?
In Turkish, there are many jokes about Temel, his wife Fatima, and their friend Dursun. So if you’re learning the language, don’t be surprised if you hear about them in a variety of contexts from wisdom to political issues.