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baba father
baba, babaci.gui.m dad
baba, babaci.gui.m daddy
baca chimney
baca smokestack
bagaj baggage
bagaj luggage
baki.s,i.m, simetri symmetry
bakmak consider
bakmak look
bakmak look at
bakmak regard
bakmak view
bakteriler bacterium
bali.k fish
bali.kçi. fisherman
balina whale
balkon balcony
balon balloon
balta axe
banka bank
banyo, banyo odasi. bathroom
barbar barbarian
barbar, vahs,i barbaric
barikat barricade
barometre barometer
baron baron
bas,ka, bir daha, diguer bir another
bas,ka, bir daha, diguer bir else
bas,ka, bir daha, diguer bir other
bas,lamak begin
bas,lamak commence
bas,lamak start
basur haemorhoids
bati. west
bati.ya ait western
battaniye blanket
baykus, owl
bayrak banner
bayrak flag
bebek baby
beden, gövde, vücut body
beguenmek appreciate
beguenmek approve
bekâr bachelor
beklemek abide
beklemek await
beklemek expect
beklemek wait
beklemek wait for
Belçika Belgium
Belçikali. Belgian
belkemigui spine
benzin gasolene
benzin gasoline
benzin petrol
berber barber
bes, five
beyaz blank
beyaz white
bez, kumas, cloth
bi.rakmak absent onself
bi.rakmak depart
bi.rakmak go away
bi.rakmak leave
biçak, çaki. knife
biftek beefsteak
biftek steak
bilardo billiards
bilet note
bilet ticket
bilezik bracelet
bilgisinde adjective
bilmek know how
bina building
bir a
bir an
bir one
bir uzvu kesmek amputate
bira ale
bira beer
birader, erkek kardes, brother
biriktirmek, toplamak collect
biriktirmek, toplamak gather
biriktirmek, toplamak, almak pick up
birlik unity
bisiklet bicycle
bisiklet bike
bisiklet cycle
biz us
biz we
böbrek kidney
Boguaziçi Bosporus
boksör boxer
bölüm, chapter
bomba bomb
bos, empty
bos, void
Brezilya Brazil
Brezilyali. Brazilian
Britanya Britain
Britanya Great Britain
bros,ür leaflet
bros,ür pamphlet
bros,ür paperback
bugün today
bülbül nightingale
Bulgaristan Bulgaria
bulmak find
bulunmayi.s, yokluk absence
bulut cloud
bulüz blouse
burç, fali., yi.ldi.z horoscope
burun nose
bütün all
bütün altogether
bütün everything
büyük big
büyük great
büyük large
büyük elçi ambassador
büyük kilise cathedral
Büyük Okyanus Pacific
Büyük Okyanus Pacific Ocean
büyük zil cymbal
Written Turkish Language
Before 1932, less than half of Turkish words were used in written form. Since 1932, the percentage of Turkish words has jumped from 40 percent to between 75 and 80 percent. The Turkish Language Association started to reform the language after 1932 and its goal was to remove the loan words that had entered into the written languages from the Persian and Arabic languages. Despite not having a lot of written words until the 20th century, written Turkish has been found on Stone Monuments dating back to 725 AD in Central Asia and Mongolia.
Turkish is a Concise Language
In some languages, it takes quite a few words to express something. But in Turkish, it actually doesn’t take that many at all. Just one word might have multiple endings, suffixes, and affixes. This one word can then be used to form the basis of other words.
Did You Hear the One About…?
In Turkish, there are many jokes about Temel, his wife Fatima, and their friend Dursun. So if you’re learning the language, don’t be surprised if you hear about them in a variety of contexts from wisdom to political issues.