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kabul edilebilir, münasip acceptable
kabul etmek accept
kabul etmek take in
kabul etmek, almak receive
kabul etmek, almak take
kafes cage
kâgui.t para bank-note
kahve coffee
kahverengi brown
kalay tin
kalça thigh
kalori calorie
kan blood
Kanada Canada
Kanadali. Canadian
kanal canal
kanal channel
kanarya canary
kanyak brandy
kanyak cognac
kaos, karmakari.s,i.k hal chaos
kaos, karmakari.s,i.k hal tangle
kapamak close
kapamak shut
kapi. gate
kapi. gateway
kapi. portal
kaplan tiger
kaptan captain
kara, siyah black
karaaguaç elm
karakol police-station
kari.n lower part of the body
kari.n, göbek, kari.n abdomen
kari.n, göbek, kari.n belly
kari.nca ant
kari.nca emmet
karnabahar cauliflower
kart card
kart map
kart menu
kartal eagle
kartpostal postcard
kas muscle
kasap butcher
kasi.m November
kasi.rga cyclone
katalog catalogue
katalog directory
kategori, category
kâtip clerk
kaybetmek lose
kayi.s, kemer belt
kayi.s, kemer girdle
kayi.s, kemer zone apricot
kaynana mother-in-law
kaza, olay accident
kedi. cat
kelebek butterfly
kemik bone
kent, s,ehir city
kent, s,ehir town
kereviz celery
kes,is, monk
kesmek cut
kesmek slice
kestane chestnut
kestane horse-chestnut
Ki.bri.s Cyprus
Ki.bri.sli. Cypriotç sword
ki.rlangi.ç swallow
ki.s, winter
ki.saltmak abbreviate
ki.saltmak abridge
ki.saltmak curtail
ki.saltmak shorten
ki.yi., sahil coast
ki.yi., sahil seaside
ki.yi., sahil shore
ki.z girl
ki.z lass
ki.z wench
ki.z, ki.z evlat daughter
ki.zgi.n, öfkeli angry
ki.zgi.n, öfkeli cross
ki.zgi.n, si.cak hot
Ki.zi.lderili American Indian
kibirli arrogant
kil clay
kilo kilo
kimya chemistry
kiraz cherry
kirli dirty
kirli filthy
kirli soiled
kirli unclean
kis,la barracks
kitap book
kitapçi. dükkani. bookshop
kitapçi. dükkani. bookstore
klinik clinic
kobra yi.lani. cobra
kokain cocaine
köknar fir
kol arm
koleksiyon collection
kolera cholera
koltuk armchair
komedi comedy
koms,u neighbour
komünizm communism
kongre congress
kongre convention
köpek dog
köpek kulübesi dog-kennel
köpek kulübesi kennel
köprü bridge
kös,eli, aci.kli. gaunt
kos,mak run
kova bucket
kova pail
kral king
kraliyet kingdom
kristal crystal
kriz crisis
kriz depression
kriz emergency
krom chromium
küe earring
kuguu swan
kül ash
kül cinder
kül tablasi. ashtray
kulak ear
kullanmak employ
kullanmak make use of
kullanmak use
kültür culture
kulübe cabin
kulübe hut
kulübe shack
kulüp club
kulüp society
kum sand
kumsal, plaj beach
kurt, solucan worm
kus, bird
kutlamak celebrate
kutsal holy
kutsal sacred
kutu box
kuvvet force
kuvvet strength
kuvvet vigour
kuyruklu yi.ldi.z comet
kuzey north
kuzeye ait northern
kyruk tail
Written Turkish Language
Before 1932, less than half of Turkish words were used in written form. Since 1932, the percentage of Turkish words has jumped from 40 percent to between 75 and 80 percent. The Turkish Language Association started to reform the language after 1932 and its goal was to remove the loan words that had entered into the written languages from the Persian and Arabic languages. Despite not having a lot of written words until the 20th century, written Turkish has been found on Stone Monuments dating back to 725 AD in Central Asia and Mongolia.
Turkish is a Concise Language
In some languages, it takes quite a few words to express something. But in Turkish, it actually doesn’t take that many at all. Just one word might have multiple endings, suffixes, and affixes. This one word can then be used to form the basis of other words.
Did You Hear the One About…?
In Turkish, there are many jokes about Temel, his wife Fatima, and their friend Dursun. So if you’re learning the language, don’t be surprised if you hear about them in a variety of contexts from wisdom to political issues.