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k sozhal eniyu alas
k sozhal eniyu regrettably
k sozhal eniyu unfortunately
Kabul Kabul
Kair Cairo
kak how
kak in what way
kak like
kak such a
kak such as
kak what a
kak, tak as
Kamerun Cameroon
Kampuchiya Cambodia
Kanada Canada
kanal canal
kanal channel
kapitan boss
kapitan chief
kapitan leader
karandash pencil
Karpatskie gorih, Karpatih Carpathian mountains
Karpatskie gorih, Karpatih Carpathians
karta card
karta map
karta menu
kartina image
kartina painting
kartina picture
Kavkaz Caucasus
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Khanoj Hanoi
Khel ‘sinki Helsinki
Khertogenbos Bois le Duc
khodit’, pokhodit’ march
khodit’, pokhodit’ walk
khor chorus
khor coir
khoroshij good
khoroshij, appetitnihj nice
khoroshij, khorosho okay
khorosho well
khotet’, zakhotet’ be willing to
khotet’, zakhotet’ want
khotya although
khotya though
Khuk van Khol l and Hook of Holland
Kiev Kieff
kil ogramm kilo
kil ometr kilometre
kino cinema
kino movie theatre
Kipr Cyprus
Kirgiziya Kirghizia
Kitaj China
kl ass class
kl imat climate
kl ub, assotsiatsiya club
kl ub, assotsiatsiya society
kniga book
kniga Bihtiya Genesis
knizhnihj magazin bookshop
knizhnihj magazin bookstore
knizhnihj shkaf bookcase
kogda when
kol basa sausage
kol eno knee
komnata chamber
komnata room
konets end
konets ending
Kongo Congo
Kongo Zaire
kontsert concert
kon’, l oshad’ horse
Kopengagen Copenhagen
Koreya Korea
kost’ bone
kovër carpet
krasivihj beautiful
krasivihj fine
krasivihj handsome
krasivihj, dorogoj lovely
krasnihj blushing
krasnihj red
kresl o armchair
kto which
kto who
kto-to any
kto-to anybody
kto-to some
kto-to somebody
kto-to someone
kto-to some one
kto-to, odin, odna, odno one
Kuba Cuba
kukhnya kitchen
kvartira apartment
kvartira flat
Kyurasao Curaçao
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.