The English term "in what way" matches the Russian term "kak"

other english words that include "in" : russian :
abdominal bryushnoj
Abyssinia Efiopiya
accounting bukhgal teriya
administer administrirovat’
administration administratsiya, pravitel ‘stvo
administrative administrativnihj
again opyat’
against protiv
ailing bol eznennihj
airline avial iniya
albino al ‘binos
all over again opyat’
aluminium al yuminij
aluminum al yuminij
Argentina Argentina
basin bassejn
baths superintendant banshchik
bath superintendant banshchik
be acquainted with znat’
beginning nachal o
behind za, posl e
be obstinate artachit’sya
Bering Sea Beringovo more
Berlin Berl in
be willing to khotet’, zakhotet’
binoculars binokl ‘
blessing bl agosl ovenie
blushing krasnihj
book keeping bukhgal teriya
brain mozg
bring along zabirat’, zabrat’
Britain Vel ikobritaniya
building zdanie
business del o
business deal del o
cabinet shkaf
Carpathian mountains Karpatskie gorih, Karpatih
China Kitaj
cinema kino
clippings brak
come into vkhodit’, vojti
concerning o
container bak
continuous bezostanovochnihj, besperebojnihj
craziness bezumstvo
cuttings brak
dining room stol ovaya
distinct yarkij
divine bozheskij, bozhestvennihj
Dominican Republic Dominikanskaya Respubl ika
drink pit’, vihpit’
Dublin Dubl in
during za, poka
ending konets
engineer inzhener
evening meal uzhin
everlasting beskonechnihj, beskrajnihj
everything vsë
find nakhodit’, najti
fine krasivihj
fountain pen avtoruchka
frindge bakhroma
gain barihsh
gasoline benzin
go in vkhodit’, vojti
Great Britain Vel ikobritaniya
Guinea Gvineya
Gulf of Finland Finskij zal iv
Helsinki Khel ‘sinki
human being chel ovek
in v, na
in action aktivnihj
in a way budto
incendiary bomb zazhigatel ‘naya bomba
incidental bokovoj
India Indiya
Indian Ocean Indijskij okean
Indonesia Indoneziya
in English po-angl ijski
in exchange for protiv
inexpensive deshëvihj
infant rebënok
infernal adskij
inquiry anketa
insane bezumnihj
insanity bezumstvo
inside v, na
insist nastaivat’, nastoyat’
instructor uchitel ‘
intelligent umnihj
intercessor advokat
interest interes
interesting interesnihj
in the evening vecherom
into v, na
investigation anketa
leave behind ostavl yat’, ostavit’
magazine gazeta
maintain argumentirovat’
minute minuta
morning utro
mountain gora
mutiny bunt
nine devyat’
ordinarily obihchno
outline abris
owing to iz-za
pain bol ‘
painful bol eznennihj
painting kartina
parings brak
pin bul avka
pineapple ananas
plain yarkij
rain dozhd’
recline l ezhat’, pol ezhat’
remain ostavat’sya, ostat’sya
Rhine barge barzha
safety pin angl ijskaya l avka
sing pet’, spet’
sitting room zal
spring vesna, prihgat’, prihgnut’
springtime vesna
striking broskij
swimming bath bassejn dl ya pl avaniya
swimming pool bassejn dl ya pl avaniya
take in prinimat’
take into account schitat’
thing veshch’
think dumat’, podumat’
this evening segodnya vecherom
this morning segodnya utrom
tin banka
tin can banka
wainscot zabirat’, zabrat’
wheeziness astma
wind veter
windfall brak
window okno
wine vino
winter zima
within v, na
working man rabochij
other english words that include "what" : russian :
what chto
what a kak
what for pochemu
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.