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table stol
take prinimat’, brat’, vzyat’
take along zabirat’, zabrat’
take away zabirat’, zabrat’
take in prinimat’
take into account schitat’
take over pokupat’, kupit’
talk govorit’, pogovorit’
tall vihsokij
tangle besporyadok
tank bak
target tsel ‘
tasteless bezvkusnihj
tasty appetitnihj
tea chaj
teacher uchitel ‘
tell govorit’, skazat’, prikazihvat’, prikazat’
tell a lie brekhat’
ten desyat’
tenant arendator
testimony attestat
text tekst
thankful bl agodarnihj
that chto, kto, tak
that over there eto
that way tak
the Antarctic Antarktika
The Hague Gaaga
the Netherlands Niderl andih
theatre teatr
thee and thou biht’ s na tih
then potom, togda
theologian bogosl ov
theology bogosl ovie
there vot, tam
thigh bedro, l yazhka
thing veshch’
think dumat’, podumat’
third tretij
this evening segodnya vecherom
this morning segodnya utrom
those eto
though khotya
thrash bukhat’, bukhnut’
three tri
throat gorl o
through iz-za
thumb bol ‘shoj pal ets
Thursday chetverg
thus tak
ticket bil et
tiger tigr
time vremya
tin banka
tin can banka
to v, k, na
today segodnya
together vmeste
tomorrow zavtra
tongue yazihk
too takzhe, tozhe
topical aktual ‘nost’
topicality aktual ‘nost’
toward v, k, na
towards v, k, na
towel pol otentse
tower bashnya
town gorod
translate perevodit’, perevesti
transmit posihl at’, posl at’
travel puteshestvovat’
tree derevo
trip puteshestvie
trouble vopros, probl ema
trousers bryuki
truck gruzovoj avtomobil ‘
trunk chemodan
tummy bryukho
tup baran
twaddle brekhat’
twenty dvadtsat’
two dva, dve
type pechatat’, otpechatat’
typewriter pishushchaya mashinka
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.