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bad pl okhoj
badger barsuk
badly pl okho
baggage bagazh
Baghdad Bagdad
Baikal Bajkal
bairn rebënok
baker bul ochnik
Baku Baku
balance sheet bal ans
balcony bal kon
Balkans Bal kanih
ball bal
ballet bal et
balloon aerostat, bal l on
bamboo bambuk
banana banan
bandage bandazh
Bangladesh Bangl adesh
bank bank, banka
bank clerk bankir
bank official bankir
bankruptcy bankrotstvo
bar baton, bar
barefoot bosikomoj
barge barzha
barium barij
bark brekhat’
barn budka
barometer barometr
barren bespl odnihj
barricade barrikadirovat’, barrikada
barrier bar’er
barrister advokat
barrister at law advokat
base bazirovat’
basin bassejn
bass bas
bass voice bas
bath superintendant banshchik
bathroom banya
baths superintendant banshchik
battalion batal ‘on
battery akkumul yator, batarejka
battle boevoj, bitva, boj, bor’ba
battle boevoj
bay bukhta
bazaar bazar
be biht’
be able to moch’
be acquainted with znat’
be afraid of boyat’sya, poboyat’sya
be alive zhit’, prozhit’
be called nazihvat’sya, nazvat’sya
be obstinate artachit’sya
be stubborn artachit’sya
be willing to khotet’, zakhotet’
bead busina
beam bal ka, brevno, brus
bean bob
beard boroda
beat bit’
beautiful krasivihj
beaver bobrovihj, bobr
because of iz-za
become bihtovat’
bed postel ‘
bedroom spal ‘nya
beech buk
beefsteak bifshteks
beginning nachal o
behind za, posl e
behold vot
Belgian bel ‘gijskij, bel ‘gijka, bel ‘giets
Belgian woman bel ‘gijka
Belgrade Bel grad
belly bryukho
below vnizu
Bering Sea Beringovo more
Berlin Berl in
beside okol o, u
best l uchshij
better l uchshe
between mezhdu
beyond poperëk
Beyrouth Bejrut
bible bibl iya
big bol ‘shoj
bill bil et
billiards bil ‘yard
binoculars binokl ‘
birch berëza
bishop arkhierej
black chërnihj
blank bel ihj, anketa, bl ank
blasphemy bogokhul ‘stvo
bless bl agosl ovl yat’, bl agosl ovit’
blessing bl agosl ovenie
blockade bl okada
blond bel okurihj
blouse bl uza
blue sinij
blueberry chernika
blunt tupoj
blush al et’, bagrovet’
blushing krasnihj
board zabirat’, zabrat’
boat l odka
body tel o, tul ovishche
Bois le Duc Khertogenbos
Bolivia Bol iviya
bomb bomba
Bombay Bombej
bone kost’
book kniga
book keeper bukhgal ter
book keeping bukhgal teriya
bookcase knizhnihj shkaf
bookshop knizhnihj magazin
bookstore knizhnihj magazin
boon bl agosl ovenie
borax bura
bore buravit’, bor, bur, burav
boron bor
boss kapitan
botany botanika
both oba, obe
bottle butihl ka
boulevard bul ‘var
bourgeois burzhuaznihj
bourgeoisie burzhuaziya
boutique magazin
bow arka
box boksirovat’, bak
boxer boksër
Brabant Brabant
brace armatur
bracelet brasl et
braille azbuka dl ya sl epihkh
brain mozg
brave bravihj
Brazil Brazil iya
breach bresh’
bread and butter buterbrod
bridge most
brigade brigada
bring along zabirat’, zabrat’
Britain Vel ikobritaniya
British britanskij
broad shirokij
bronze bronzovihj, bronza
brother brat
brow brov’
Brussels Bryussel ‘
Bucharest Bukharest
buffalo bujbol
buffer bufer
buffoon arl ekin
building zdanie
Bulgar bol garin
Bulgaria Bol gariya
Bulgarian bol garskij, bol garin
Bulgarian woman bol garka
bull bihk
bumper bufer
buoy buj
burdensome tyazhël ihj
Burma Birma
bus avtobus
business del o
business deal del o
busy zanimat’sya
but a
butterfly babochka
button buton
buy pokupat’, kupit’
by okol o, u
by now uzhe
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.