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ice ice pagwto’, pa’gos
iceberg iceberg pago’douno
icecream icecream pagwto’
idiom idiom izi’wma
idiot idiot xa’xas
idol idol ei’zwlo
idolator idolator eizwlola’trhs
illness illness no’sos
image image eiko’na
immediately immediately ame’sws
important important e’gkuos
in a way in a way ta’xa, ta’xates
in fact in fact pra’gmati
incest incest aimomizi’a
inch inch i’ntsa
indeed indeed pra’gmati, nai
index index eureth’rio
India India Inzi’a
Indian Indian inziko’s, Inzo’s, Inzia’nos
Indian corn Indian corn arado’sito, kalampo’ki
Indonesia Indonesia Inzonhsi’a
Indonesian Indonesian inzonhsiako’s, Inzonh’sios
inexpensive inexpensive fthno’s
influenza influenza gri’pph
injury injury ladwmatia’, plhuh’
ink-well ink-well kalama’ri
inkpot inkpot kalama’ri
inn inn panzoxei’o, tade’rna
insane insane mourlo’s, trelo’s
insanity insanity tre’la
insect insect zouzou’ni
instructor instructor za’skalos, kaðhghth’s
intellect intellect nohmosh’nh
intelligence intelligence nohmosh’nh
intelligent intelligent noh’mwn
intercessor intercessor zikhgo’ros
interpreter interpreter ziermhne’as
iodine iodine iw’zio
Ionian Ionian iwniko’s
Iran Iran Ira’n, Persi’a
Iranian Iranian persiko’s, Pe’rshs
Ireland Ireland Irlanzi’a
Irish Irish irlanziko’s
Irishman Irishman Irlanzo’s
iron iron sizere’nios, si’zero, si’zhros
irony irony eirwnei’a
island island nhsi’
Israel Israel Israh’l
Israelian Israelian israhlino’s, Israhli’th
Italian Italian italiko’s, Italo’s
Major Influencer
Greek is a significant influence in other languages because so many words have roots in either Greek or Latin, particularly in English. It’s still used today to help ease the creation of new words. The word Alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”. Approximately 12 percent of all English words come from Greek. English has had some influence on Greek too. Their words for freak out and glamour are like that of English.
Long Words
The longest Greek word ever recorded is “Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon” It’s 172 characters and it’s a fictional dish in Ancient Greek mentioned during the play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Two Greeks
Until the year 1976, there were actually two versions of Greek on record as official languages. Demotic was used for casual conversation and literature. Academia, law, medicine, and newspapers all used Katharevousa. The government designated Demotic Greek as its official language after that year.