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Annunciation Annunciation Euaggelismo’s
answer answer apa’nthsh, apokri’nomai
ant ant murmh’gki
antenna antenna ante’na
anthem anthem u’mnos
antique antique anti’ka
anus anus kw’los, prwkto’s
anvil anvil amo’ni
any any kane’is
anybody anybody kane’is
apathy apathy apa’ðeia
ape ape maïmou’, pi’ðhkos
apostrophe apostrophe apo’strofos
apparently apparently safw’s, ta’xa, ta’xates
appellation appellation o’noma, onomasi’a
apple apple mh’lo
apricot apricot deri’kokko
April April Apri’lhs
aquatic aquatic uzro’dios
aqueduct aqueduct uzragwgei’o
Arabian Arabian aradiko’s
Arabic Arabic aradiko’s
archbishop archbishop arxiepi’skopos
Arctic Arctic arktiko’s
are are kopa’zi
arm arm draxi’onas, mpra’tso, xe’ri
armchair armchair poluðro’na
Armenian Armenian Arme’nhs
army army stratia’
aroma aroma a’roma
arrow arrow de’los, saï’ta
arse arse kw’los, prwkto’s
artichoke artichoke agkina’ra
artist artist kallite’xnhs
as as gia, zio’ti
as a matter of fact as a matter of fact pra’gmati
as if as if ta’xa, ta’xates
as though as though ta’xa, ta’xates
asbestos asbestos ami’antos
ash ash sta’kth, te’fra
ashtray ashtray tasa’ki
asparagus asparagus spara’ggi
asphalt asphalt a’sfaltos, katra’mi, pi’ssa
ass ass ga’izaros
asthma asthma a’sðma
astrology astrology astrologi’a
astronaut astronaut astronau’ths
astronomy astronomy astronomi’a
asylum asylum asuli’a
at at zi’pla
Major Influencer
Greek is a significant influence in other languages because so many words have roots in either Greek or Latin, particularly in English. It’s still used today to help ease the creation of new words. The word Alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”. Approximately 12 percent of all English words come from Greek. English has had some influence on Greek too. Their words for freak out and glamour are like that of English.
Long Words
The longest Greek word ever recorded is “Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon” It’s 172 characters and it’s a fictional dish in Ancient Greek mentioned during the play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Two Greeks
Until the year 1976, there were actually two versions of Greek on record as official languages. Demotic was used for casual conversation and literature. Academia, law, medicine, and newspapers all used Katharevousa. The government designated Demotic Greek as its official language after that year.