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cabbage lahana
cabin kulübe
cage kafes
calendar takvim
calf dana
calorie kalori
camel deve
Canada Kanada
Canadian Kanadali.
canal kanal
canary kanarya
cancel feshetmek, iptal etmek
candle mum
cannibal yamyam
cannon top
capable muktedir
captain kaptan
car otomobil
card kart
carpenter dülger, marangoz
carrot havuç
carry nakletmek, tas,i.mak
case is, macera, mesele
cat kedi.
catalogue katalog
catastrophe felaket
category kategori,
caterpillar ti.rti.l
cathedral büyük kilise
cauliflower karnabahar
cavalier s,övalye
caviar havyar
ceiling tavan
celebrate kutlamak
celery kereviz
cement çimento
cemetery mezarli.k
centennial asi.r, yüzyi.l
centimetre santimetre
centre merkez
century asi.r, yüzyi.l
ceremony tören
chain zincir
chair sandalye
channel kanal
chaos kaos, karmakari.s,i.k hal
chapter bölüm,
charity sadaka
chauffeur s,oför
check çek
cheese peynir
chemistry kimya
cheque çek
cherry kiraz
chestnut kestane
chew çigunemek
chief patron
child çocuk
chilly soguuk
chimney baca
chin çene
China Çin
chocolate çikolata
cholera kolera
choose seçmek
Christian Hi.ristiyan
Christmas Noel
chromium krom
cigar puro, sigar
cigarette sigara
cinder kül
cinema sinema
circle daire
circus sirk
city kent, s,ehir
clap alki.s,lamak, takdir etmek
clarify açi.klamak
claw pençe
clay kil
clear açi.k
clearly açi.kça
clerk kâtip
clever açi.kgöz, zeki
client müs,teri, müvekkil
climate iklim
climb ti.rmanmak
clinic klinik
cloakroom vestiyer
clock saat
close kapamak
cloth bez, kumas,
clothes elbise
clothing elbise
cloud bulut
clover yonca
clown palyaço
club kulüp
coast ki.yi., sahil
cobra kobra yi.lani.
cocaine kokain
cock horoz
coffee kahve
cognac kanyak
cold soguuk
colleague meslekdas,
collect biriktirmek, toplamak
collection koleksiyon
college yüksek okul
colonel albay
colour renk
comb taramak, tarak
come gelmek
come about olmak
come to a halt durmak
comedy komedi
comet kuyruklu yi.ldi.z
comma virgül
commence bas,lamak
committee heyet, komite
communism komünizm
compass pusula
complain s,ikayet etmek
complaint s,ikâyet
conflict mücadele
congress kongre
consent muvafakat etmek
consider bakmak
convention kongre
corn dari.,
corner açi.
counsel avukat, savunucul, fikir vermek, öguüt vermek, nashihat, öguüt
count saymak
cow inek
crisis kriz
crocodile timsah
cross ki.zgi.n, öfkeli
crystal kristal
cucumber hi.yar, salatali.k
culture kültür
cunning açi.kgöz, zeki
curtail ki.saltmak
curtain perde
customer müs,teri, müvekkil
cut kesmek
cycle bisiklet
cyclone kasi.rga
cylinder silindir
cymbal büyük zil
cypres selvi
Cypriot Ki.bri.sli.
Cyprus Ki.bri.s
Czech Çek
Czechoslovakia Çekoslovakya
Written Turkish Language
Before 1932, less than half of Turkish words were used in written form. Since 1932, the percentage of Turkish words has jumped from 40 percent to between 75 and 80 percent. The Turkish Language Association started to reform the language after 1932 and its goal was to remove the loan words that had entered into the written languages from the Persian and Arabic languages. Despite not having a lot of written words until the 20th century, written Turkish has been found on Stone Monuments dating back to 725 AD in Central Asia and Mongolia.
Turkish is a Concise Language
In some languages, it takes quite a few words to express something. But in Turkish, it actually doesn’t take that many at all. Just one word might have multiple endings, suffixes, and affixes. This one word can then be used to form the basis of other words.
Did You Hear the One About…?
In Turkish, there are many jokes about Temel, his wife Fatima, and their friend Dursun. So if you’re learning the language, don’t be surprised if you hear about them in a variety of contexts from wisdom to political issues.