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Tok Pisin:English:
sain sign, signal (n)
sait, hapsait side
sak shark
sakim tok disobey
saksak sago, sago palm
salim send
salim, selim sell
salvinia weed found in many waterways
samap, samapim sew up
samapim sew
sambai long guard (vb
sampela several
sampela some
sampela taim seldom
sampela taim sometimes
samting about, approximately
samting substance
samting thing
samting bilong pasim bel contraceptive for females
samting tru natural
samting tumbuna art
samting, samting olsem approximately
san sun
sanap stand up, be erect
sanap long kot appear in court
sanapim stand up, erect (something)
sanda perfume
sandal sandals
Sande Sunday
sangana armpit
sangana groin
sanglss sunglasses
sanguma, puripuri sorcery
sans chance
santu suddenly
sanwis sandwich
sap, sappela sharp
sapim carve (canoe)
sapos if
sapos suppose, if
sapota supporter
sapotim support
sarap shut up (talking)
Sarere Saturday
saripim cut grass with sarip
sas, sasim charge
satan, setan devil
sausap soursoup
saut South
save do something regularly
save know
save science
save understand
save usually
save laik lightning
save long know (someone/something)
save mekim/wokim know how to (do something)
savetingting wisdom
savol shovel
sea, sia chair
sekan shake hands
sekim check
sekon second (time)
sekreteri secretary
seksek, seksekim shake
sel bilong kokonas coconut shell
sem shame
semitrela semitrailer
sen chain
senis change (small money)
senisim change (transport)
senisim change money (from notes to coins)
senka(r) tracked vehicle
sentimita centimetre
sepim shave
Septemba September
seven de Seventh Day Adventist
seven, sevenpela seven
sevis stesin service station
sigaret cigarettes
sigaret laita lighter (flint)
sik ill
sik sick
sikau wallaby
sikau bilong antap tree kangaroo
sikirapim kokonas scrape coconut
sikirapim tok chatter
sikirapim, sikrapim scrape
sikis, sikispela six
Sikismail Sixmile
sikman, sikmeri patient
sikrapim bel bilong excite
sikrapim bel bilong fornicate
silva silver
simen cement
simen concrete
sindaun sit, sit down
sindaun or stap stay
singaut call out
singaut long call out to
singaut long demand (vb)
singautim call (something or someone)
singsing concert
singsing dance and/or sing
singsing festival
singsing sing
siot shirt
sip ship
sips chips (Potato)
sipsip mutton, lamb
sipsip sheep
siro, nating, not zero
sirsen cherry
sis cheese
sisis scissors
sista sister (nurse, nun)
sit bilong paia ash(es)
sit, sea, sia seat
skel weigh
skelim share out
skelim weight out
skelim, lusim slacken
sket, siket skirt, European type
skin bark
skin skin
skin bilong kina oyster shell
skin i guria shivering
skin i hat; fiva fever
skin i kol chill
skin pas envelope
skin pilo pillow slip
skon scone(s)
skru joint
skru screw, bolt
skru tuptup corkscrew
skruim . . . i go continue
skul school
skulim teach
skweamit, pokona bullybeef
slek, lus slack
slekim masis strike a match
slekim, lusim loosen, slacken
slika silk
slip lie down
slip lying down
slip sleep, be asleep
slipim lay (something) down
slo slow
sloim ka slow down
smok, simuk smoke
smokbalus jet plane
smol haus, liklik haus, haus pekpek, toilet toilet
smolpapa paternal
snek snake
sno fog
sno mist
so exhibition
so, katim long so saw so
sodawara soda-water
soim show (vb)
sok(s), sokin sock(s)
soka soccer
soken bilong han glove
sokin stockings
soklet chocolate
sol salt
sol , solda shoulder
sol na pepa salt and pepper
solap swell up
solapim slap
soldia, solodia soldier
solmarasin epsom salts, laxative
solmarasin laxative
solmit, mit corned beef
solwara sea
sop soap
sop bilong tit toothpaste
sop i gat smel toilet soap
sop, sop i het gras shampoo
sops chops
sopstik chopsticks
sore, sori sad
sori, sore sorry
sos sauce
sosis sausage
sospen saucepan
sospen, sospen graun clay pot n
sot, sotpela short
sothan shorthand
sotpela trausis shorts
sotwin out of breath
soua sour
spak drunk
spak spark
spak brus marihuana, marijuana
spak plag spark plug
spakman drunkard
spepat spare part(s)
spes space
spet spade
spet spit, spittle
spia, supia spear
spik, tok, toktok speak
spirim spear (Something
spit speed
spoilim wreck
spun spoon
spunim, savolim spoon out
sta star
stabi stubby
stadim, glasim study
stap be in a place
stap exist
stap is
stap live (reside)
stap isi , stap gut behave oneself
stap nating unemployed
stem stamp (postage)
stesin outpost
stesin station (government)
stia steering wheel
stia, stiaim steer
stiatok principle
stik kambang lime, lemon
stik suga sugarcane
stil theft
stilim steal
stilman thief
stilwul steel wool
Stimsip Steamships
stirim ka steer car
ston stone
ston masis light the lamp
stori story
story board narrative carving done on a wooden board
stov stove
strafim punish
straight on - stret straight on
strena strainer
stret exactly
stret flat
stret sharp (of time), exactly
stret long taim as soon as
stret long taim just when
stret nau immediately
stret, stretpela correct
stret, stretpela honest
stretim, lainim tebol set the table
stretpela straight
string string
strong loud
strong thick
strong, strongpela strong
strongim promote
strongim bel settle stomach
strongpela susu condensed milk
strongpela susu cream
stua, stoa shop (n)
stua, stoa store
stuakipa storekeeper
studen, sumatin student
su shoe(s)
su gumi sneakers
su let leather shoes
sua sore
sua wound
sua i drai wound heals
sua i gat susu sore has pus in it
sua i sting festered (stinking) wound
subim push
suga sugar
sumatin schoolchild
sup soup
supia bilong banara arrow
supia I gat huk arrow or spear, barbed
supsup fish spear
supsup bilong banara arrow, pronged
susa sister (kin)
susap jaw's harp
susap jew's harp
susu breast
susu milk
susu o gris bilong kokonas coconut cream
susuim pinga suck finger
sut injection
sut long shoot at/with
sutim shoot
sutim bel, sutim nus provoke
sutim kaikai dish up, serve food
sutim long tok accuse (someone)
sutlam torch, headlamps
swim swim
swit, switpela sweet
switbiskit cookie
switbiskit sweet biscuit
switmuli orange
switpela pleasant
switpela kaikai dessert
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