The English term "co-operate" matches the Romanian term "coopera, colabora"

other english words that include "co" : romanian :
accomodate termina, ajuta
accompany însot,i
accomplish ajunge, îndeplini, termina
accord permite, îngădui
accordion armonică
account plată, cauză, se gîndi, cont, crede
account for explica, clarifica
accoutrement echipament
accoutrements echipament
alcohol alcool
apricot caisă
balcony balcon
become deveni
be in command comanda, conduce
chocolate ciocolată
coach antrena
coast coastă, litoral
coat pardesiu
coddle alinta, mîngîia
coffee cafea
coffee-house cofetărie
cold frig, rece, răceală
colleague coleg
collect aduna, colecta, culege
collide alerga, fugi
colour colora, picta, culoare
comb pieptene
combine combina
come veni
come about deveni, se întîmpla
come back se întoarce
comedy comedie
come on se apropia
come to an end se sfîrs,i
command comanda, conduce, ordona, ordine
commence începe, porni
commencement început
commodity articol
compel fort,a, sili
compete concura, rivaliza, se întrece
complete plin
compose concluziona, compune, crea, scrie
comprise include, cuprinde, cont,ine
conceal ascunde
concern interesa
concerning apropo, despre
concert concert
conclude concluziona
conclusion rezultat
conduct ghida, conduce
confide avea încredere
confuse încurca
congratulate felicita
conquer învinge
consent acord
consider se gîndi
construct construi, înălt,a
contain include, cuprinde, cont,ine
continue dura, continua, t,ine
control controla, guverna, conduce
conversation conversat,ie
conversion schimbare
convince convinge
cook găti
cooperate coopera, colabora
copy exemplar, copia
corner colt,
corrugate ondula, văluri
cost costa
costly scump
costume costum
cotton-wool vată
counsel sfat
count număra
country t,ară
couple împerechea
courage curaj
court curte
courtyard curte
cover acoperi
cow vacă
cower se ghemui
décor decor
decorate decora, împodobi, orna
decoration decor
decoy ispiti, atrage
discourage înfricos,a, speria, descuraja
discover descoperi
encourage instiga, at,ît,a, provoca
encouragement încurajare
freezing cold ger
have compassion on compătimi
have confidence in avea încredere
inconvenient greu
leave out of account ignora
Mexico Mexic
on that account de aceea, deci
overcoat pardesiu
recollect aminti, t,ine minte
Scotland Scot,ia
take into account se gîndi
uncover descoperi
other english words that include "operate" : romanian :
cooperate coopera, colabora
operate funct,iona, merge
Roman Origins
Romanian is a romance language because it is derived from Latin. But it also has Roman origins. It is derived from a type of Latin spoken in the Dacia province of Rome. The Dacian people actually had their own language and were conquered by Romans who instituted Latin as the language. So while Romanian is derived from Latin, the Latin spoken in Dacia was actually influenced by an ancient Dacian language too. This led to the development of the Daco-Romanian language. After Rome withdrew in the 3rd century, the Dacians came in contact with other people and culture such as the Byzantine empire.
A Unique Romance Language
Romanian has a unique phonology and grammar that is unlike other Romance languages. It retained the distinction between a short “o” and a long “u”. It also likes to replace consonants like “k” and “g” with labial consonants like “b,” “m” or “p.
Romanian Dialects
Daco-Romanian is the official language of Romania and is the standard for languages spoken. But there are other dialects including: Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian. They aren’t mutually intelligible though and linguists tend to classify them separate from Daco-Romanian. Armenian is also known as Maceo-Romanian and is spoken in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, and Greece.