The English term "come to an end" matches the Romanian term "se sfîrs,i"

other english words that include "an" : romanian :
abandon abandona, părăsi
accompany însot,i
advance se apropia, înainta, avansa
aeroplane aeroplan, avion
airplane aeroplan, avion
Albania Albania
Alexander Alexandru
American american
anchor ancoră
and iar, s,i
anew iar, iarăs,i, mai, din nou
angle colt,
animal animal
ankle gleznă
announce anunt,a
annoy enerva
annul anula, abroga
another alt, încă
answer răspunde
ant furnică
anvil nicovală
anything ceva
anywhere oriunde
arrange aranja, ordona
balance echilibra
bank bancă
bank-note bancnotă
be in command comanda, conduce
blank alb
Canada Canada
canal canal
cancel anula, abroga
candle lumînare
cannon tunul
Carpathian mountains Carpat,ii, munt,ii Carpat,i
Carpathians Carpat,ii, munt,ii Carpat,i
change schimba, schimbare
channel canal
clean curăt,a, face curat, purifica
cleanse curăt,a, face curat, purifica
command comanda, conduce, ordona, ordine
dance dansa
Danube Dunărea
dismantle demonta, desface
England Anglia
Englishman englez
Englishwoman englezoaică
fancy imagina, visa
finance finant,a
Finland Finlanda
France Frant,a
gentleman domnul
German neamt,
Germany Germania
get angry se înfuria, se enerva
glance răsfoi
granddaughter nepoată
grandson nepot
groan geme
guarantee garanta
hand mînă
handsome frumos
hang agăt,a, atîrna
hang onto t,ine
Holland Olanda
how many cît
husband sot,
Iceland Islanda
important important
in exchange for contra, împotriva
infant copil
instant moment
Iran Iran
Ireland Irlanda
January ianuarie
Japan Japonia
land t,ară
language limbă
loan împrumuta
make clean curăt,a, face curat, purifica
man bărbat, om
manage direct,iona, ghida
manifest demonstra, manifesta
manufacture fabrica, produce
mean însemna
moan geme
New Zealand Noua Zelandă
old man bătrîn
old woman bătrină
one thousand mie
Pakistan Pakistan
Parthian parte
perchance poate
physician doctor, medic
plan planifica, intent,iona
plane aeroplan, avion
Poland Polonia
quantity număr
restaurant restaurant
Roman roman
Romania România
Romanian român
Romanian woman româncă
Rumanian român
sand nisip
Scotland Scot,ia
Switzerland Elvet,ia
thank mult,umi
thanks mult,umire
thousand mie
transact money cheltui
transformation schimbare
transgression păcat
translate traduce
transmit trimite, expedia
Transylvania Transilvania
understand înt,elege
unmarried woman domnis,oara
want dorint,a, dori
warrant garanta
woman femeie
Roman Origins
Romanian is a romance language because it is derived from Latin. But it also has Roman origins. It is derived from a type of Latin spoken in the Dacia province of Rome. The Dacian people actually had their own language and were conquered by Romans who instituted Latin as the language. So while Romanian is derived from Latin, the Latin spoken in Dacia was actually influenced by an ancient Dacian language too. This led to the development of the Daco-Romanian language. After Rome withdrew in the 3rd century, the Dacians came in contact with other people and culture such as the Byzantine empire.
A Unique Romance Language
Romanian has a unique phonology and grammar that is unlike other Romance languages. It retained the distinction between a short “o” and a long “u”. It also likes to replace consonants like “k” and “g” with labial consonants like “b,” “m” or “p.
Romanian Dialects
Daco-Romanian is the official language of Romania and is the standard for languages spoken. But there are other dialects including: Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian. They aren’t mutually intelligible though and linguists tend to classify them separate from Daco-Romanian. Armenian is also known as Maceo-Romanian and is spoken in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, and Greece.