The Italian term "alt" matches the English term "foothold"

other italian words that include "alt" : english :
corrente alternata AC
realtà actuality
variare, alterare alter
corrente alternata alternating current
alternative alternative
arroganza, alterigia arrogance
assalire, assalto assault
assalire, attacco, assalto attack
Bàltico Baltic Sea
d'altronde, inoltre besides
saltellare bond
capovòlgersi, ribaltabile capsize
convertire, alternare, alterare, variazione change
abbozzare, alterare clone
daltonico colour blind
efferatezza, maltrattamento cruelty
differente, in altro modo different
se no, in altro modo, in caso contrario else
in qualche altro posto, altrove elsewhere
esaltare eulogize
realtà fact
alta marea, alluvione, alluvione flood
luci della ribalta footlights
inoltre, d'altronde for the rest
esaltarsi get excited
levarsi, esaltare get up
fermarsi, alt, durare halt
alterigia haughtiness
alterigia hauteur
altissimo hegemonic
altitudine, grossezza, elevazione height
in altri tempi heretofore
altissimo, elevato high
alta montagna high mountain-chain
alta marea high tide
più alto higher
altissimo highest
saltellare, saltare, lancio jump
saltare leap
appaltatore leaseholder
esaltare levy
altrettanto, ugualmente likewise
luci della ribalta limelight
salta lopes
altoparlante loud speaker
altoparlante loudspeaker
lealtà loyalness
lealtà loyalty
maltrattare maltreat
maltrattamento maltreatment
malto malts
modificare, alterare, variare modify
inoltre, d'altronde, ulteriormente moreover
altissimo, maggior parte, grossissimo most
smalto per le unghie nailenamel
altrettanto poco no more than
oggettività, realtà objectivity
assalto onset
assalto onslaught
alternative, opzione option
diversi, altro other
esaltato, esaltato overstretches
altipiano pateau
altipiano plateau
sollevare un pò, ergere, causo, esaltare raise
realtà reality
alternativo rotational
maltrattare roughhouse
saltellare, lancio skip
scaltrezza smartness
salto somersault
altoparlante speaker
piuma, sorgente, abbrivo, saltare, slancio, fonte spring
ostruire, alt, fermare, fermarsi, fermata, finire stop
migliore, più alto, superiore superior
scopare, spazzare, ribaltabile sweep
altalena, brandire swing
alternare take turns
temporale, maltempo thunderstorm
alta marea tidal
ribaltabile, piegare tilt
ribaltato tipped over
vagoncino ribaltabile tipper
vagoncino ribaltabile tipping wagon
convertire, commutare, alterare transform
altruista unselfish
altruismo unselfishness
esaltare uplift
esaltare upraise
in alto, sù upstairs
noi altri, noi we
assalto whammy
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.