The Italian term "qua" matches the English term "thisway"

other italian words that include "qua" : english :
qualcosa a little
quartieri accomodations
quasi almost
facoltativo, qualche any
qualcheduno, alcuno anybody
qualunque anyone
in qualche luogo anywhere
acquario aquarium
pianta acquatica aquatic plant
sport acquatico aquatics
archeologia, antiquaria archaeology
quattrocentista artist
quattrocentista artists
quanto a me as far as I am concerned
quasi che as if
per quanto as much
adunata, quantità assemblage
obliqua asymmetry
presso al quale at what
annacquare, mitigare attanuate
annacquare attenuate
contrassegno, allegare, qualità attribute
quattrocentista, autore author
acquavite booze
caratteristico, contrassegno, qualità characteristic
loquace chattily
quadrettato checked
quagliarsi, cumulo clot
quagliarsi coagulate
calca, spingere, quantità crowd
tritare, quantità crush
qualificazione designating
quadrante, numero, eleggere dial
annacquare dilute
ogni, qualunque, ogni each
pasqua Easter
in qualche altro posto, altrove elsewhere
uquaglianza equality
equanimità equanimity
equazione, compromesso equation
equatoriale equatorial
equanime equitable
ogni, ogni, qualunque, tutti every
qualunque every one
ognuno, qualunque everyone
annacquare extenuate
presto, quadragesimale fast
poca, alquanti few
territorio, area, quadretto, campo field
cinquanta fifty
arrossire, risciacquare, vuotare flush
quanto a me for my sake
quarantesimo fortieth
quattro four
quadrimotore four engined
quadruplice four fold
quadrupede four footed
quadrumane four handed
quattrocento four hundred
quadrilatero four sided
quadruplice fourfold
quattordici fourteen
quarta fourth
costumanza, qualità habit
quartiere generale head quarters
quantità, cùmulo, macereto heap
acquata heavy shower
quite, ecco, quì, qua here
in ogni modo, qualunque sia, pure however
per quale scopo hywhy
equanime, soltanto just
liquame liquid manure
quattrocentista longhair
obliqua lopsidedly
gruppo, quantità, compagnia, cùmulo lot
acqua minerale mineral water
denaro, soldi, quattrini money
quasi nearly
obliqua obliquity
di quà, esuberante, sopra, da, esuberante, finito over
qua, di quà over here
uquaglianza par
quadruplice quadruplicate
qualificato qualified
qualità quality
quantitativo quantitative
quantità, quantità quantity
cinquantenne quinquagenarian
acqua piovana rainwater
acqua salsa salt water
acqua salsa saltwater
criterio, squama, piatto della bilancia scale
acquavite schnapps
alquanti, parecchi several
acqua di scarico sewage
obliqua slantingly
qualche, alquanti, qualcosa, parecchio some
qualcheduno, alcuno somebody
in qualche luogo someplace
qualcosa, qualcosa something
in qualche luogo somewhere
acquavite spirits
quadrangolo, quadrato, quadro, spigoloso, piazza square
metro quadrato square metre
risciacquare swill
in certo qual modo to some extent
acqua di scarico waste water
diluviare, annaffiare, acqua, bagnare water
sport acquatico water sports
laddove, appena che, quando, allorché when
ogni qual volta whenever
qualvolta whensoever
ove, presso al quale, dove where
presso al quale whereas
per cui, presso al quale whereby
per quale scopo wherefore
per quale ragione why
quattrocentista, autore writer
obliqua wryness
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.