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kacang arrack
kacang bean
kacang rack
kacau chaotic
kakus toilet
kalimat sentence
kamar chamber
kamar room
kamar-makan dining-room
kambing goat
kami us
kami we
Kamis Thursday
kampung village
kancing button
karang, mengarang compose
karcis note
karcis ticket
karcis, rekening bill
karung, sak, tas bag
karung, sak, tas sack
kasih affection
kasih love
kaus sock
kawan friend
kayu timber
kayu wood
keadilan justice
keadilan righteousness
keamanan safety
keamanan security
kebanggaan pride
kebangsaan nationality
kebanyakan generally
kebun garden
kebun-binatang zoo
kecelakaan accident
kecil diminutive
kecil little
kecil small
kedutaan embassy
kejam cruel
kekacauan chaos
kekacauan tangle
kelahiran birth
kelapa coconut
kelas class
keluarga, pamili family
kendaraan vehicle
kentang potato
keperluan, mau want
keputusan decision
kera ape
kera monkey
kerang oyster
keranjang basket
kerbau buffalo
kereta-api train
kering dry
keringat perspiration
kerja work
kesehatan health
kesempatan chance
kesempatan luck
kewajiban duty
kewajiban obligation
khayal imagination
khusus apart
khusus particular
khusus special
khusus, bagi, membagi separate
kirim send
kirim transmit
kitab exercise-book
kitab folder
kitab notebook
kodok frog
kopi coffee
kopor suitcase
kopor valise
korban, kurban victim
kosong, leher empty
kosong, leher void
kotak box
kuat strong
kuda horse
kuil temple
kulit leather
kulit skin
kumis moustache
kumpulkan, mengumpulkan collect
kumpulkan, mengumpulkan gather
kunci key
kunci wrench
kuning yellow
kunjungi, mengunjungi attend
kunjungi, mengunjungi call on
kunjungi, mengunjungi, kunjungan visit
kursi chair
kurus, tipis gaunt
kurus, tipis lean
kurus, tipis slender
kurus, tipis thin
Island Languages
There are many dialects of Indonesian that are spoken in the islands. So it is very common for people to learn their home dialect first and then learn Bahasa Indonesia once they start school.
Easy for English Speakers
English speakers who are not exposed to speaking another language until later in life find it harder to learn. But Indonesian is actually easier on English speakers compared to another language. The pronunciation of words is not as difficult, it employs Latin or Roman scripts, and Indonesian doesn’t have a lot of complex verb conjugations.
Foreign Influences
Indonesian has many loan words in it. A standard Malay Language was developed in an effort to separate the country from Dutch Colonialism. But the language still has many Dutch loanwords in it. Other languages that influence Indonesian include Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, and Chinese.