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packet bungkusan
page halaman
pail ember
pain sakit
paint lukis, melukis
painter pelukis
painting lukisan
palace mahligai
pale pucat
pants celana
paradise surga
parcel bungkusan
pardon mengampuni
particular khusus
pay bayar, membayar
pay attention menanti
pay attention to menanti
payment bayaran, pembayaran, upah
peace damai
pelvis mangkuk
pepper merica
perchance boleh jadi, mungkin
perfect sempurna
perform masuk
perhaps boleh jadi, mungkin
peril bahaya
permit perbolehkan, memperbolehkan
perplexed bingung
perspiration keringat
persuade bujuk, membujuk
petrol bensin
phantom hantu
pharmaceutical obat
photographer tukang-portret
physician tabib
physics ilmu alam
pick out memilih, pilih
pick up ambil, mengambil, kumpulkan, mengumpulkan
picture lukisan
pig babi
pill pil
pillow bantal
pineapple nenas
pipe pipa
place of worship gereja
plain nyata
plan maksud
plane pesawat terbang
platform acara, rencana
pleased puas
plenty of banyak
plough membajak, bajak
pocket saku
poem syair
polite adab, beradab, sopan
pork daging babi
Portuguese Portugis
possibly boleh jadi, mungkin
potato kentang
practice latihan, mempelajari
practise melatih
pray bersembahyang
prayer doa, sembahyang
present pemberian
pretty bagus, baik
previously sebelumnya
pricey mahal
pride kebanggaan
produce menghasilkan
product hasil
profess mengaku
programme acara, rencana
proof bukti
proud bangga
prove membuktikan
punish menghukum
punishment hukuman
pure bersih
purge membersihkan
purpose maksud
push desak, mendesak, dorong, mendorong
put up with derita, menderita
putrefy memburuk
Island Languages
There are many dialects of Indonesian that are spoken in the islands. So it is very common for people to learn their home dialect first and then learn Bahasa Indonesia once they start school.
Easy for English Speakers
English speakers who are not exposed to speaking another language until later in life find it harder to learn. But Indonesian is actually easier on English speakers compared to another language. The pronunciation of words is not as difficult, it employs Latin or Roman scripts, and Indonesian doesn’t have a lot of complex verb conjugations.
Foreign Influences
Indonesian has many loan words in it. A standard Malay Language was developed in an effort to separate the country from Dutch Colonialism. But the language still has many Dutch loanwords in it. Other languages that influence Indonesian include Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, and Chinese.