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Vergehen crime, blame, fault, guilt
Vergißmeinnicht forget me not
Vergleich comparison
Vergnügen fun, pleasure
Vergrößerung aggrandizement, enlargement, increase
Vergünstigung favor, favour, privilege, abatement, discount, rebate
Vergütung abatement, discount, rebate
Vergötterung apotheosis
Verhalten behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
Verhaltungsbefehl directions, instruction
Verhandlung treatment
Verhau barricade
Verhältnis relation, understanding, proportion, rate
Verhältniswort preposition
Verhängnis fate, ill fate, destiny, fortune, luck
Verkauf sale
Verkehrsvorschriften traffic rules
Verkettung order
Verkäufer salesman
Verlag publisher, publishing house, edition
Verlagsrecht copyright
Verlegenheit abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
Verleger publisher
Verletzung injury, wound
Verleugnung abnegation
Verlies jail, gaol, prison
Verlobung betrothal, engagement
Verlust loss
Vermehrung accretion, growth, enlargement, increase
Vermerk notice, observation
Vermächtnis gift, present, inheritance, testament, will
Vermögen ability
Vernunftforscher philosopher
Vernunftgemäßheit reason, logical reasoning
Verpackung baggage, luggage
Verpflichtung bond
Verrat betrayal, treachery
Vers verse
Versammlung assemblage, gathering, meeting
Verschluß bolt, lock
Verschnittener eunuch
Verschwörung conspiracy, plot
Versehen aberration, error, mistake
Versicherung insurance, affirmation
Versicherungsschein policy, insurance policy
Versorgung arrival, arrivals, supply
Versprechen affirmation, promise
Verstand intellect, mind, intelligence, meaning, sense
Versteck ambush
Versteigerung auction
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.