The German term "Frankfurt am Main" matches the English term "frankfort upon the main"

other german words that include "frankfurt" : english :
Frankfurt frankfort
other german words that include "am" : english :
Abstammung lineage
Adam adam
Amateur amateur, fancier
Amazone amazon, horsewoman
Ambra amber
Ambrosia ambrosia
Ameise ant, emmet
Ameisenbär ant eater
Amerika america
Amerikaner american, us citizen
Amerikanerin american woman
Amethyst amethyst
Ammoniak ammonia
Ammonium ammonia
Amnestie act of grace, amnesty
Amor love, sexual love
Ampel hanging lamp
Amphibie amphibian
Amphitheater amphitheatre
Amphora amphora
Ampère ampère
Amsel blackbird
Amsterdam amsterdam
Amt bureau, office, function, job, post
Amtsbezirk district
Amtsbruder colleague
Amtsgenosse colleague
Amtswürde grade, rank, rate
Amulett amulet, charm, talisman
Anagram anagram
Aufmerksamkeit acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
Aufsichtsbeamter inspector
Balsam balm, balsam
Balsamine balsam
Bambus bamboo
Baumstamm stem, trunk
Beamter officer, official
Bergamotte bergamot
Bisam musk
Bräutigam fiancé
Campingplatz camping ground, camping site
Champagner champagne
Champignon mushroom
Chamäleon chameleon
Dame dame, lady
Damen und Herren ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs.
Damespiel checkers
Damm dike, embankment
Dampf steam, vapor, vapour
Dampfer steamship
Damspiel checkers
Dekameter decametre
Diamant diamond
Diameter diameter
Drama drama
Dynamit dynamite
Eidam son in law
Erdschwamm fungus, mushroom
Examen investigation, examination, test
Fama fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour
Familie family
Familienname surname
Flamme flame
Fundament element, foundation
Gamasche gaiter
Gamme gamut, key, scale
Gesamtheit whole
Gewahrsam box room, storage room
Gram annoyance, disappointment, grief
Gramm gram, gramme
Grammatik grammar
Hamburg hamburg
Hammel sheep
Hammelfleisch mutton
Hammer hammer
Hebamme midwife
Islam islam
Kamel camel
Kamera dark room, small room
Kamerad buddy, companion, comrade, pal
Kamin fireplace, hearth
Kamm comb, mountain ridge
Kammer dark room, small room
Kampf action, battle, scuffle, struggle
Kampfer camphor
Kampfplatz arena
Kilogramm kilo
Klammer clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
Klammeraffe atpersand, commercial at sign, snail
Kramladen boutique, shop, store
Krampe clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
Krampf convulsion, spasm
Lamm lamb
Lampe lamp
Mama mam, mammy, mom, mommy
Mamachen mam, mammy, mom, mommy
Melodram melodrama
Metamorphose metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation
Mohammedaner mohammedan, moslem, muslim, mussulman
Name appellation, name
Pamphlet pamphlet
Panorama view
Parlament parliament
Pergament parchment
Polizeiamt police station
Posament trimming
Postament pedestal
Postamt post office
Proklamation proclamation
Pyramide pyramid
Reklame ad, advert, advertisement
Rotterdam rotterdam
Sakrament sacrament
Salamander salamander
Same seed
Samen sperm
Sammet velvet
Samowar samovar
Samstag saturday
Schlamm mud
Schwamm sponge
Speisekammer pantry
Stamm clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, stem, trunk
Stramin canvas
Südamerika south america
Tambour drummer
Tamburin tambourine, timbrel
Telegramm telegram
Temperament temperament
Testament testament, will
Todeskampf agony, death throes
sam ful
Vampir vampire
Vampyr vampire
Versammlung assemblage, gathering, meeting
Vorname first name
Wirksamkeit action, effect, function
Wolfram tungsten
Yamswurzel yam
Zollamt customs
Zusammenballen agglomeration
Zusammenhang relation, understanding
Zusammenkunft assemblage, gathering, meeting
Zusammenstellung accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.