The English term "american, us citizen" matches the German term "Amerikaner"

other english words that include "american" : german :
american woman Amerikanerin
indian, american indian Indianer
other english words that include "us" : german :
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Abakus
anus, arse, backside, rump After
acanthus Akanthus
accusative Akkusativ
acoustics Akustik
access, impetus, impulse, insistence, pressure, urgency Andrang
access, impetus, impulse Andrift
affair, business, business deal, case, matter Angelegenheit
angelus Angelus
custom, habit, way Angewohnheit
accuser Ankläger
cause, reason, command, order Anlaß
attraction, impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreiz
impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreizung
allusion Anspielung
ambush Anstand
abuse, shock Anstoß
access, impetus, impulse, account, motive, reason Antrieb
ad, advertisement, declaration, proclamation, statement, accusation Anzeige
apparatus, device, set Apparat
argus Argus
suspicion Argwohn
augustus, august August
refuse, rubbish, waste, committee Ausschuß
australia Australien
australian Australier
australian woman Australierin
bus, autobus, omnibus Autobus
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Balustrade
cousin Base
accent, emphasis, alacrity, enthusiasm, verve, vivacity Begeisterung
pants, trousers Beinkleid
abuse Beleidigung
use Benutzung
discussion Besprechung
awareness, consciousness Bewußtsein
musk Bisam
blouse Bluse
bark, husk, peel, shell Borke
custom, habit, way, mores Brauch
gruel, mess, mush Brei
focus Brennpunkt
brussels Brüssel
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, connection, league Bund
bus, autobus, omnibus Bus
bushman Buschmann
acanthus Bärenklau
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, packet, parcel Bündel
brush Bürste
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, tuft Büschel
café, coffee house Café
celsius Celsius
mushroom Champignon
coir loft, chorus, coir Chor
cousin Cousin
affair, business, business deal, case, matter, thing, article, object Ding
discussion Diskussion
fuse, wick Docht
thrush Drossel
husband Ehemann
jealousy Eifersucht
illusion Einbildung
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
pus Eiter
disgust, nausea Ekel
nauseate Ekel erregen
alacrity, enthusiasm Enthusiasmus
arbutus fruit Erdbeerbaum
fungus, mushroom Erdschwamm
conclusion, effect, result, achievement, success Erfolg
conclusion, effect, result Ergebnis
exodus Exodus
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf Fascikel
industry Fleiß
fly, housefly Fliege
hippo, hippopotamus Flußpferd
focus Fokus
housewife Frau des Hauses
boarding house, boarding school Fremdenheim
husband Gatte
custom, habit, way, use Gebrauch
uterus, womb Gebärmutter
bush, shrub Gebüsch
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Geländer
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gelüst
husband Gemahl
genius, spirit Genius
custom, habit, way Gepflogenheit
justice, righteousness Gerechtigkeit
boutique, shop, store, warehouse Geschäft
husband Gespons
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
confusion Gewirr
custom, habit, way Gewohnheit
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gierde
grasshopper, locust Grashüpfer
stylus Griffel
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Habsucht
business, commerce, trade Handel
do business, trade Handel treiben
manuscript, script, writing Handschrift
house, home Haus
grasshopper, locust Heuschrecke
ambush Hinterhalt
pants, trousers Hose
braces, suspenders Hosenträger
humus Humus
merchant, businessman Händler
bark, husk, peel, shell Hülse
illusion Illusion
illustration Illustration
access, impetus, impulse Impuls
industry Industrie
currant, currant bush Johannisbeerstrauch
justice, righteousness Justiz
cactus Kaktus
carousel, carrousel, merry go round Karussell
warehouse Kaufladen
merchant, businessman Kaufmann
core, nucleus, kernel, pit Kern
church, church building, house of worship, place of worship Kirche
pillow, cushion Kissen
client, customer Klient
colossus Koloß
academy of music Konservatorium
abuse Kränkung
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Kugelmaschine
client, customer Kunde
cousin Kusine
warehouse Lagerhaus
louse Laus
lust, passion Leidenschaft
lighthouse Leuchtturm
ruse, trick List
desire, want, wish, disposal, inclination, tendency, lust, passion, sexual pleasure Lust
warehouse Magazin
manuscript Manuskript
penthouse, shed Markise
mouse Maus
titmouse Meise
mussel Miesmuschel
mohammedan, moslem, muslim, mussulman Mohammedaner
musk Moschuß
must Most
mustard Mostrich
gruel, mess, mush Mus
muse Muse
museum Museum
music Musik
musician Musiker
muscatel Muskateller
muscle Muskel
musket Muskette
muslin Musselin
daffodil, narcissus Narzisse
muslin Nesseltuch
halo, nimbus Nimbus
core, nucleus, kernel, pit Obststein
olympus Olymp
omnibus Omnibus
lust, passion Passion
break, intermission, pause, recess Pause
boarding house, boarding school Pension
phosphorus Phosphor
fungus, mushroom Pilz
paintbrush Pinsel
prussian Preuße
prussia Preußen
prospectus Prospekt
paintbrush Quast
abacus Rechenbrett
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Rechenmaschine
appointment, date, rendezvous Rendezvous
conclusion, effect, result Resultat
rhombus Rhombus
bark, husk, peel, shell Rinde
carousel, carrousel, merry go round Ringelstechen
brussels sprouts Rosenkohl
russian Russe
russian, russian language Russisch
russia Rußland
affair, business, business deal, case, matter Sache
basin, bowl, pelvis, bark, husk, peel, shell Schale
mucus, phlegm Schleim
moustache Schnurrbart
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing, dam, barrier, fence, bar, boundary, frontier, limit, handic Schranke
adjustable wrench, spanner Schraubenschlüssel
sagittarius Schütze
mustard Senf
custom, mores Sitte
asparagus Spargel
cuspidor, spittoon Spucknapf
dust Staub
bush, shrub Staude
impetus, incitement, stimulus Stimulation
push Stoß
bush, shrub, bouquet Strauch
chorus, coir Sängerchor
tagus Tajo
musical time, tact Takt
amaranthus Tausendschön
tea house Teepflanzung
tea house Teeplantage
access, impetus, impulse, instinct, push Trieb
confusion Trubel
typhus Typhus
illusion, swindle Täuschung
ruse, trick Tücke
cause, reason Ursache
custom, habit, way Usus
uterus, womb Uterus
cause, reason Veranlassung
suspicion Verdacht
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
publisher, publishing house, edition Verlag
ambush Versteck
confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust Vertrauen setzen in
refusal Verweigerung
confusion Verwirrung
cousin Vetter
apparatus, device, set Vorrichtung
illusion Wahn
bazaar, fair, market, warehouse Warenhaus
refusal Weigerung
affair, business, business deal, case, matter, work Werk
confusion Wirrsal
dish cloth, dust rag Wischtuch
lust, sexual pleasure Wollust
lust, sexual pleasure Wonne
sausage Wurst
tooth brush Zahnbürste
delusion, spell, magic, enchantment, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zauber
cerberus Zerberus
zeus Zeus
circus Zirkus
customs Zollamt
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
certainty, confidence, faith, trust Zuversicht
dusk Zwielicht
cyprus Zypern
other english words that include "citizen" : german :
middleclass citizen Bürger
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.