The English term "he goat" matches the German term "Ziegenbock"

other english words that include "he" : german :
paragraph, demand, sale, heel Absatz
acheron Acheron
forefather Ahn
alchemy Alchemie
alchemy Alchimie
amphitheatre Amphitheater
addition, adjunct, adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters Anhang
acceptance, admission, hypothesis Annahme
antithesis Antithese
apostrophe Apostroph
chemist’s shop, drugstore Apotheke
chemist Apotheker
apotheosis Apotheose
arnhem Arnheim
apprehension, arrest, detention Arrest
aid, assistant, helper Assistent
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
asylum, place of refuge, shelter Asyl
atheism Atheismus
atheist Atheist
athens Athen
athena, athene Athene
athenian Athener
atheism Atheïsmus
atmosphere Atmosphäre
attaché Attaché
cheek Backe
litter, strecher Bahre
check, cheque Bankanweisung
anathema, ban, excommunication Bann
anathema, ban, excommunication Bannfluch
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed, stand, tent Baracke
stomach ache, tummy ache Bauchweh
aid, help Beihilfe
aid, help Beistand
bethlehem Bethlehem
sheet Bettlaken
sheet Betttuch
balance sheet Bilanz
leaf, sheet Blatt
sheet metal, tin, tin plate Blech
shelf Bordbrett
brothel Bordell
bark, husk, peel, shell Borke
bosnia hercegovina Bosnien und Herzegowina
shelf, board, plank Brett
brother Bruder
bosom, breast, chest, teat Brust
barn, shed, stand Bude
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, connection, league Bund
bosom, breast, chest Busen
she bear Bärin
bohemian Böhme
bohemia Böhmen
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, packet, parcel Bündel
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, tuft Büschel
chemistry Chemie
checkers Damespiel
checkers Damspiel
philosopher Denker
abstraction, theft Diebstahl
cathedral, cupola, dome Dom
the sleeping beauty Dornröschen
self heal Dornschlehe
hell Dschehenna
hermit Einsiedler
halcyon, kingfisher Eisvogel
design, diagram, plan, plane, project, scheme, outline, sketch Entwurf
inheritance Erbschaft
hermit Eremit
hearth, chimney, smokestack Esse
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour Fama
pheasant Fasan
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf Fascikel
crockery, earthenware, pottery Fayence
heel Ferse
glow, heat, passion, fire Feuer
butcher Fleischer
anathema, ban, excommunication, blasphemy Fluch
frankfort upon the main Frankfurt am Main
place of refuge, shelter Freistätte
blasphemy, crime Frevel
sheaf Garbe
cheat, crook, rogue Gauner
adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters Gefolge
antithesis, contrast Gegensatz
antithesis Gegenstellung
aid, assistent, helper, boy, servant Gehilfe
she goat Geiß
beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well beloved Geliebte
chamois, chamois leather Gemshaut
soul, character, nature, personality, heart Gemüt
back of the neck, nape Genick
hedonism Genußsucht
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour Gerücht
brothers and sisters, siblings Geschwister
heavenly body Gestirn
health Gesundheit
godfather Gevatter
gloss, sheen Glanz
glow, heat, passion Glut
clap, gonorrhea Gonorrhöe
atheism Gottesleugnung
hedge sparrow Grasmücke
groschen Groschen
grandmother Großmutter
grand nephew Großneffe
grandfather Großvater
the hague Haag
axe, heel, pick axe, hoe Hacke
apprehension, arrest, detention Haft
bachelor Hagestolz
cheat, crook, rogue Halunke
sheep Hammel
aid, help Handreichung
hemp Hanf
aggregate, accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Haufen
hebrew, jew Hebräer
hebrew, hebrew language Hebräisch
heath Heide
heath Heidekraut
fatherland Heimat
heating Heizung
hectolitre Hektoliter
hectometre Hektometer
hero Held
heroine Heldin
helium Helium
helmet Helm
helsinki Helsinki
heraldry Heraldik
hearth, firebox, furnace, kiln, oven, stove Herd
herring Hering
hero Heroe
heroin Heroin
heroism Heroismus
herald Herold
hero Heros
ruler, head of state Herrscher
heart Herz
heaven, sky Himmel
attachement, attachment Hingabe
scythe Hippe
shepherd Hirt
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
chicken, hen, fowl Huhn
anthem, hymn Hymne
hypothesis Hypothese
heresy Häresie
height, altitude Höhe
hell Hölle
bark, husk, peel, shell Hülse
barn, shed, stand, cottage, cabin, hut, shack Hütte
glow, heat, passion, fervor, fervour, zeal Inbrunst
heresy Irrelehre
thermos bottle, thermos, thermos flask Isolier Gefäß
hebrew, jew Jude
bachelor Junggeselle
fireplace, hearth Kamin
jug, pitcher, pot Kanne
wheelbarrow Karre
chestnut, horse chestnut Kastanie
chestnut tree Kastanienbaum
box, chest Kasten
catastrophe Katastrophe
cathedral Kathedrale
heresy Ketzerei
cinema, movie theatre Kino
cherry tree Kirschbaum
cherry Kirsche
box, chest Kiste
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Klammer
clothes, clothing Kleider
chest, dresser Kommode
head, pate Kopf
headache Kopfschmerzen
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Krampe
herb Kraut
jug, pitcher, pot, box, container, vessel Krug
cheese Käse
kitchen Küche
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed Lagerhütte
sheet Laken
avalanche Lawine
leather Leder
instructor, teacher Lehrer
teacher, female teacher Lehrerin
handlebars, helm, rudder, joystick, steering wheel Lenkrad
anthem, hymn Lobgesang
lily of the valley Maiblümchen
penthouse, shed Markise
chestnut Marone
mathematics Mathematik
bottom of the sea, sea bottom Meeresboden
orache Melde
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile, quantity Menge
atmospheric phenomenon Meteor
shell Muschel
nut, mother Mutter
cathedral Münster
back of the neck, nape Nacken
phenomenon Naturscheinung
nephew Neffe
holland, the netherlands Niederlande
hellebore Nießwurz
niche Nische
orchestra Orchester
panther Panther
parenthesis Parenthese
godfather Pate
father Pater
outskirts, periphery Peripherie
philosopher Philosoph
photographer Photograph
phenomenon Phänomen
intention, meaning, plan, design, diagram, plane, project, scheme Plan
plan, project, scheme Projekt
prophet Prophet
hello hallo
heartburn Pyrosis
bike, cycle, bicycle, wheel Rad
shelf Regal
heron Reiher
oratory, rhetoric Rhetorik
rheumatism Rheumatismus
bark, husk, peel, shell Rinde
column, header Rubrik
handlebars, helm, rudder, oar Ruder
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour, reputation Ruf
ruthenium Ruthenium
chess Schach
chessboard, chess board Schachbrett
chess Schachspiel
sheep Schaf
basin, bowl, pelvis, bark, husk, peel, shell Schale
check, cheque Scheck
top of the head Scheitel
model, pattern, scheme Schema
barn, shed, stand Scheune
self heal Schlehe
balance sheet Schlußrechnung
ache, pain Schmerz
ache, be painful, hurt Schmerz verursachen
helix, propeller Schneckenlinie
moustache Schnurrbart
helix, propeller, screw Schraube
cheat, crook, rogue, scoundrel Schuft
cheat, crook, rogue, scoundrel Schurke
brother in law Schwager
father in law Schwiegervater
shepherd Senner
scythe Sense
heartburn Sodbrennen
head of state, sovereign Souverän
ball, sphere Sphäre
cheat, crook, rogue Spitzbube
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Stapel
crockery, earthenware, pottery Steingut
handlebars, helm, rudder, tax, joystick, steering wheel Steuer
joystick, steering wheel Steuerrad
forehead Stirn
helmet Sturmhaube
the power of suggestion Suggestion
plate, sheet, slab, board, plank Tafel
theatrical Theater
theatre Theater
theme, topic, subject Thema
theocracy Theokratie
theologian Theologe
theology Theologie
theorem Theorem
theory Theorie
therapy Therapie
thermometer Thermometer
essay, thesis These
degree, heading, title Titel
betrayal, treachery Treubruch
adherence Treue
clap, gonorrhea Tripper
box, chest Truhe
litter, strecher, porter Träger
chechenia Tschetschenien
ukraine, the ukraine Ukraine
great grandfather, forefather Urahn
great grandfather Urgroßvater
father Vater
fatherland Vaterland
vatican, the vatican Vatikan
apotheosis Vergötterung
publisher, publishing house, edition Verlag
publisher Verleger
gift, present, inheritance, testament, will Vermächtnis
philosopher Vernunftforscher
betrayal, treachery Verrat
assemblage, gathering, meeting Versammlung
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
hypothesis, supposition Voraussetzung
forefather Vorfahr
shelf Wandbrett
cheek Wange
heraldry Wappenkunde
chamois, chamois leather Waschleder
ache, pain, annoyance, disappointment, grief Weh
wheat Weizen
weather Wetter
winter, winter , of the winter Winter
temperature, weather Witterung
she wolf, lupine Wölfin
cipher, digit, figure, numeral, amount, number Zahl
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Zahlzeichen
toothache Zahnschmerz
toothache Zahnschmerzen
toothache Zahnweh
bridle, check, restraints Zaum
central heating Zentralheizung
she goat Zicke
she goat, goat Ziege
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Ziffer
zither Zither
place of refuge, shelter, refuge Zuflucht
assemblage, gathering, meeting Zusammenkunft
bridle, check, restraints Zäumung
other english words that include "goat" : german :
she goat Geiß
she goat Zicke
she goat, goat Ziege
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.