The English term "brothers and sisters, siblings" matches the German term "Geschwister"

other english words that include "and" : german :
demand, sale Abnahme
paragraph, demand, sale, heel Absatz
andes Anden
andorra Andorra
cause, reason, command, order Anlaß
worker, hand, laborer, labourer, operative, working man, workman Arbeiter
commission, errand, mandate, order Auftrag
bandage Bandage
band, bevy, gang Bande
bandit, rogue, scoundrel Bandit
banner, flag, standard Banner
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed, stand, tent Baracke
command, order Befehl
boss, chief, leader, commander Befehlshaber
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
commission, errand, order Bestellung
candidate Bewerber
bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil Boden
bechuanaland, botswana Botswana
brandy Branntwein
barn, shed, stand Bude
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Damen und Herren
dandy, dude, fop Dandy
demand, sale Debit
command, order Edikt
husband Ehemann
island Eiland
mutual understanding, accommodation, accord, agreement Einverständnis
england England
grandson Enkel
granddaughter Enkelin
earth, land, soil Erdboden
earth, land, soil Erde
continent, mainland Erdteil
ampersand Et Zeichen
banner, flag, standard, tail Fahne
continent, mainland Festland
flanders Flandern
husband Gatte
command, order Gebot
attitudinizer, poseur, dandy, dude, fop Geck
forks, knives and spoons Gedeck
handle, knob, vase, vessel Gefäß
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Geldkasten
husband Gemahl
rod, switch, wand, whip Gerte
husband Gespons
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
garland, wreath Gewinde
dandy, dude, fop Gigerl
garland, wreath Girlande
tongs, grasp, handle, knob Griff
grandparents Großeltern
greatgrandson Großenkel
grandmother Großmutter
grand nephew Großneffe
grand niece Großnichte
grandfather Großvater
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
greenland Grönland
garland, wreath Guirlande
hand Hand
handle Handgriff
handle, knob Handhabe
handicraft, occupation, trade Handwerk
exercise book, folder, notebook, handle, knob Heft
fatherland Heimat
handle, tongs Henkel
authority, ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herrschaft
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herr und Frau
holland Holland
dutchman, hollander Holländer
band, bevy, gang Horde
dandelion Hundebluhme
barn, shed, stand, cottage, cabin, hut, shack Hütte
island Insel
ireland Irland
iceland Island
canary islands Kanarische Inseln
candidate Kandidat
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Kasse
candle, plug, spark plug Kerze
atpersand, commercial at sign, snail Klammeraffe
handle, knob Knauf
brandy, cognac Kognak
commission, errand Kommission
contraband Konterbande
continent, mainland Kontinent
chandelier Kronleuchter
shorthand, stenography Kurzschrift
country, countryside, land, earth, soil Land
landscape, scenery Landschaft
lapland Lappland
laplander, lapp Lappländer
handlebars, helm, rudder, joystick, steering wheel Lenkrad
candle, light Licht
candlemas Lichtmeß
dandelion Löwenzahn
chandelier Lüster
mandate Mandat
salamander Molch
holland, the netherlands Niederlande
norm, standard Norm
poland Polen
be on duty, stand guard Posten stehen
propaganda, publicity Propaganda
margin, border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim, rand Rand
norm, standard Richtschnur
band, bevy, gang, squad Rotte
handlebars, helm, rudder, oar Ruder
rod, switch, wand, tail Rute
bandit Räuber
salamander Salamander
sand Sand
sandal Sandale
sandwich Sandwich
scandium Scandium
barn, shed, stand Scheune
contraband Schleichhandel
contraband Schmuggel
brandy Schnaps
scotland Schottland
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing, dam, barrier, fence, bar, boundary, frontier, limit, handic Schranke
switzerland Schweiz
zealand Seeland
forks, knives and spoons Service
commotion, scandal Skandal
scandinavian Skandinave
flag, standard Standarte
shorthand, stenography Stenographie
handlebars, helm, rudder, tax, joystick, steering wheel Steuer
right hand side Steuerbord
handle, knob, blade, stalk Stiel
dandy, dude, fop Stutzer
candy, sweetness Süßigkeit
handkerchief Taschentuch
location, place, spot, earth, land, soil Terrain
band, bevy, gang Troß
handle Türklinke
fore , greatgrand Ur
great grandfather, forefather Urahn
greatgrandson Urenkel
great grandfather Urgroßvater
fatherland Vaterland
porch, veranda Veranda
bandage, braid, fillet, string, tie, connection, league Verband
aggrandizement, enlargement, increase Vergrößerung
relation, understanding, proportion, rate Verhältnis
demand, sale Vertrieb
taper, wax candle Wachskerze
merchandise, wares Ware
directions, instruction, command, order Weisung
host, innkeeper, landlord, boss, master Wirt
abandonment Zession
relation, understanding Zusammenhang
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.