The English term "bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil" matches the German term "Boden"
other english words that include "bottom" : | german : |
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil | Grund |
bottom of the sea, sea bottom | Meeresboden |
other english words that include "foundation" : | german : |
element, foundation | Fundament |
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil | Grund |
element, foundation | Grundlage |
other english words that include "ground" : | german : |
camping ground, camping site | Campingplatz |
ground floor | Erdgeschoß |
ground, grounds, terrain, territory | Gelände |
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil | Grund |
camping ground, camping site | Zeltplatz |
other english words that include "floor" : | german : |
floor | Diele |
floor | Dielung |
ground floor | Erdgeschoß |
floor, storey, story | Etage |
floor | Fußboden |
floor, storey, story | Geschoß |
baton, cane, stick, floor, storey, story | Stock |
floor, storey, story | Stockwerk |
other english words that include "attic" : | german : |
attic | Dachboden |
attic, garret | Dachstübchen |
attic, garret | Mansarde |
other english words that include "soil" : | german : |
earth, land, soil | Erdboden |
earth, land, soil | Erde |
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil | Grund |
country, countryside, land, earth, soil | Land |
location, place, spot, earth, land, soil | Terrain |