The English term "then, surely, therefore, however, so" matches the Dutch term "toch"

other english words that include "therefore" : dutch :
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
therefore, then, so ergo
then, therefore, so ook weer
other english words that include "however" : dutch :
however echter
but, only, however, solely maar
nevertheless, however niettemin
other english words that include "so" : dutch :
keepsake, memento, souvenir aandenken
worm-eaten, unsound aangestoken
affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly aanhalig
codicil, rider, appendix, accessorie, side-issue aanhangsel
associate, pool aansluiten
forward, aggressor, assailant, attacker aanvaller
nature, character, sort, personality aard
soil aarde
absolution absolutie
absolve absolutie geven
absolutism absolutisme
absolutely, absolute absoluut
absolve absolveren
absorb absorberen
absorbent absorberend
absorption absorptie
accessories accessoires
greatgrandson achterkleinkind
greatgrandson achterkleinzoon
addressograph, addressing-machine adresseermachine
redeem, ransom afkopen
episode, delivery, exercise-book, notebook aflevering
nasty, gruesome, abhorrent, alien, hideous, dreary afschuwelijk
successor, child afstammeling
divide, isolate, insulate, seclude afzonderen
singly, alone, only, solely alleen
soliloquy, monologue alleenspraak
isolated, secluded alleenstaand
soon alras
association associatie
sorrow, sadness bedroefdheid
petrol, gasolene, gasoline benzine
modest, moderate, reasonable, discrete bescheiden
absolutely beslist
delightful, fascinating, enchanting, absorbing betoverend
garrison bezetting
adequate, accessory, secondary bijbehorend
accessory, secondary bijkomend
secondary, accessory bijkomstig
compulsory bindend
bison bizon
blossom bloesem
bare, naked, solitary, sole, mere, nude bloot
soil, bottom, hull, ground bodem
fascinating, absorbing boeiend
bosom, chest, breast, gulf boezem
federation, league, association bond
bosom, chest, youngster, teat, breast borst
source bron
Calypso Calypso
sofa canapé
censor censureren
chanson chanson
club, society club
consonant consonant
cursor cursor
playful, frolicsome, frolic dartel
honest, solid, above-board degelijk
solid deugdelijk
inconsonant disharmonisch
disorder disorde
crimson donkerrood
resound doorklinken
soon dra
sorrow droefheid
heavy, burdensome, onerous drukkend
sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, warlock duivelskunstenaar
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
compulsory dwingend
some een beetje
someone, any, anybody, somebody een of ander
somebody, anybody, any, someone een of andere
some een weinig
once, sometimes, ever eens
alone, someone, any, somebody, unique, anybody enig
some enigszins
sole, ankle, only, solitary, mere enkel
episode episode
somewhere, anywhere ergens
therefore, then, so ergo
also, too eveneens
equally, also, too evenzeer
absorbing, fascinating fascinerend
beautiful, refined, handsome, tasty, subtle, fine fijn
philosophize filosoferen
philosophy filosofie
philosophic filosofisch
philosopher filosoof
solid, energetic, brave, gallant flink
holder, vessel, container, socket foedraal
soil fond
beautiful, handsome, fine fraai
sound, shall, go, travel gaan
resonance galm
peal, resound galmen
garrison garnizoen
quickly, swift, quick, swiftly, rapid, soon gauw
character, nature, personality geaardheid
solid gedegen
souvenir, keepsake, memento gedenkschrift
compulsory gedwongen
intellect, mind, spirit, phantom, soul, ghost geest
isolated, secluded geïsoleerd
moderate, reasonable gematigd
solidarity gemeenschapszin
soul gemoed
academy, association genootschap
sophisticated geraffineerd
imprison gevangen zetten
prisoner gevangene
gaol, jail, prison gevangenis
song gezang
songbook gezangboek
songbook gezangbundel
poisonous giftig
basis, soil, ground, bottom grond
haste, soon, almost, nearly haast
consolation heul
somewhere, anywhere hier of daar
troublesome hinderlijk
holder, socket houder
someones iemands
something, anything iets
abominable, dreadful, alien, terrible, gruesome ijselijk
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
soak in de week zetten
insulation, isolation isolatie
insulate, isolate, seclude isoleren
insulation, isolation isolering
disorder janboel
Jason Jason
personality, character, nature karakter
crimson karmozijn
jail, prison, cell, gaol kerker
criticize, censor keuren
resonance-box klankkast
sonourous, sonorous klankrijk
grandson kleinkind
grandson kleinzoon
sound, peal kleppen
sound, rivet klinken
precize, intelligent, handsome, learned, beautiful knap
Kosovo Kosovo
season, flavor, spice kruiden
source kwel
absolution kwijstschelding
difficult, inconvenient, troublesome lastig
lesson les
Lesotho Lesotho
chanson, song lied
people, persons lieden
gentle, soft liefelijk
ransom, redeem loskopen
solitary, mere, sole, alone louter
but, only, however, solely maar
social maatschappelijk
sociology maatschappijleer
softness, mellowness malsheid
abstemious, reasonable, moderate, temperate matig
too, also mede
consonant medeklinker
resources, environment medium
tiresome, apathetic melig
persons, people mensen
Mesolithic Mesolithicum
Mesozoic Mesozoïcum
mason metselaar
masonry metselwerk
resources, tool, waist, waistline, means middel
somber mistroostig
soliloquy, monologue monoloog
beautifully, beautiful, handsome, fine mooi
unclean, soiled, filthy, dirty morsig
motion, resolution motie
rat-poison muizengif
music-lesson muziekles
gloomy, desolate, somber naargeestig
nail-scissors nagelschaartje
resonance naklank
echo, resound naklinken
successor nakomeling
successor nazaat
network, elegant, net, fine, beautifully, handsome net
gaol, prison, jail nor
temperate, sober, abstemious nuchter
frolicsome, frolic olijk
bottom, ground, soil ondergrond
frolicsome, frolic ondeugend
unclean, dirty, soiled, filthy onrein
absolute onvermengd
too, also ook
then, therefore, so ook weer
reason oorzaak
somehow op de een of andere manier
once, sometimes op een keer
season, flavor op smaak brengen
dissolve opgelost worden
dissolve oplossen
solution oplossing
sovereign, sovereign oppermachtig
absorb, sip opslorpen
absorption opslorping
imprison opsluiten
sound overgaan
person personage
personnel personeel
persons personen
chap, person, guy persoon
personal persoonlijk
troublesome, painful pijnlijk
stiff, ceremonious, measured, formal, solemn plechtig
majestic, solemn, ceremonious plechtstatig
professor professor
rapsody rapsodie
reason reden
resources remedie
motion, resolution resolutie
resonance resonantie
soot roet
rubble, rest, rubbish, chaos, debris, disorder rommel
disorder rotzooi
lifeless, tiresome, monotonous saai
solidarity saamhorigheid
tongs, scissors schaar
frolic, frolicsome schalks
vagina, holder, socket, scabbard schede
shock-absorber schokbreker
beautiful, handsome, pure, fine, clean schoon
sort, trap, battle, blow, scuffle slag
only, solely slechts
disappointment, annoyance, sorrow, grief smart
soiled, dirty, foul, unclean, filthy smerig
sob snikken
social sociaal
socialism socialisme
socialist socialist
society, club sociëteit
sociology sociologie
sociologist socioloog
soup soep
sovereign soeverein
Sofia Sofia
sock sok
soldier soldaat
solder soldeer
solder soldeersel
soloist solist
solo solo
Somalia Somalië
Somalia Somaliland
Somali, Somalian Somalisch
somber, desolate, gloomy, dark somber
sonata sonate
species, sort soort
soprano sopraan
Sotho Sotho
Sotho Sotho-taal
Soviet sovjet-
swift, quick, speedy, soon, rapid spoedig
ceremonious, majestic, solemn statig
sonorous, sonourous stemhebbend
troublesome storend
tiresome, leather taai
absolutely ten enenmale
Terzool, Tersoal Terzool
tomato-soup tomatensoep
sorcerer, enchanter, wizard, warlock tovenaar
enchantment, witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery toverij
consolation troost
desolate, gloomy troosteloos
console troosten
Tsonga Tsonga
Tsonga Tsonga-taal
sow, disseminate uitzaaien
poisonous venijnig
poison vergallen
comparison vergelijking
poison, pardon, forgive vergeven
poisonous vergiftig
poison vergiftigen
tiresome vermoeiend
console vertroosten
consolation vertroosting
filthy, soiled, dirty, unclean vies
virtuoso virtuoos
soccer, football voetbal
ransom, redeem vrijkopen
Mason, freemason vrijmetselaar
masonic vrijmetselaars-
absolution vrijspraak
soiled, filthy, foul, dirty, unclean vuil
softness, mellowness weekheid
soak weekmaken
resources, road weg
soak weken
well-being, though, surely, now, although, source wel
source welput
philosophy wijsbegeerte
philosopher wijsgeer
unsound, worm-eaten wormig
worm-eaten, unsound wormstekig
soft, gentle, mild zacht
mildness, softness, mellowness, balminess zachtheid
song zang
songbook zangboek
singing-bird, song-bird zangvogel
soap zeep
associate, pool zich aaneensluiten
soul ziel
soft, sweet, gentle zoet
sweet-and-sour zoetzuur
son zoon
southern, south zuidelijk
heartburn, sour, tart, acid zuur
burdensome, deep, onerous, difficult, heavy zwaar
ulcer, sore zweer
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.