The English term "or, whether" matches the Dutch term "of"

other english words that include "or" : dutch :
workhouse, almshouse aalmoezeniershuis
cormorant aalscholver
eelworm aaltje
morose, sullen, fretful, straightforward, simple aalwaardig
fretful, morose, sullen, straightforward, simple aalwarig
hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid aambei
haemorhoids aambeien
adorable aanbiddelijk
adore aanbidden
adorable aanbiddenswaardig
adoration, worship aanbidding
adorer, worshipper aanbidster
commence, moor, begin aanbinden
aspect, exterior aanblik
tap, bore, broach aanboren
form, shape, catch aangaan
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
pleasant, comfortably, nice, agreeable, enjoyable aangenaam
worm-eaten, unsound aangestoken
party, adherents, followers, supporters, disciples aanhang
supporter, adept, member aanhanger
codicil, rider, appendix, accessorie, side-issue aanhangsel
young, future, junior aankomend
exhortation aanmaning
builder, contractor aannemer
exterior aanschijn
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
assault, attack, corrode aantasten
forward, aggressor, assailant, attacker aanvaller
govern, command, order aanvoeren
nature, character, sort, personality aard
worldglobe aardbol
world aardrijk
earthworm aardworm
abductor abductor
abnormal abnormaal
abnormality abnormaliteit
aborigine aboriginal
abortionist aborteur
abortion abortus
abortion abortus provocatus
absorb absorberen
absorbent absorberend
absorption absorptie
error, mistake abuis
corner, monopolize accapareren
accelerator accelerateur
acceptor acceptant
accessories accessoires
escort, accompaniment accompagnement
accord, settlement, chord accoord
accordion, harmonica accordeon
accordionist accordeonist
accumulator, battery accu
accumulator, battery accumulator
backdoor achterdeur
subordinate achterstellen
actor acteur
supporter, adept adept
adequate, conforming adequaat
administrator, manager administrateur
adoration, worship adoratie
adore adoreren
directory adresboek
counsellor adviseur
amortize, deaden afbetalen
wrest, wring, extort afdwingen
stiff, formal, measured afgemeten
hard-worked, hackneyed, commonplace, trite afgezaagd
idolator afgodendienaar
awful, horrible, hideous, ghastly, abominable afgrijselijk
objectionable, blameworthy, condemnable afkeurenswaardig
origin, lineage afkomst
shorten, abbreviate afkorten
unlearn, forget, teach afleren
amortize, deaden aflossen
monitor, eavesdrop afluisteren
aphorism aforisme
wrest, wring, extort afpersen
extortion, exaction afpersing
amortize, deaden afschrijven
forbidding, deterrent afschrikwekkend
nasty, gruesome, abhorrent, alien, hideous, dreary afschuwelijk
implore afsmeken
mirror afspiegelen
successor, child afstammeling
originate, result, come afstammen
abductor afvoerder
absence, shortage, shortcoming afwezigheid
aberration, aberrance, abnormality afwijking
agoraphobia agorafobie
O.K., chord, arrangement, settlement, agreed akkoord
alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits alcohol
alcohol, booze, spirits, liquor alcoholische drank
algorithm algoritme
alligator alligator
ambassador ambassadeur
fervor, zeal, ambition, fervour ambitie
Andorra Andorra
Andorrian Andorraans
Andorrian Andorrees
Ankara, Angora Angora
Ankara, Angora Ankara
anchor anker
snifter, dram, nip, peg, snorter aperitief
drugstore apotheek
workman, laborer, operative, labourer arbeider
referee, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire arbiter
archive, archives, records, files archief
workhouse, almshouse armhuis
Brittany, Bretagne, Armorica Armorica
workplace atelier
Aurora Aurora
aurora, dawn aurora
aborigine Australische inboorling
author, writer auteur
car, motor-car, automobile auto
motorway, turnpike autobaan
automobile, motor-car automobiel
authorize autoriseren
authorative autoritair
authority, glamour, prestige, glamor autoriteit
turnpike, motorway autosnelweg
aviator aviateur
Azores Azoren
orbit, passage, corridor, road baan
territory ban
orchestra, binding, bond, tyre, ribbon, brim band
tape-recorder bandrecorder
bench, bank, workbench, tressle, easel bank
foresee bedacht zijn op
author bedenker
sorrow, sadness bedroefdheid
foretell, forecast, signify, clarify, prophesy beduiden
representation, picture, metaphor, diagram, statue beeld
metaphor beeldspraak
portrait beeltenis
repute, hearsay, fame, rumour, rumor befaamdheid
accompaniment, escort begeleiding
forgive, pardon begenadigen
junior, future, young beginnend
favour, favor begunstiging
administrator, manager beheerder
poor, pitiful beklagenswaardig
shorten, abbreviate bekorten
sanction, corroborate bekrachtigen
coronation bekroning
serious, important belangrijk
band, gang, horde, troop bende
ground-floor benedenverdieping
supporter, adept beoefenaar
armor, armour bepantsering
torrent, volley bergstroom
inform, communicate, report berichten
glorious, famous beroemd
glory, celebrity beroemdheid
earmark, destine, ordain bestemmen
driver, conductor, manager, chauffeur, director bestuurder
delightful, fascinating, enchanting, absorbing betoverend
trustworthy, reliable betrouwbaar
command, order bevelen
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
qualification, authorization bevoegdheid
satisfactory bevredigend
adaptor, adapter bewerker
expression, word bewoording
visitor, caller bezoeker
worry, care bezorgd zijn
adequate, accessory, secondary bijbehorend
coordinate, co-ordinate bijeenschakelen
accessory, secondary bijkomend
secondary, accessory bijkomstig
bite, corrode bijten
near-sighted, short-sighted bijziend
exceedingly, extraordinarily, extraordinary, very bijzonder
compulsory bindend
inner, internal, centre, center, interior binnenste
encore bis
inventory, inheritance boedel
fascinating, absorbing boeiend
goat, easel, workbench, tressle bok
orchard bongerd
orchard boomgaard
brim, edge, collar, shore boord
borax borax
Bordeaux Bordeaux
Borneo Borneo
snifter, nip, peg, dram, snorter borrel
borstch, borscht borsjt
forest, sheaf, bundle, tuft, cluster, bunch, woods bos
Bosporus Bosporus
builder, contractor bouwondernemer
furthermore bovendien
gadfly, horsefly, gad-fly, horse-fly brems
shorts, trousers, swamp, pants, marsh broek
formidable, extraordinary, exceedingly buitengewoon
outskirts, periphery, exterior buitenkant
foreigner buitenlander
foreign, strange buitenlands
inordinate, excessive, excessively, extravagant buitensporig
Bogor, Buitenzorg Buitenzorg
mayor, burgomaster, provost burgemeester
mayor, provost, burgomaster burgervader
neighbor, neighbour buur
neighbor, neighbour buurman
calculator calculator
California Californië
Californian Californisch
calorie calorie
carburettor carburateur
coach-work, body carrosserie
Castor Castor
category categorie
censor censureren
stiff, formal, measured ceremonieel
forsythia Chinees klokje
chronicler, historian chroniqueur
chicory cichorei
comfort comfort
comfortable comfortabel
order, command commanderen
commodore commodore
porter conciërge
driver, conductor conducteur
coordinate, co-ordinate coördineren
Corantin Corantijn
Corinth Corinthe
Corinthian Corinthisch
corporation corporatie
corps corps
correct correct
correspond corresponderen
corrode corroderen
Corsica Corsica
Corsican Corsicaans
cursor cursor
D-chord D-snaar
corridor-train D-trein
furthermore daarenboven
formerly, previously, ahead daarvoor
horsefly, gadfly, horse-fly, gad-fly daas
porthole, skylight dakraam
steam, vapor, fog, mist, vapour damp
decor, decoration, décor decor
decor, decoration, adornment, décor decoratie
deport deporteren
door deur
doorway deuropening
motto, watchword, slogan devies
dictator dictator
dictatorship dictatuur
thoroughgoing diepgaand
thick, greasy, dense, concentrated, corpulent, fat dik
director directeur
record, discus, disk, disc discus
disorder disorde
doctor doctor
opportune, convenient, handy doelmatig
evaporate doen verdampen
force doordrukken
thorn doorn
ford doorwaden
Dordrecht Dordrecht
Dorian, Doric Dorisch
eelworm draadworm
portable, stretcher draagbaar
alcohol, beverage, spirits, booze, liquor drank
orgy drinkgelag
sorrow droefheid
sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, warlock duivelskunstenaar
sporadic dungezaaid
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
mistake, error dwaling
compulsory dwingend
E-chord E-snaar
divorce echtscheiding
Ecuador Ecuador
Ecuadorian Ecuadoriaans
editor editor
corn eelt
abominate, loathe, abhor een afschuw hebben van
miscarry, abort een miskraam krijgen
unicorn eenhoorn
simple, straightforward eenvoudig
ahead, formerly, previously eerder
honest, worthy, above-board, deserving eerzaam
forever, eternal eeuwig
acorn eikel
corn eksteroog
Alsace-Lorraine Elzas-Lotharingen
endorser endossant
endorsement endossement
endorse endosseren
enormously, enormous, immense enorm
entrance, portal entree
equator equator
poor, pitiful erbarmelijk
honorary ere-
honour, honor eren
serious, very, quite, important erg
therefore, then, so ergo
recognise, corroborate, confess, profess erkennen
serious, earnest, important ernstig
floor, story, storey etage
shortcoming, shortage euvel
equator evenaar
portrait evenbeeld
equator evennachtslijn
proportional evenredig
rate, proportion evenredigheid
inordinate, excessively, excessive excessief
explore, investigate exploreren
export exporteren
extreme, excessive, inordinate extreem
tressle, ass, workbench, donkey, easel ezel
reputation, hearsay, rumor, rumour, repute, fame faam
factory fabriek
torch fakkel
absorbing, fascinating fascinerend
inlet, fjord, loch fjord
torch flambouw
Florence Florence
Florida Florida
folklore folklore
torture folteren
shape, develop, form formeren
Formosa Formosa
formula formule
formulate formuleren
forsythia forsythia
fortification fort
fortune fortuin
fortune fortuinlijkheid
Fortune Fortuna
forum forum
phosphorus, phosphorous fosfor
phosphorescent fosforescerend
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
Frankfurt, Frankfort Frankfort
work, operate, function functioneren
passage, corridor, gallery gang
accelerator gaspedaal
opportunity, happen, grow, occurence, occur gebeuren
occurence, opportunity gebeurtenis
area, sphere, region, territory gebied
shortcoming, shortage, poverty, vice gebrek
way, custom, mores gebruik
neighbour, neighbor gebuur
metamorphosis gedaanteverwisseling
memorable gedenkwaardig
deportment, behaviour gedrag
during, for, while, whilst gedurende
compulsory gedwongen
endorsee geëndosseerde
value, worth gehalte
memory, recollection geheugen
cultured, well-informed, educated, learned geleerd
fortunately, fortunate, happy gelukkig
comfort gemak
facile, handy, convenient, comfortable, opportune gemakkelijk
fretful, morose, sullen gemelijk
shortage, shortcoming gemis
humor, humour gemoedsgesteldheid
favor, favour genadigheid
Georgia Georgië
Georgian Georgiër
comfort gerief
comfortable geriefelijk
hearsay, fame, repute, rumour, rumor gerucht
divorced gescheiden
torn gescheurd
history geschiedenis
convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune geschikt
rigorous, stringent gestreng
aroma, scent, flavour, odour, odor geur
ordinarily, usually gewoonlijk
glamor, prestige, glamour, authority gezag
authorative gezaghebbend
envoy, messenger, ambassador, emissary gezant
horizon gezichtseinder
tumour, tumor gezwel
corporation gilde
endorse gireren
endorsement giro
guesswork gissing
worldglobe globe
glory glorie
glorious glorierijk
glorious glorieus
OK, okay, estate, O.K., good, well, correct, ranch goed
unimportant, good-hearted, benign goedaardig
gonorrhea gonorroe
Gordian Gordiaans
gorilla gorilla
Gorcum, Gorinchem Gorinchem
Gorcum, Gorinchem Gorkum
phonograph, record-player grammofoon
disc, disk, record grammofoonplaat
Georgia Groezië
Georgian Groeziër
territory grondgebied
thoroughgoing, thoroughly, radically, radical grondig
moraine gruiswal
horror, atrocity, abomination, abhorrence gruwel
atrocity, horror, abomination, abhorrence gruweldaad
favor, favour gunst
stubborn, obstinate halsstarrig
occupation, handicraft, handiwork handwerk
mouthful, morsel hap
stubborn, obstinate hardnekkig
accordionist harmonikaspeler
armor, armour harnas
hearty, cordial hartelijk
harbour, port, harbor haven
Hector Hector
idolator heiden
unfortunately, alas, regrettably helaas
recollection, memory herinnering
origin herkomst
Moravian Hernhutter
reform hervormen
Reformation Hervorming
work, function, operate het doen
come, originate, result het gevolg zijn van
memory, recollection heugenis
memorable heuglijk
history historie
horseshoe hoefijzer
whore, hooker hoer
horn, earphone hoorn
horde, troop horde
horizon horizon
horizontal horizontaal
horoscope horoscoop
Horus Horus
position, attitude, deportment, behaviour houding
honor, honour huldigen
humor, humour humeur
humour, humor humor
humourous, humorous humoristisch
mortgage hypotheek
industry, fervour, fervor, zeal ijver
hardworking, diligent, industrious ijverig
import importeren
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
forsake, betray in de steek laten
conform in overeenstemming zijn
aboriginal inboorling
opportunity, occurence incident
evaporate indampen
formerly, ahead, previously indertijd
information informatie
report, inform informeren
entrance, portal ingang
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
formulate inkleden
abbreviate, lessen, shorten inkorten
inform, report inlichten
sincere, intimate, cordial, hearty innig
auditor, inspector inspecteur
instructor instructeur
inventory inventaris
import invoeren
interior inwendige
orient inwerken
insulator isolator
ivory ivoorkleurig
ivory ivoren
unfortunately, regrettably jammer
unfortunately, regrettably jammer genoeg
disorder janboel
sailor janmaat
Jordan Jordanië
striking, correct, precise, true juist
cadaver, corpse kadaver
framework, cadre kader
camphor kamfer
margin, edge, lace, shore, brim kant
emperor keizer
essence, kernel, nucleus, core, gist kern
aphorism kernspreuk
hellebore kerstroos
criticize, censor keuren
horizon kim
short-sighted, near-sighted kippig
sonourous, sonorous klankrijk
tailor kleren maken
blush, color, colour, paint kleuren
exaction, extortion knevelarij
wring, wrest, extort knevelen
shorts kniebroek
snore knorren
torment koeioneren
refrigerator koelcel
refrigerator koelkast
actor komediant
coir, chorus koor
string, cord, rope koorde
stubborn, obstinate koppig
Koran Koran
Korea Korea
Korean Koreaans
corporal korporaal
corps korps
brief, concise, short kort
shorts korte broek
short-lived, brief, momentary kortstondig
short-sighted, near-sighted kortzichtig
corpse, cadaver kreng
chronicler, historian kroniekschrijver
coronation kroning
season, flavor, spice kruiden
loin, fork kruis
armour, armor kuras
cork kurk
corkscrew, cork-screw kurketrekker
coast, edge, shore, seaside kust
torment, pulverize kwellen
spittoon, cuspidor kwispedoor
laboratory laboratorium
forsake laten varen
lector, lecturer lector
supporters, party, following, disciples, adherents leden
corps legerkorps
platform, stage, direction leiding
borrow, loan, lend lenen
instructor leraar
motto, watchword, slogan leus
motto, watchword, slogan leuze
whore, hooker lichtekooi
elevator lift
watchword, motto, slogan lijfspreuk
cadaver, corpse lijk
cadre, framework, picture-frame, table, tablet lijst
corpulent, comprehensive, fat lijvig
corn likdoorn
chicory, glory lof
pulmonaria, lungwort longkruid
lord lord
Lorelei Lorelei
fortune, fate, destiny lot
Lorraine, Lothringen Lotharingen
laud, commend, glorify, praise loven
odour, heaven, sky, odor, scent, atmosphere, air lucht
airport luchthaven
odor, odour, scent luchtje
shutter, porthole luik
Luxor Luxor
authorize machtigen
authorization machtiging
tape-recorder magnetofoon
major majoor
Majorca, Mallorca Majorca
authorization, mandate mandaat
Maori Maori
Maori Maori-taal
repute, fame, rumour, hearsay, rumor mare
Moroccan Marokkaans
Morocco Marokko
torture, torment martelen
Matterhorn Matterhorn
Moor, Mauritanian Mauretaniër
Mauretanian, Moorish, Moresque Mauretanisch
abettor, accomplice, abetter mededader
abetter, abettor, accomplice medeplichtige
opportunist meeloper
more, lake meer
majority meerderheid
majority meerderjarigheid
counsellor mentor
moor meren
remarkable, noteworthy merkwaardig
metaphor metafoor
metamorphosis metamorfose
meteorite meteoriet
meteorology meteorologie
morter metselkalk
horse-radish, horseradish mierik
horseradish, horse-radish mierikswortel
prospector mijnbouwkundig onderzoeker
minority minderheids-
inferior minderwaardig
incorrect mis
abort, miscarry mislukken
abortive mislukt
deformed mismaakt
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting misselijk
deformed misvormd
effort moeite
orally, oral mondeling
morsel, mouthful mondvol
monsignor monseigneur
Moor, Mauritanian Moor
Moorish, Mauretanian, Moresque Moors
morals moraal
moralist moralist
morality moraliteit
moratorium moratorium
Moravia Moravië
mood, moral moreel
morello morel
moraine morene
morpheme morfeem
morphia, morphine morfine
morphinomaniac morfinist
morphology morfologie
morganatic, morganatical morganatisch
tomorrow, morning morgen
dawn, aurora morgenlicht
aurora, dawn morgenrood
Moor, Mauritanian Moriaan
morel morille
Mormon mormoons
Morpheus Morpheus
morter mortel
mortar, morter mortier
motorcycle, motor motor
motor-boat, motor-launch motorboot
motorcycle motorfiets
motorial, locomotive motorisch
motorize motoriseren
motor-cyclist motorrijder
worries muizenissen
orchestra muziekkorps
screw, needlework, fuck naaien
needlework naaikunst
sewing-basket, work-basket naaimandje
needlework naaivak
word-for-word, verbatim naar de letter
foreward naar voren
industrious, hardworking, diligent naarstig
neighbour, neighbor nabuur
neighborhood nabuurschap
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
nail-scissors nagelschaartje
forged, faked nagemaakt
successor nakomeling
successor nazaat
ignore negeren
network, elegant, net, fine, beautifully, handsome net
network netwerk
hellebore nieskruid
abject, worthless nietswaardig
hardworking, industrious, diligent nijver
encore nog eens
communication-cord noodrem
northern noordelijk
North, north noorden
northern noords
Northman, Norseman Noorman
Norwegian Noors
Norway Noorwegen
norm, standard norm
normal normaal
Normandy Normandië
Norman Normandisch
futile, good-for-nothing, useless, vain nutteloos
morning ochtend
works oeuvre
shore, edge oever
cadre, framework omlijsting
unimportant, conceited onbelangrijk
good-for-nothing, useless onbruikbaar
underneath, beneath, for, below, whilst, between onder
ignore onder tafel schuiven
moor onderbinden
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
tutor, coach onderwijzen
instructor onderwijzer
investigate, explore, examine onderzoeken
corrugate onduleren
accident, misfortune ongeluk
unfortunate ongelukkige
discomfort ongemak
discomfort ongerief
unordinary, unusual ongewoon
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
disgusting, abhorrant, nauseous onsmakelijk
cultured, educated, well-informed, learned ontwikkeld
orbit oogkas
stork ooievaar
then, therefore, so ook weer
origin oorsprong
original, originally oorspronkelijk
Oriental, eastern oostelijk
eastern, Oriental oosters
upon, worn, up, upwards, exhausted, on op
season, flavor op smaak brengen
emerge, appear, perform opdagen
appear, emerge, perform opdraven
adorned opgesmukt
monopolize, corner opkopen
noteworthy, remarkable opmerkelijk
superior opperste
opportunist opportunist
insubordinate, rebellious oproerig
inflammatory opruiend
absorb, sip opslorpen
absorption opslorping
insubordinate, rebellious opstandig
coach, tutor opvoeden
oral oraal
oracle orakel
Orange Oranje
orange-coloured, orange oranje
orange-tree oranjeboom
oratorical oratorisch
orchid orchidee
organ orgaan
organic organiek
organization organisatie
organic organisch
organize organiseren
organism organisme
organ-grinder orgeldraaier
orgiastic orgiastisch
orgy orgie
orient oriënteren
original origineel
Orion Orion
orchestra orkest
orchestration orkestratie
orchestrate, score orkestreren
Orkneys Orkney Eilanden
ornamental ornamentaal
Orpheus Orpheus
orthodox orthodox
orthography orthografie
oscillator oscillator
orphan ouderloos
transport overbrengen
endorser overdrager
conforming overeenstemmend
agreement, settlement, chord, accord overeenstemming
moreover, besides overigens
passage, corridor overloop
victory overwinning
horse, cavalier, knight paard
horse-fly, gad-fly, gadfly, horsefly paardehorzel
horsepower paardekracht
corral paardestal
idolator paganist
Pandora Pandora
armour, armor pantser
ground-floor, parterre parterre
passport, only pas
passport paspoort
conform, befit passen
conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming passend
vicar, priest, pastor pastoor
skylight, porthole patrijspoort
earthworm pier
torture pijnigen
marble, corpuscle pilletje
kernel, nucleus, wick, core, granule, grain, pip pit
plate, image, disc, record, disk, slab, picture plaat
horizontal platliggend
stiff, ceremonious, measured, formal, solemn plechtig
agoraphobia pleinvrees
platform, podium, stage podium
effort poging
pornography pornografie
pornographic pornografisch
pornography pornografisch materiaal
portable portable
porch portiek
door, porter portier
portrait portret
Portugal Portugal
Portuguese Portugees
prehistory prehistorie
preparatory, preliminary preliminair
prestige, glamor, glamour prestige
Pretoria Pretoria
superior prevalent
arbor prieel
glorify, praise, commend, laud prijzen
professor professor
projector projectietoestel
projector projector
promotor promotor
rate, proportion proportie
proportional proportioneel
hooker, whore prostituée
larder, store-cupboard, pantry provisiekast
purgatory purgatorium
counsellor raadgever
framework, window, cadre raam
radiator radiator
thoroughly, radically, radical radicaal
rand, border, margin, brim rand
orthodox rechtzinnig
rector rector
orator redenaar
oratorical redenaars-
oratory, rhetoric rederijkerskunst
Reformation Reformatie
reform reformeren
norm, standard regel
regulate, organize regelen
earthworm regenworm
chorus, coir rei
workbench, cabinet, easel, tressle rek
calculator rekenmachine
rhetoric, oratory retoriek
scent, odour, odor reuk
auditor revisor
passage, corridor rijstrook
glory roem
glorify, commend, praise, laud roemen
escalator roltrap
rubble, rest, rubbish, chaos, debris, disorder rommel
snore ronken
horse ros
disorder rotzooi
agoraphobia ruimtevrees
tongs, scissors schaar
razor scheermes
razor-blade scheermesje
divorce scheiding
umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, referee scheidsrechter
author schepper
disk, slice, record, pulley, disc schijf
tortoise schildpad
shoe-horn, shoe-lift schoenhoorn
shoe-horn, shoe-lift schoenlepel
shock-absorber schokbreker
scorpion schorpioen
tressle, workbench, easel schraag
lean, support, sustain schragen
orthography schrijfwijze
author, writer schrijver
terror schrikbewind
sector sector
adornment sieraad
Sijbrandaburen, Sybrandabuorren Sijbrandaburen
orange-tree sinaasappelboom
Singapore Singapore
Singaporean Singaporees
sort, trap, battle, blow, scuffle slag
sword slagzwaard
disappointment, annoyance, sorrow, grief smart
forge smeden
cord, string snaar
motorway snelweg
snore snorken
snore snurken
species, sort soort
morter specie
actor speler
orthography spelling
research, quest, search, exploration speurtocht
exploration, research, search, quest speurwerk
sporadic sporadisch
sport sport
sportsman sportman
sportsman sportsman
maxim, aphorism spreuk
spittoon, cuspidor spuugbak
spittoon, cuspidor spuwbak
while, for, whilst, during staande
corral stal
forefather stamvader
normal standaard-
standard, norm standaardmaat
Capricorn Steenbok
essay, thesis, theorem stelling
string, cord stemband
sonorous, sonourous stemhebbend
shorthand steno
stenography, shorthand stenografie
mortal sterfelijk
fortify sterken
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
support, groan, lean, sustain steunen
rigour, rigor stijfheid
bad-smelling, stinking, odorous, fumy stinkend
steam, vapor, vapour stoom
tempest, storm storm
stevedore stouwer
street-corner straathoek
stringent, strict, severe, tight, rigorous streng
stringent, rigorous strikt
torrent, river, volley, stream stroom
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting stuitend
support, lean, sustain stutten
stevedore stuwadoor
superior superieur
moratorium surséance
tenor tenor
tenor tenorstem
uniform tenue
terror terreur
territory territoir
territorial territoriaal
terrorism terrorisme
terrorist terrorist
while, during, for, whilst terwijl
theorem theorema
theory theorie
temporarily, provisional, temporary tijdelijk
Timor Timor
then, surely, therefore, however, so toch
entrance, portal toegang
spectator toeschouwer
adornment tooisel
torch toorts
transistor, beetle tor
torpedo torpederen
sorcerer, enchanter, wizard, warlock tovenaar
enchantment, witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery toverij
tractor tractor
transistor transistor
transport transporteren
accordion trekharmonika
tractor trekker
rostrum, stage, podium, platform tribune
besides, moreover trouwens
truck, lorry truck
tumour, tumor tumor
fortnight twee weken
contort twijnen
memorize uit het hoofd leren
evaporate uitdampen
enormously, extreme uiterst
foreign, exotic uitheems
write, convoke, organize, launch uitschrijven
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
favourite, favorite uitverkoren
inventor uitvinder
introduce, equip, export, play uitvoeren
uniform uniform
purgatory vagevuur
corporation, trade-union, syndicate, labour-union vakvereniging
memorize van buiten leren
originally van oorsprong
sailor varensgezel
pork varkensvlees
fortnight veertien dagen
forty veertig
ventilator ventilator
adore verafgoden
loathe, abominate, abhor verafschuwen
forfeit verbeurd
prohibit, forbid verbieden
contort verbuigen
distributor verdeler
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
story, storey, floor verdieping
contort verdraaien
admirer, adorer, worshipper vereerster
honor, honour vereren
carburettor vergasser
forget-me-not vergeet-mij-niet
forgetful vergeetachtig
forget vergeten
poison, pardon, forgive vergeven
mistake, error vergissing
history, tale, narrative verhaal
praise, glorify, laud, commend verheerlijken
rate, proportion verhouding
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
previous, former, last, prior, past verleden
forget verleren
exhortation vermaan
fortification verschansing
abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity verschrikking
adorn, decorate, ornament versieren
worn versleten
accelerator versneller
well-known, reliable, trustworthy vertrouwd
formulate vervatten
boring, weary vervelend
colour, paint, color verven
transform vervormen
foresee verwachten
fortress vesting
victory victorie
video-recorder videorecorder
jack, mortar vijzel
boor vlegel
pianoforte, wing vleugel
pianoforte vleugelpiano
aviator vliegenier
dragon, aviator vlieger
diligent, hardworking, industrious vlijtig
volley, torrent vloed
wear, transport, carry voeren
folklore volkskunde
authorize volmachtigen
to, towards, until, like, before, toward, as voor
forever voor eeuwig
formerly, previously, ahead vooraan
last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former voorafgaand
foreword voorbericht
indication, portent, presage, sign, omen voorbode
former, previous, last, prior voorgaand
prehistory voorgeschiedenis
close-up, foreground voorgrond
forehead voorhoofd
important, serious voornaam
foreward voorover
prologue, foreword voorrede
forward voorspeler
prophesy, foretell, forecast voorspellen
foreward voort
sign, presage, indication, omen, portent voorteken
furthermore voorts
foreward vooruit
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
foreword voorwoord
forefather voorzaat
forecast, foretell, prophesy voorzeggen
worthless voos
fork vork
constitute, form, shape vormen
lorry, truck vrachtauto
lorry, truck vrachtwagen
fervour, heat, fervor, passion, zeal, impetus vuur
fireworks vuurwerk
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
value, worth waarde
worthless waardeloos
dignified, worthy, deserving waardig
quay, rampart, shore, ring, edge, wharf wal
ventilator wan
deportment, behaviour wandel
vapour, steam, vapor wasem
moorhen waterhoen
horizontal waterpas
meteorology weerkunde
honorary weledel
honorary weledelgeboren
endorse wenden
world wereld
worldglobe wereldbol
worldwar wereldoorlog
worldwide wereldwijd
works, vary, ferment werken
operative, laborer, labourer, workman, worker werker
workman, laborer, operative, labourer werkkracht
labourer, workman, operative, laborer werkman
workplace, workshop werkplaats
rigorous, stringent wettisch
boutique, store, shop winkel
Byelorussia Wit-Rusland
word woord
literal, word-for-word, verbatim woordelijk
worm, earthworm worm
unsound, worm-eaten wormig
worm-eaten, unsound wormstekig
forest, woods woud
worm wurm
coir, chorus zangkoor
mores zede
moral zedelijk
morality zedelijkheid
ethics, morals, ethic zedenkunde
ethical, moral zedenkundig
ethic, ethics, morals zedenleer
moralist zedenmeester
sailor zeeman
victory zege
worry, care zich bekommeren
unordinary zonderling
brim, border zoom
care, worry zorgen
portico zuilengalerij
porch, portico zuilengang
ulcer, sore zweer
orgy zwelgpartij
other english words that include "whether" : dutch :
whether hetzij
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.