The English term "no-one, not, nobody, no" matches the Dutch term "geen"

other english words that include "no" : dutch :
denounce aanbrengen
advertise, announce aandienen
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
counsel, notify, announce, advise, advertise aankondigen
notification, advertisement, announcement, ad aankondiging
poster, notice aanplakbiljet
bill-board, notice-board aanplakbord
annotation aantekening
goblin, gnome, brownie, imp aardmannetje
abnormal abnormaal
abnormality abnormaliteit
corner, monopolize accapareren
nobility adel
dyspnea, dyspnoea ademnood
Adrianople Adrianopel
advertise, announce adverteren
advise, notify, counsel adviseren
notice, poster affiche
episode, delivery, exercise-book, notebook aflevering
renounce afstand doen van
aberration, aberrance, abnormality afwijking
Agamemnon Agamemnon
recognize, acknowledge agnosceren
monopoly alleenhandel
soliloquy, monologue alleenspraak
acknowledge, recognize als waarheid aannemen
else, another, other ander
anonymous, nameless anoniem
snifter, dram, nip, peg, snorter aperitief
astronomy astronomie
astronomer astronoom
autonomous autonoom
bank-note, banknote bankbiljet
concept, notion, idea begrip
well-known bekend
know bekend zijn met
knowledge bekendheid
advise, notify, counsel bekendmaken
appointment, nomad benoeming
smear, anoint besmeren
snowy besneeuwd
note, ticket biljet
binoculars binocle
hypnotize biologeren
notepad blocnote
snifter, nip, peg, dram, snorter borrel
bank-note, banknote briefje
inordinate, excessive, excessively, extravagant buitensporig
civilian, bourgeois, middleclass, non-military burgerlijk
cannon canon
casino casino
civilian, non-military, civil civiel
annotation commentaar
equinox dag- en nachtevening
Deuteronomy Deuteronomium
anoint, smear doorsmeren
trigonometry driehoeksmeting
economy, economics economie
economical economisch
noble edel
nobility edelen
nobleness edelheid
nobleman edelman
knot een knoop leggen
monotonous eentonig
now enfin
enormously, enormous, immense enorm
inoculate enten
honorary ere-
honour, honor eren
vex, annoy ergeren
acknowledgement erkenning
inordinate, excessively, excessive excessief
extreme, excessive, inordinate extreem
phenomenon fenomeen
phenomenal fenomenaal
Filipino Filippijn
Filipino Filippino
no-one, nobody geen enkel
nobody, no-one geen enkele
none geen zier
nonsense gekheid
physiognomy gelaatstrekken
joint, node geleding
noiseless geluidloos
sufficiently, enough, sufficient genoeg
Genoa Genua
noiseless geruisloos
knob gevest
poisonous giftig
goblin, brownie, gnome gnoom
gonorrhea gonorroe
phonograph, record-player grammofoon
neck, knob hals
handle, knob handvat
Hanover Hannover
Hanoi Hanoi
knob heft
homesickness, nostalgia heimwee
ado, din, noise, tumult, riot herrie
honor, honour huldigen
Hypnos Hypnos
hypnosis hypnose
hypnotize hypnotiseren
hypnotist hypnotiseur
nowhere in geen velden of wegen
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
vaccinate, inoculate inenten
nod ja knikken
Juno Juno
ticket, coupon, note kaartje
cannon kanon
notebook, exercise-book katern
know kennen
acquaintance, knowledge kennis
Caenozoic, Cenozoic Kenozoïcum
cannon kettingzang
binocular, eye, binoculars kijker
kimono kimono
sonourous, sonorous klankrijk
hit, knock, strike, click, rattle klappen
piano, keyboard klavier
rattle, click, denounce klikken
throb, strike, hit, pulsate, knock kloppen
nod knikken
node knoest
joint, node knoop
node knooppunt
knob knop
knot knopen
snore knorren
now komaan
dyspnoea, dyspnea kortademigheid
nourishment kost
knowledge kunde
din, noise, ado lawaai
noisy lawaaierig
grief, disappointment, annoyance leed
empty, vacant, unoccupied, void leeg
noise, din, ado, life leven
Lebanon Libanon
Lebanon Libanongebergte
linoleum linoleum
noisy luidruchtig
maneuver, manoeuvre, manœuvre manoeuvreren
remarkable, noteworthy merkwaardig
noon, midday, afternoon middag
minority minderheids-
monocle monocle
soliloquy, monologue monoloog
monopoly monopolie
monotonous monotoon
monsignor monseigneur
pug-nose mopneus
morphinomaniac morfinist
noiseless muisstil
anonymous, nameless naamloos
nocturnal nachtelijk
equinox nachtevening
afternoon namiddag
no, not nee
not, no neen
ignore negeren
nowhere nergens
nose, point, summit, peak neus
nostril neusgat
rhino, rhinoceros neushoorn
no-one, nobody niemand
no-one's niemands
nothing, none niemendal
no, not niet
nothing, none niets
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
new, novel nieuw
novice nieuweling
news, novelty nieuwigheid
news, novelty nieuws
news, novelty nieuwtje
zilch, naught, null, nothing nihil
nothing, none niks
Noah Noach
noble nobel
noodles noedel
Noah Noëh
midday, noon noen
nomad nomade
nomadic nomadisch
nonsense nonsens
northern noordelijk
North, north noorden
northern noords
Northman, Norseman Noorman
Norwegian Noors
Norway Noorwegen
norm, standard norm
normal normaal
Normandy Normandië
Norman Normandisch
notary notaris
now nou
November november
novice novice
now nu
zero, naught, null, zilch, nought nul
futile, good-for-nothing, useless, vain nutteloos
inoculate oculeren
announcer omroepster
turnover omzet
independant, autonomous onafhankelijk
guiltless, innocent, recent, fresh onbedorven
innocence onbedorvenheid
obscure, unknown onbekend
vacant, unoccupied, free onbezet
good-for-nothing, useless onbruikbaar
ignore onder tafel schuiven
noncom onderofficier
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
anonymous ongenoemd
unordinary, unusual ongewoon
stupid, innocent, naif, guiltless, naïve, dull onnozel
innocence onschuld
guiltless, benign, innocent onschuldig
nonsense onzin
monocle oogglas
unoccupied, vacant, free open
abandon, lose, say, renounce, tell opgeven
noise, din, ado ophef
new, novel opkomend
monopolize, corner opkopen
noteworthy, remarkable opmerkelijk
knock opvallen
paranoia paranoia
paranoid paranoïde
piano piano
ticket, note plaatsbewijs
notice, poster plakkaat
canoe plezierboot
pornography pornografie
pornographic pornografisch
pornography pornografisch materiaal
prognosis prognose
manœuvre, maneuver, manoeuvre rangeren
norm, standard regel
rhino, rhinoceros rinoceros
novelist romanschrijver
snore ronken
noise, ado, din rumoer
noisy rumoerig
lifeless, tiresome, monotonous saai
anoint, pour, smear sauzen
exercise-book, notebook schrift
strike, knock, hit slaan
November slachtmaand
disappointment, annoyance, sorrow, grief smart
smear, anoint smeren
snow sneeuwen
snowman sneeuwpop
snowflake sneeuwvlok
stenography snelschrift
snob snob
snobbish snobistisch
snore snorken
snore snurken
soprano sopraan
economy spaarzaamheid
nozzle spuit
normal standaard-
standard, norm standaardmaat
sonorous, sonourous stemhebbend
stenography, shorthand stenografie
stenotypist stenotypiste
astronomy sterrenkunde
astronomer sterrenkundige
noiseless, silently, calm, quiet, silent stil
noun, substantive substantief
synchronous synchronisch
technology technologie
nowadays, topical, present-day, currently, present tegenwoordig
tenor tenor
tenor tenorstem
terminology terminologie
now tja
binoculars toneelkijker
trigonometry trigonometrie
enormously, extreme uiterst
pronounce uitspreken
renounce, malfunction uitvallen
terminology vakwoordenboek
poisonous venijnig
phenomenal verbluffend
chagrin, disappointment, annoyance, grief verdriet
honor, honour vereren
forget-me-not vergeet-mij-niet
poisonous vergiftig
announcement, notification verkondiging
annoy verontwaardigen
telescope, binocular verrekijker
phenomenon, symptom verschijnsel
well-known, reliable, trustworthy vertrouwd
prognosis verwachting
pianoforte, wing vleugel
pianoforte vleugelpiano
linoleum vloerzeil
nourish voeden
nourishment voeder
nourishment voeding
nourishment voedingsmiddel
sufficient, enough voldoende
prophecy, prognosis voorspelling
vacant, sufficiently, unoccupied vrij
volcano vulkaan
cannon vuurmond
volcano vuurspuwende berg
well-being, though, surely, now, although, source wel
honorary weledel
honorary weledelgeboren
autonomous zelfbesturend
substantive, noun zelfstandig naamwoord
nonsense, saliva zever
unordinary zonderling
nomadic zwervend
other english words that include "one" : dutch :
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
zone aardgordel
acetone aceton
petitioner adressant
done, finished, over, ready afgelopen
done, used, finished, over afgewerkt
auctioneer afslager
air-conditioned air-conditioned
everyone, each, every, although, though, already al
singly, alone, only, solely alleen
each, every, everyone alleman
everyone's aller
anemone anemoon
pioneer baanbreker
bayonet bajonet
confectionery banketbakkerij
over, finished, done beëindigd
bone, paw, leg been
overtone bijtoon
shrill, sharp-toned, tard, snappy bits
blunt, bone, rough, crude, raw, abrupt bot
above-mentioned bovengenoemd
overtone boventoon
Ceylonese Ceylons
negative, half-tone, cliché, stereotype cliché
cyclone cycloon
phonetic de klankleer betreffend
honest, solid, above-board degelijk
Donetz Donjets
heavy, burdensome, onerous drukkend
accident-prone een grotere kans op ongelukken
intone een lied aanheffen
someone, any, anybody, somebody een of ander
somebody, anybody, any, someone een of andere
twenty-one eenentwintig
lonely eenzaam
gallant, brave, above-board, honest eerlijk
honest, worthy, above-board, deserving eerzaam
every, everyone, each elk
alone, someone, any, somebody, unique, anybody enig
fund, till, money-box fonds
phonetics fonetiek
phonetic fonetisch
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
wrong, erroneous, mistaken foutief
commissioner gecommitteerde
old-fashioned gedateerd
no-one, nobody geen enkel
nobody, no-one geen enkele
none geen zier
money geld
till, money-box geldkist
vile, abandoned gemeen
pioneer geniesoldaat
pioneer genist
retiree, pensioner gepensioneerde
prisoner gevangene
hailstone hagelkorrel
hailstone hagelsteen
abalone, haliotis haliotis
honey honing
horn, earphone hoorn
honeymoon huwelijksweken
every, each, everyone ieder
every, each, everyone iedere
everyone's ieders
someones iemands
abandonedly, abandoned immoreel
Indonesian, Indian Indisch
Indonesia Indonesië
Indonesian Indonesisch
tone intonatie
intone inzetten
jawbone, jaw, cheek kaak
jaw, jawbone kakement
money-box, till kas
pin, cone kegel
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
phonetics klankleer
clay, stone, earthen klei-
zone klimaatzone
bone knok
confectionery koekbakkerij
colonel kolonel
commissioner lasthebber
solitary, mere, sole, alone louter
puppet, marionette marionet
one men
microphone microfoon
Micronesia Micronesië
milestone, milepost, landmark mijlpaal
Monegasque Monegaskisch
stone-dead morsdood
half-tone, negative negatief
no-one, nobody niemand
no-one's niemands
nothing, none niemendal
nothing, none niets
nothing, none niks
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
abandoned onzedelijk
telephone opbellen
ancient, old-fashioned, antique ouderwets
ozone ozon
parishioner parochiaan
retiree, pensioner pensioentrekker
Persephone Persephone
money poen
saxophone saxofoon
bone schonk
trombone schuiftrompet
shrill, snappy, sharp-toned, tard snibbig
chippings, road-metal, stone-chippings steenslag
adversary, opponent tegenstander
telephone telefoneren
earphone telefoonhoorn
tone toon
trombone trombone
throne troon
old-fashioned uit de mode
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
earthen, clay, stone van klei
auctioneer veilingmeester
auctioneer vendumeester
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
alone verlaten
cyclone wervelstorm
zone zone
burdensome, deep, onerous, difficult, heavy zwaar
other english words that include "nobody" : dutch :
no-one, nobody geen enkel
nobody, no-one geen enkele
no-one, nobody niemand
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.