The Dutch term "al" matches the English term "everyone, each, every, although, though, already"

other dutch words that include "al" : english :
aal elver, eel, muck-water
aalbes currant, currant-bush
aalbesseblad currant-leaf
aalbesseboompje currant-bush
aalbessenjam currant-jam
aalduiker grebe
aalfuik eel-trap
aalmoes alms
aalmoezenier padre, chaplain
aalmoezeniershuis workhouse, almshouse
aalscholver cormorant
Aalst Alost
aalsvel eel-skin
aalt muck-water
aaltje eelworm
aalwaardig morose, sullen, fretful, straightforward, simple
aalwarig fretful, morose, sullen, straightforward, simple
aandelenkapitaal share-capital
aanhalen chuck, caress, fondle, quote, cite, stroke
aanhalig affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly
aanhaling quotation
aanhalingstekens quotes
aantal number, amount
aanvallen attack, assault
aanvallend offensive
aanvaller forward, aggressor, assailant, attacker
abnormaal abnormal
abnormaliteit abnormality
aboriginal aborigine
achterstallig overdue, outstanding
achttallig octal
actualiteit topicality, topic
ademhalen breathe
ademhaling respiration
aderverkalking arteriosclerosis
admiraal admiral
admiraliteit admirality
adrenaline adrenaline
afbetalen amortize, deaden
afbetaling payment
afbetalingstermijn repayment, instalment
afdalen descend
afdalen langs een dubbelbevesti abseil
afdaling descent
afdwalend aberrant
afhalen expect, deduct, await, wait, abide
afval rubble, rest, debris, rubbish
afvallen fall
alarm slaan alarm
alarmeren alarm
Alaska Alaska
Albaans Albanian
Albanees Albanian
Albanië Albania
Albion England, Albion
alcohol alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits
alcoholische drank alcohol, booze, spirits, liquor
alcoholist boozer, alcoholic
aldaar yonder, there
aldoor ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously
Aleppo Aleppo
Alexander Alexander
Alexandrië Alexandria
alfabet alphabet
alge seaweed, alga
algebra algebra
algeheel total, overall
algemeen universal, common
Algerië Algeria
Algerije Algeria
Algerijns Algerian
Algiers Algiers
algoritme algorithm
alhoewel though, although
alibi alibi
alle twee de both
allebei both
alledaags commonplace, trite, daily
alleen singly, alone, only, solely
alleenhandel monopoly
alleenspraak soliloquy, monologue
alleenstaand isolated, secluded
allemaal everything
allemachtig extremely
alleman each, every, everyone
aller everyone's
allereerst firstly
allerwegen everywhere
alles everything
alles wel beschouwd altogether
alliage alloy
allicht easily
alligator alligator
almachtig almighty
alom everywhere
alom bekend famous
aloud antique, ancient
alp alp
Alpen Alps
alpensport mountaineering
alpenweide alp
alpinisme mountaineering
alras soon
alreeds already
als as, when, like, if
als volgt thus
als voorwaarde stellen stipulate
als waarheid aannemen acknowledge, recognize
alsjeblieft please
alstublieft please
altaar altar
altaardienaar acolyte
Altai Altai
alternatief option, alternative
altijd always
aluminium aluminum, aluminium
Alva Alva
alvast already
analfabetisch illiterate
analoog analogous
analyse analysis
analyseren analyse, analyze
analytisch analytic, analytical
Andalusië Andalusia
Andalusisch Andalusian
areaal area
asfalt asphalt
Australië Australia
Australisch Australian
Australische inboorling aborigine
avondmaal supper
Baäl Baal
bal clod, chunk, globe, palm, dance, ball, lump
balanceren rock, swing
balans equilibrium, scales
balie tribunal
Balinees Balinese
baljuw taskmaster
balk girder
Balkan Balkans
balken neigh, bleat, bellow
balkon balcony
ballast ballast
ballet ballet
ballon balloon, air-balloon
balloteren vote
balorig pettish, petulant, peevish
Baltische Zee Baltic
banaal commonplace, trite
banketzaal banquet-room
baseball baseball
basketball basketball
Beetsjoeanaland Botswana, Bechuanaland
behalen get, win, acquire, accomplish, attain, earn, reach
behalve alongside
Bengaals Bangladesh
Bengaals vuur bengal-light, bengal-lights
Bengalen Bengal
bepaald undoubtedly, certainly
bepalen fasten, define, secure
bepaling definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause
betalen pay
bevallen labour
bevallig graceful, elegant
bijenstal apiary
bijval approval, acclamation
bijvoeglijke bepaling attribute
binnenvallen invade
bouwvallig dilapidated, decrepit, rickety, lapsed, decayed
brutaal impertinent, intrepid, bold, audacious, daring
brutaliteit impertinence
bungalow bungalow
bushalte busstop
Calabrië Calabria
calculator calculator
calculeren calculate
Californië California
Californisch Californian
Callisto Callisto
calorie calorie
Calvijn Calvin
Calypso Calypso
carnaval carnival
Catalaans Catalonian
catalogiseren catalogue, catalog
Catalonië Catalonia
catastrofaal catastrophic
cavalerie cavalry
centraal central
centrale exchange
Chaldea Chaldea
concertzaal concert-room
cruciaal decisive
dadelpalm date-palm
dal valley
dalen wane, decline
daling landing
Dalmatië Dalmatia
Dalmatiër Dalmatian
de schouders ophalen shrug
dealer agent
derhalve consequently
dialect dialect
dialoog dialog, dialogue
diefstal theft
difussiehalo halo
doen alsof feign, pretend
dooreenhalen confuse
duim als lengtemaat inch
dwalen err
dwaling mistake, error
eenmaal ever
eetzaal dining-room
egaal equal
equivalent equivalent
etsnaald stylus
eventualiteit eventuality, contingency
fataal ill-fated, fateful
federaal federal
feestelijk inhalen welcome
feestmaal feast, banquet
fenomenaal phenomenal
feodaal feudal
festival festival
finaal final, decisive, wholly
foedraal holder, vessel, container, socket
gal gall, bile
galactisch galactic
galant fiancé
galerie gallery
galerij gallery
Galicië Galicia
Galilea Galilee
Gallicisch Galician
Gallië Gaul
Gallisch Gallic, Gaulish
gallon galloon, stripe
galm resonance
galmen peal, resound
galnoot gall
galopperen gallop
garnaal prawn, shrimp
gaspedaal accelerator
gehalte value, worth
gemaal husband
gemalin wife
generaal general
geniaal ingenious
gestalte stature
getal number, amount
getalenteerd talented
Gibraltar Gibraltar
Graal Grail
grote waterval cataract
gruiswal moraine
Guatemala Guatemala
Guatemalteeks Guatemalan
haal streak
hal hall
half half
halfdonker twilight, dusk
halfrond hemisphere
haliotis abalone, haliotis
hallo hello, hey
hallo? hello?
hals neck, knob
halsboord collar
halsdoek shawl
halsketting necklace
halssnoer necklace
halsstarrig stubborn, obstinate
halthouden halt
handpalm palm
Hannibal Hannibal
heelal cosmos, universe
helemaal wholly
herhaaldelijk repeatedly
herhalen repeat
herhaling repetition
het gewicht bepalen weigh
hexadecimaal hexadecimal
Himalaya Himalayas
hinderpaal obstacle
horizontaal horizontal
hospitaal hospital
ideaal ideal
idealist idealist
imperialisme imperialism
imperialist imperialist
in allerijl quickly, swiftly
in het algemeen generally
in het water vallen fail
ingeval if
ingevallen concave, hollow
inhalen pass, accomplish, overtake, reach, overhaul
inhalig miserly, stingy, avaricious
initiaal initial
installeren install
integraal integral
internationaal international
interval interval
inval invasion
invalide disabled
Italiaans Italian
Italië Italy
jakhals jackal
jaloers jealous, envious
jaloers zijn op envy
jaloezie jealousy
Jalta Yalta
Jeruzalem Jerusalem
journaal diary
journaliste journalist
kaal bald
kaalhoofdig bald
kalebas calabash, gourd
kalefateren caulk, calk
kalender calendar
kalf calf
kalfateren calk, caulk
kalfsbout veal
kalfsvlees veal
kalium potassium
kalk lime
kalken plaster
kalkoen turkey
kalm quietly, calm, quiet, leisurely, tranquil
kalmoes calamus
kalmte silence
kanaal strait, canal, channel
kannibaal cannibal
kapitaal fund, capital
kapitalist capitalist
kathedraal cathedral
keteldal cauldron
klassikaal classic, classical
kokospalm coconut-palm
koloniaal colonial
kolossaal colossal
korporaal corporal
kraal bead, enclosure
kristalhelder crystal
kristallen crystal
kwaal illness, disease
kwakzalver charlatan, quack, imposter
kwalificatie qualification
kwalijk scarcely, hardly, barely, bad
Laotiaanse taal Lao
legaal legal
lepralijder leper
liberaal liberal
lieftalligheid sweetness
liniaal straightedge, straight-edge, ruler
lokaal chamber, place, local
lokaliteit spot, location
lotgeval adventure
loyaal loyal
luchtballon balloon, air-balloon
maal occasion, time
Magdalena Magdalena
Magdalenien Magdalenian
mal ridiculous
Malakka Malacca
malaria malaria
Malawi Nyasaland, Malawi
Malawisch Malawian
Malediven Maldives
Maledivisch Maldivian
Maleis Malay
Maleisië Malaysia
Maleisisch Malaysian
malen pulverize
Mali Mali
Malinees Malian
Malisch Malian
malloot fool
malsheid softness, mellowness
Malta Malta
Maltezer Maltese
Maori-taal Maori
materiaal data
materialiseren materialise, materialize
maximaal maximum
medicinaal medical
meermaals repeatedly
menigmaal often, regularly, frequently
mentaal mental
metaaldraad wire
metaalmengsel alloy
metalen metal, metallic
Methusalem Methuselah
metselkalk morter
middagmaal dinner
mijlpaal milestone, milepost, landmark
mineraal mineral
minimaal minimum
monumentaal monumental
moraal morals
moralist moralist
moraliteit morality
muizeval mousetrap, mouse-trap
multinationaal multinational
muziekzaal concert-room
muzikaal musical
muzikaliteit musicality
naald needle
naaldboom conifer
nachtegaal nightingale
nachtzwaluw nightjar
naftaleen naphthaline, naphthalene
nalaten bequeath, overlook
nalatig neglectful, remiss, careless, negligent
nalatigheid remissness, carelessness, negligence
nasaal nasal
Natal Natal
nationaal national
nationaliseren nationalize
nationaliteit nationality
nauwer aanhalen strech
nauwkeurig bepalen determine, fix
Ndebele-taal Ndebele
neervallen fall
Nepal Nepal
Nepalees Nepalese
neutraal neutral, impartial
niemendal nothing, none
nogal sufficiently
nogmaals anew, again
nonchalance negligence, carelessness, remissness
nonchalant negligent, careless, remiss, neglectful
normaal normal
octaal octal
Oeral Ural
official functionary
omwalling rampart
onbetaald outstanding, overdue
ongeval accident
onopvallend discrete
onthaal acceptance
onvervalst genuine, authentic
op verhaal komen convalesce, recuperate
opaal opal
ophalen inhale, lever
opvallen knock
oraal oral
ornamentaal ornamental
ovaal oval
overal everywhere
overhalen distil
paal stanchion, rod, stake
paalwerk palisade
paardestal corral
pal junto, coterie, clique, firmly
paleis palace
Paleolithicum Paleolithic, Palaeolithic
Paleozoïcum Paleozoic, Palaeozoic
Palestijns Palestinian
Palestina Palestine
palet palet
paling eel
palingfuik eel-trap
palissade palisade
paljas clown
palm palmtree, palm
palmboom palmtree
pantalon trousers, pants
paradoxaal paradoxical
parallel parallel
pedestal pedestal
Pedi-taal Pedi
per saldo ultimately, finally
piëdestal pedestal
plantengal gall
pornografisch materiaal pornography
Portugal Portugal
praal splender, pomp
pralen display, parade
prevalent superior
proces-verbaal minutes, protocol
provinciaal provincial
psalm psalm
raadzaal boardroom
radicaal thoroughly, radically, radical
rampzalig catastrophic
realist realist
realiteit reality
rechtszaal courtroom
regionaal regional
reikhalzen yearn
röntgenstralen X-rays
royaal wide, spacious, vast, generous
sacraal sacred, holy
salade salad, lettuce
salami salami
salaris wage, wages, salary
saldo balance
saletjonker dandy, fop, dude
salie sage
Salomon Salomon
salon lounge, salon, parlour
saluut greeting
salvia sage
sandaal sandal
Saturnaliën Saturnalia
scala key, gamut
schaal carapace, dish, platter, shell, husk
schalks frolic, frolicsome
schijngestalte phase
schraal skinny, slender, meager, skimpy, thin
Senegal Senegal
Senegalees Senegalese
Sinhalees Sinhalese, Singhalese
sjaal shawl
smal narrow
sociaal social
socialisme socialism
socialist socialist
Somalië Somalia
Somaliland Somalia
Somalisch Somali, Somalian
Sotho-taal Sotho
speelbal toy
spiraal spiral
staal steel
stal corral
stalen temper, harden
stalknecht groom
sterfgeval death
steurgarnaal prawn
stookmateriaal fuel
straal beam, ray
stralen radiate
stralenkrans nimbus
suikerpalm sugar-palm
Swazi-taal Swazi
taal language
taal- linguistic
taaleigen idiom
taalgeleerde linguist
taalkundig linguistic
taalkundige linguist
taaltje jargon
tal amount, number
talent aptitude, talent
talentvol talented
talg tallow, suet
talk tallow, suet
Talmoed Talmud
Tantalus Tantalus
tegenvallen disappoint
ten enenmale absolutely
terminal terminal
territoriaal territorial
terugbetalen repay
terugvallen lapse
toeval hazard, accidence
toevallen epilepsy
toevallig accidental, random, occasional, chance
toevalligheid accidence, hazard
tongval dialect
toonschaal key, gamut
totaal total, sum, full, overall
totalitarisme totalitarianism
totaliter entirely, completely
traliehek grid, grill
Transvaal Transvaal
triviaal vulgar
Tsonga-taal Tsonga
Tswana-taal Tswana
twaalf twelve
twaalftal dozen
twaalfuurtje lunch, snack
tweede alt contralto
tweemaal twice
tweetal pair
uitbetalen pay
uiteenvallen collapse
uitstralen emit, radiate
uitvallen renounce, malfunction
Vaal Vaal
val trap
valgordijn roller-blind
valide healthy
valies valise, suitcase
vallei valley
vallen fall
vallende ziekte epilepsy
valscherm parachute
valstrik trap, snare
valuta currency
vandaal vandal
vazal vassal
Vendataal Venda
vergallen poison
verhaal history, tale, narrative
verhalen relate
vermalen pulverize
vertalen translate
verticaal vertical
verval decay
vervalsen falsify
vervalsing counterfeit
vervolgverhaal serial
Vestaalse maagd vestal
vestale vestal
vierde naamval accusative
vitaal vital, essential
vocaal vowel
voetbal soccer, football
vokaal vowel
vooral especially
voormalig ex
Waals Walloon
waar niet aan te doen valt helpless
wal quay, rampart, shore, ring, edge, wharf
Walachije Wallachia, Walachia
Wales Wales
walg disgust, nausea
walging disgust, nausea
Walhalla Valhalla, Walhalla
walküre Valkyrie, Walkyrie
Wallonië Wallonia
walnoot walnut, walnut-tree
walnoteboom walnut-tree
wals waltz
walvis whale
wartaal abracadabra
waterval waterfall
weegschaal scales
weergalmen echo
Westfalen Westphalia
witkalk white-wash
X-stralen X-rays
zaal lounge, salon, parlour
zalm salmon
zegepralen triumph
zestientallig hexadecimal
Zoeloetaal Zulu
zonnestraal sun-beam, sunbeam
zuilengalerij portico
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.