The Dutch term "pa" matches the English term "daddy, dad"

other dutch words that include "pa" : english :
aangepast adapted
aanhanger van een rechtse parti right-hander
aanpakken tackle, advance
aanpassen adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit
aanpassing accommodation, adaptation
aanpassingsvermogen adaptability
aanspannen put, yoke
aapachtig apish, ape-like, monkey-like
accapareren corner, monopolize
accompagnement escort, accompaniment
accompagneren accompany
adempauze breather
afgepast adjusted
antipathie aversion, dislike
apache ruffian, hood, apache
apathie apathy
apathisch apathetic
apparaat set, apparatus, device
appartement apartment, flat
Areopagus Areopagus
backspace backspace
badpak bathing-suit
beetpakken grapple
bepaald undoubtedly, certainly
bepalen fasten, define, secure
bepaling definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause
bepantsering armor, armour
bijeenpassen harmonize
bijvoeglijke bepaling attribute
braadpan casserole, saucepan
briefpapier writing-paper
campagne campaign
campanula bellflower
capabel capable, able
carbonpapier carbon-paper
champagne champagne
chimpansee chimpanzee
Cleopatra Cleopatra
closetpapier toilet-paper
compact compact
compartiment coupé
constipatie constipation
constipatie veroorzaken constipate
dadelpalm date-palm
danspartij dance, ball
departement department
echtpaar couple
een proces aanspannen tegen sue, prosecute
eenparig unanimous
epaulet epaulet
Europa Europe
expansie expansion
gepast seemly, becoming, appropriate
gespannen strained
handpalm palm
hepatitis hepatitis
het gewicht bepalen weigh
hinderpaal obstacle
Hispaniola Hispaniola
in pacht hebben lease
inpakken pack, package
Japan Japan
Japans Japanese
kaftpapier wrapping-paper
Karpaten Carpathians
knippatroon pattern
koekepan frying-pan
kokospalm coconut-palm
kompas compass
krachtsinspanning exertion
luipaard panther, leopard
mijlpaal milestone, milepost, landmark
moordpartij massacre
mousepad mousepad
nauwkeurig bepalen determine, fix
Nepal Nepal
Nepalees Nepalese
nijlpaard hippo, hippopotamus
obstipatie constipation
onderpand security, pledge
ongepast unseemly
onpartijdig impartial, neutral
ontspanning détante
opa grandfather, granddad
opaal opal
oppas babysitter
oppassend sweet
opspatten spurt, gush
ouderpaar parents
paadje path
paaien satisfy
paal stanchion, rod, stake
paalwerk palisade
paar pair
paard horse, cavalier, knight
paard in schaakspel cavalier, knight
paardebloem dandelion
paardehorzel horse-fly, gad-fly, gadfly, horsefly
paardekastanje chestnut, chestnut-tree
paardekracht horsepower
paardenvolk cavalry
paardestal corral
paars violet
paasbrood matzo
pachten lease
pacifisme pacifism
pacifist pacifist
pad path, toad
paddestoel fungus
padvinder scout, boyscout
paffen shoot
paganist idolator
page page
pakhuis warehouse
Pakistan Pakistan
pakje parcel, packet
pakken grapple, pack, package, capture
pal junto, coterie, clique, firmly
paleis palace
Paleolithicum Paleolithic, Palaeolithic
Paleozoïcum Paleozoic, Palaeozoic
Palestijns Palestinian
Palestina Palestine
palet palet
paling eel
palingfuik eel-trap
palissade palisade
paljas clown
palm palmtree, palm
palmboom palmtree
Pan Pan
pan casserole, saucepan, frying-pan
Panama Panama
Panamees Panamanian
pand pledge, house, security
Pandora Pandora
paniek panic
panne brakedown
panne hebben break-down
pantalon trousers, pants
panter panther, leopard
pantoffel slipper
pantomime spelen pantomime
pantser armour, armor
pantserkreeft lobster
pap gruel, mess, mush
papa father
papaja papaya, papaw
papaver poppy
papegaai parrot
paperback leaflet, paperback, pamphlet
papier paper
papiermand paper-basket
Papoea Papuan
pappa daddy, dad
pappie dad, daddy
paprika paprika
parachute parachute
paraderen parade, display
paradijs paradise
paradox paradox
paradoxaal paradoxical
paraffine paraffin
paragraaf paragraph
Paraguay Paraguay
Paraguayaans Paraguayan
parallel parallel
parameter parameter
paranoia paranoia
paranoïde paranoid
paraplu umbrella
parasiet parasite
parel pearl
paren mate
parfumeren perfume
paring copulation
Paris Paris
pariteit parity, equality
parkeerplaats lay-by
parkeerterrein lay-by
parkeren park
parlement parliament
parlementair parliamentary
Parnassus Parnassus
parochiaan parishioner
parochie parish
parochie- parochial
parterre ground-floor, parterre
particulier private
partieel partial
partij faction
partijdig biased
pas passport, only
Pasen Easter
paspoort passport
passage gangway, passageway
passagier passenger
passen conform, befit
passend conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming
passie lust
pasta dough
pastei pie
pastel pastel
pastoor vicar, priest, pastor
pastor priest
pat frying-pan
Patagonië Patagonia
patent patent
pater father
patiënt patient
patriarch patriarch
patrijs partridge
patrijspoort skylight, porthole
patriot patriot
patriottisme patriotism
patroon stencil, templet, template, pattern, cartridge
patrouilleren patrol
paus pope
pauw peacock
pauze recess, intermission
pauzeren pause
paviljoen pavilion
pimpelpaars violet
politiepatrouille squad
postpapier writing-paper
propaganda publicity, propaganda
propaganda maken voor publicize
propageren publicize
repareren repair
roeispaan oar
samenspannen conspire
samenspanning conspiracy
schildpad tortoise
schrijfpapier writing-paper
smulpartij feast
spaak beam, crowbar, crow-bar, ray
spaakbeen radius
Spaans Spanish
Spaanse peper chilli
Spaanse vlieg cantharides
spaarzaam thrifty
spaarzaamheid economy
span harness
spanderen dedicate, spend, devote
spang hook
Spanjaard Spaniard
Spanje Spain
spannen strech
spanning voltage, tension
spar fir
sparen spare, indulge
Sparta Sparta
spartelen writhe, struggle, flounder
spatbord mudguard
spatscherm mudguard
steelpan casserole, saucepan
suikerpalm sugar-palm
sympathiek sympathetic
tandpasta tooth-paste
tegenspartelen resist
tekenpapier drawing-paper
toepassing use, employment, application
toiletpapier toilet-paper
transparant transparant
uitpakken unpack
uitspanning tavern
uitspatting debauchery, dissipation
van Parijs Parisian
verpakken pack, package
vloeipapier blotter, blotting-paper
voetpad sidewalk
waterpas horizontal
WC-papier toilet-paper
zich inspannen try
zilverspar fir
zwelgpartij orgy
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.