The Dutch term "as" matches the English term "axis, ash, cinder, axle"

other dutch words that include "as" : english :
aan elkaar vastmaken connect
aangepast adapted
aanpassen adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit
aanpassing accommodation, adaptation
aanpassingsvermogen adaptability
aantasten assault, attack, corrode
aas bait, carrion, ace
aasgier vulture
afasie aphasia
afgelasten annul, remit
afgepast adjusted
afrastering grid, grill
afwasmiddel detergent
aktentas briefcase
Alaska Alaska
alras soon
alvast already
ambassade embassy
ambassadeur ambassador
ananas pineapple, pine-apple
asbak ash-tray
asfalt asphalt
asgrauw ashen
asiel asylum
asla ash-tray
asperge asparagus
aspirant candidate
aspirine aspirin
assembler assembler
Assepoester Cinderella
assignatie summons
assimileren assimilate
Assisi Assisi
assistent assistent, assistant, helper, aid
assisteren assist, help
associatie association
assurantie insurance
assureren insure
Assyrië Assyria
Assyrisch Assyrian
asterisk asterisk
astma asthma
astmatisch asthmatic, wheezy
astroloog astrologer
astronaut astronaut, spaceman
astronomie astronomy
astronoom astronomer
Asturië Asturias
asyl asylum
Augias Augeas
baas boss, leader, chief
Bahamas Bahamas
ballast ballast
Barnabas Barnabas
base basis
baseball baseball
baseren found, base
basis basis
basis- basic
basketball basketball
Baskisch Basque
Basra Busra, Busrah, Basrah, Basra
basta sufficiently
bastion rampart
belasten burden, tax
belasten met entrust
belastend carrying
belasteren slander
belastingaanslag assessment
betasten feel, grope
bijeenpassen harmonize
bijenwas beeswax
blaas bladder
blaasinstrument wind-instrument
boekentas briefcase
brandkast strong-box
brassen debauch
casco hull
cashewnoot cashew-nut
casino casino
Cassandra Cassandra
cassave cassava
cassette cassette
Cassiopea Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Castiliaan Castilian
Castilliaans Castillian
Castillië Castile
Castor Castor
castreren castrate
catastrofaal catastrophic
catastrofe catastrophe
classificeren classify
contrasteren contrast
daarnaast nearby
daas horsefly, gadfly, horse-fly, gad-fly
Damascus Damascus
das necktie, badger, tie, shawl
dashboard wainscot, dash-board, panel
de baas zijn dominate
de was doen wash
door het water plassen paddle
drasland marsh, swamp
drastisch drastic
drinkglas glass
dwaas foolish, absurd, fool
een plas doen urinate
elastiek rubber
elastisch elastic
Elzas Elsass, Alsace
Elzas-Lotharingen Alsace-Lorraine
Elzassisch Alsatian
enthousiasme enthusiasm
enthousiast enthusiastic
ernaast nearby
extase ecstasy
fantasie fantasy
fantasierijk fantastic
fantastisch fantastic
fascineren fascinate
fascinerend absorbing, fascinating
fase phase
fiasco failure, fiasco
fietstas cycle-bag
frase sentence
gaas gauze
gas gas
Gasconjer Gascon
gaspedaal accelerator
gast guest
gastheer host
gasthuis hospital
gastvrij hospitable
gastvrijheid hospitality
gefascineerd gripped, fascinated
gehaast hurriedly, hurried, hastily
gekras grating
gepast seemly, becoming, appropriate
gewas vegetation, plant
glas glass
glaswaar pane
glaswerk pane
godlasteren cuss, swear, curse, blaspheme
goulash stew, goulash
gras grass
grasland meadow
grasmaand April
grasmat lawn
grasveld lawn
gymnastiek gymnastics
haas hare
haast haste, soon, almost, nearly
haast maken hurry, rush
haastig hastily, swift, quick, rapid, hurriedly, hurried
haastigheid haste
handtasje handbag, hand-bag
hangkast wardrobe, clothes-press
harmonikaspeler accordionist
harnas armor, armour
hasj hashish
hasjiesj hashish
helaas unfortunately, alas, regrettably
Hellas Hellas
het haar wassen shampoo
hiernaast nearby
hoerenkast brothel
hondsgras couch-grass
Honduras Honduras
Ilias Iliad
inderhaast hastily, hurriedly
Indiaas Indian
invasie invasion
Jan Klaassen Punch
jas coat, mantle, cloak, overcoat
jasje jacket
Jason Jason
jassen peel
kaas cheese
kalebas calabash, gourd
kamerjas dressing-gown
kapotjas bonnet
kas money-box, till
kashouder cashier
Kasjmir Kashmir
kassier cashier
kast sideboard, closet, cupboard
kastanje chestnut
kastanjeboom chestnut-tree
kasteel castle
kastekort deficit
Kaukasus Caucasus
klankkast resonance-box
klas class
klasse class
klassiek classic, classical
klassikaal classic, classical
kleerkast wardrobe, clothes-press
koelkast refrigerator
kompas compass
kras alert, keen, brisk
krassen croak, caw
kuras armour, armor
kwast attitudinizer, fop, poseur, dandy, dude
kweekgras couch-grass
ladenkast dresser
lassen weld
lasser welder
lastbrief mandate
laster scandal, backbiting
lasthebber commissioner
lastig difficult, inconvenient, troublesome
Lias Lias
lokaas bait
Maas Meuse
maas mesh, loop
Maasstad Rotterdam
Maastricht Maastricht, Maestricht
Madagascar Madagascar
Madagaskisch Madagascan
maskeren mask
maskering masquerade
massa mass, multitude, pile, crowd
masseren massage
massief massive
mast mast
matras mattress
Midas Midas
mijngas fire-damp
moeras swamp, marsh
Monegask Monacan
Monegaskisch Monegasque
mosterdgas mustard-gas
multitasking multitasking
muskietengaas mosquito-net, mosquito-netting
naast by, nearest, at, beside, next, alongside
naast elkaar abreast
naaste fellow-creature
naasten nationalize
naastenliefde charity
naasting nationalization
nagelkaas clove-cheese
nasaal nasal
nastreven chase, pursue
oase oasis
ochtendjas undress, négligé
onaangetast integral
ongepast unseemly
ontlasting excrement, dung
ontlasting hebben defecate
oogglas monocle
oogkas orbit
oppas babysitter
oppassend sweet
orgiastisch orgiastic
overjas overcoat, coat
paardekastanje chestnut, chestnut-tree
paasbrood matzo
paljas clown
parasiet parasite
Parnassus Parnassus
pas passport, only
Pasen Easter
paspoort passport
passage gangway, passageway
passagier passenger
passen conform, befit
passend conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming
passie lust
pasta dough
pastei pie
pastel pastel
pastoor vicar, priest, pastor
pastor priest
Pegasus Pegasus
pias clown
plas lake
plasma plasma
plassen wade, lap, splash, plash
plasser peter, willy
plassertje peter, willy
plastic plastic
provisiekast larder, store-cupboard, pantry
Rajasthan Rajasthan
raspen rasp
relaas narrative, tale
sarcasme sarcasm
sarcastisch sarcastic
scheerkwast shaving-brush
sinaasappelboom orange-tree
stropdas necktie, tie
struikgewas shrubbery
tandpasta tooth-paste
tapkast buffet
tas bag
tasje hand-bag, handbag
Tasjkent Tashkent, Tashkend
Tasmaans Tasmanian
Tasmanië Tasmania
tasten feel, grope
terras terrace
Texas Texas
toepassing use, employment, application
trilgras breeze
uitwasemen fume
uitwassen wash
vaas vase
van plastic plastic
vaseline vaseline
vast fixed, certain, firm, sure, certainly, stable
vasteland mainland, continent
vasten fast
Vastenavond Shrove-Tuesday
vastgespen buckle
vasthaken clasp
vasthoudend retentive
vasthoudendheid perseverance
vastkleven stick
vastklinken rivet
vastnaaien sew
vaststellen ascertain
vastzetten block
verassen incinerate, cremate
verassing cremation
verbasteren degenerate, bribe
verbruiksbelasting excise-duty, excise
vergasser carburettor
verhaasten accelerate
verrassen surprise
verrassend surprising
vlas flax
volwassene adult
waas down, fluff
wasdoek oilcloth
wasdom growth
wasem vapour, steam, vapor
wasgelegenheid washroom
washok washroom
wasinrichting washroom
wassen wash, bathe
wasserij laundry
wassing ablution
wasvrouw laundress
waterpas horizontal
waterplas pond, lake
Yggdrasil Yggdrasill, Yggdrasil
zeepkwast shaving-brush
zich vastklampen aan board
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.