The Dutch term "af" matches the English term "ready"

other dutch words that include "af" : english :
achteraf subsequently, afterwards, remotely
afasie aphasia
afbakenen trace
afbeelden represent, depict
afbeelding diagram, image, representation, picture
afbestellen countermand, cancel
afbetalen amortize, deaden
afbetaling payment
afbetalingstermijn repayment, instalment
afbeulen fatigue, override, overdrive, jade
afbikken chip
afbinden ligature, untie
afboeken transfer
afbraak demolition
afbreekbaar destructible, biodestructible, biodegradable
afbreken break, pluck, demolish
afbrokkelen crumble
afdak penthouse, shed
afdalen descend
afdalen langs een dubbelbevesti abseil
afdaling descent
afdammen obstruct, bar
afdanken discard
afdankertje cast-off
afdeling speciality, pigeonhole, detachment, compartment
afdingen haggle, bargain
afdoen expedite, settle, finnish, conclude
afdoend effective, conclusive, effectual, efficacious
afdraaien lower, decrease
afdracht remittance
afdragen convey
afdrijven drift
afdrogen wipe, clatter
afdroogdoek tea-towel
afdruipen drain
afdruiprek drainer
afdruk print, track, copy, imprint
afdwalend aberrant
afdwingen wrest, wring, extort
affaire affair, case, matter, business
affect affection
affiche notice, poster
affiliëren affiliate
affiniteit affinity
affix affix
affronteren insult, offend
affuit gun-carriage, carriage
afgaan visit
afgang flop
afgeladen brimming, replete
afgelasten annul, remit
afgelegen remotely
afgeleid woord derivation
afgelopen done, finished, over, ready
afgemeten stiff, formal, measured
afgepast adjusted
afgesloten locked
afgesproken O.K., agreed
afgestudeerd graduate, certificated
afgetrokken distracted, absent-minded, abstract, abstracted
afgevaardigde representative
afgeven deposit, spread
afgeven op demolish
afgewerkt done, used, finished, over
afgezaagd hard-worked, hackneyed, commonplace, trite
afgezant emissary, envoy, messenger
afgezonderd separate, apart, particular, special
Afghaans Afghan
Afghanistan Afghanistan
afgietsel cast
afgodendienaar idolator
afgodendienst idolatry
afgoderij idolatry
afgodsbeeld idol
afgrazen browse
afgrendelen bolt
afgrijselijk awful, horrible, hideous, ghastly, abominable
afgrond chasm, precipice, abyss, maw
afgunstig envious, jealous
afhaken unhook, uncouple
afhalen expect, deduct, await, wait, abide
afhandelen finnish, expedite, settle, conclude
afhangen depend
afhankelijk dependent
afhankelijk zijn depend
afhankelijkheid dependence
afhelpen rid
afjakkeren overdrive, jade, fatigue, override
afkammen demolish
afkappen elide
afkapping elision
afkappingsteken apostrophe
afkeer dislike, aversion, disgust, nausea
afkeer inboezemen nauseate
afkerig averse
afkeuren refuse, reprove, reproach, scrap, condemn, rebuke
afkeurenswaardig objectionable, blameworthy, condemnable
afkeuring censure, disapprobation, condemnation, disapproval
afkijken crib
afkluiven pick
afknotten top, truncate
afkoelen cool
afkomst origin, lineage
afkomstig coming
afkondigen promulgate, proclaim
afkondiging publication
afkooksel decoction
afkopen redeem, ransom
afkoppelen uncouple
afkorten shorten, abbreviate
afkorting abridgement, abbreviation, abridgment
afkrabben scrape
afkraken slash
aflaat indulgence
afladen unload
aflaten cease
afleggen abandon
afleiden induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert
afleiding distraction, derivation
afleidingsmanoeuvre diversion
afleren unlearn, forget, teach
afleveren deliver, furnish
aflevering episode, delivery, exercise-book, notebook
aflezen verify, audit, supervise
aflopen stoop, peal, expire
aflopend sloping
aflosbaar repayable, redeemable
aflossen amortize, deaden
aflossing substitution, replacement, redemption
afluisteren monitor, eavesdrop
afmaken terminate
afmatten fatigue, override, jade, overdrive
afmeting measurement
afname abatement, diminution
afneembaar detachable, washable, removable
afnemen wane, diminish, decline
afnemer buyer, customer, purchaser, client
aforisme aphorism
afpellen peel
afpersen wrest, wring, extort
afpersing extortion, exaction
afpoeieren rebuff
afraffelen bungle
afranselen flog, thresh, clatter, thrash, whack, beat
afrastering grid, grill
afreageren abreact
afreizen depart, leave
afremmen brake
africhten tame
Afrika Africa
Afrikaans Afrikaans, African
Afrikaner Afrikaner, Afrikander
afrit exit
Afroaziatisch Afro-Asian
Afrodite Aphrodite
afrossen thresh
afrukken pluck
afschaduwing adumbration
afschaffen abolish, abrogate, remove
afschaffing abolition, abrogation
afschaven abrade
afschaving abrasion
afscheiden divide, secrete
afscheiding separation, partition, secretion, breakaway
afscheids- goodbye
afscheren shave
afschrijven amortize, deaden
afschrijving redemption
afschrikken scare, deter, discourage
afschrikking deterrence
afschrikwekkend forbidding, deterrent
afschuwelijk nasty, gruesome, abhorrent, alien, hideous, dreary
afslaan halt, reject, rebate
afslachten slaughter, butcher
afslag auction
afslager auctioneer
afsluiten terminate, obstruct, bar
afsluiting barrier, dam, fence
afsmeken implore
afsnauwen snub
afspiegelen mirror
afspiegeling reflection
afspoelen rinse, gargle
afsponzen sponge
afspraak rendezvous
afstaan cede, relinquish, yield
afstammeling successor, child
afstammen originate, result, come
afstamming lineage
afstand offset, abdication, distance, abandonment
afstand doen resign, abdicate
afstand doen van renounce
afstandelijk detached
afsteken contrast
afstelling adjustment
afstemmen adapt, accommodate, fit, adjust
afstijgen dismount
aftakking branch, bough
aftands lapsed, dilapidated, rickety, decayed, decrepit
aftappen derive
aftreden retire, quit
aftrekken infuse, rebate, retreat, subtract
aftrekking subtraction
afvaardigen depute, delegate
afvaardiging delegation
afval rubble, rest, debris, rubbish
afvallen fall
afvegen wipe
afvoerder abductor
afvoeren eliminate
afwasmiddel detergent
afweer defense, defence
afwegen weigh
afwennen teach, unlearn
afwerpen produce
afwezige absentee
afwezigheid absence, shortage, shortcoming
afwijkend aberrant
afwijking aberration, aberrance, abnormality
afwijzen reject, refuse
afwijzing rejection, refusal
afwikkelen liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude
afwisselen vary
afwisselend alternate, alternating, variable
afwisseling variety
afwissen wipe
afzenden ship
afzender sender
afzetten trim, amputate, garnish
afzijdig neutral, impartial
afzonderen divide, isolate, insulate, seclude
afzonderlijk particular, separate, special, apart
afzweren abjure
afzwering abjuration
agorafobie agoraphobia
agraaf hook
autobiografie autobiography
Bataafs Batavian
begaafdheid aptitude, talent
begraafplaats cemetery, graveyard
beschaafd gentlemanlike, polite, courteous, well-mannered
bestraffen punish
bestraffing punishment
bibliografie bibliography
biograaf biographer
bloed aftappen bleed
braaf brave, gallant
café café, pub
cafetaria cafetaria
de aftocht blazen retreat
een afschuw hebben van abominate, loathe, abhor
een verhoor afnemen interrogate
Fafner Fafner
fotograaf photographer
fotograferen photograph
fotografie photography
fotografische plaat plate
geograaf geographer
geografie geography
geografisch geographical, geographic
geraffineerd sophisticated
giraffe giraffe
graaf earl
graafschap county
graf grave, tomb
grafiek graphics
grafische kunst graphics
heldhaftig heroic
kaft lid
kaftan caftan
kaftpapier wrapping-paper
karaf carafe
komaf lineage
kortaf abruptly, abrupt
laf afraid
lafhartig afraid
lafhartigheid cowardice
lafheid cowardice
legerafdeling division
loopgraaf trench
luchtafweer air-defence
luchtafweergeschut ack-ack
maffen sleep
metafoor metaphor
naaf nave, hub
naafdop hub-cap
naftaleen naphthaline, naphthalene
naftol naphthol
onafgebroken continuous
onafhankelijk independant, autonomous
onder tafel schuiven ignore
orthografie orthography
oscillograaf oscilloscope
paffen shoot
paraffine paraffin
paragraaf paragraph
plafon ceiling
plafond ceiling
pornografie pornography
pornografisch pornographic
pornografisch materiaal pornography
raaf raven
raffinaderij refinery
raffineren refine
safe strong-box, safe
saffiaantje cigarette
schrijftafel writing-desk
slaaf slave
Slaaf Slav
speeksel afscheiden salivate
spoorstaaf rail
staf staff, baton, cane
stenografie stenography, shorthand
straf punishment, strong, strict, severe
straffen punish
tafel tablet, tabulation, table
tafellaken table-cloth
tafelzeil oilcloth
tafereel description, scene
telegraferen telegraph
uitgaaf expenses, edition
van voren af aan anew, again
vanaf from, since
verafgoden adore
verafschuwen loathe, abominate, abhor
verschaffen procure
voorafgaan precede
voorafgaand last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former
vrijaf furlough
wafel waffle
wafeltje wafer
xerografisch xerographic
zich aftobben flounder, struggle, writhe
Zuidafrikaans Afrikaans
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.