The English term "son-in-law" matches the Turkish term "damat"

other english words that include "son" : turkish :
poison zehir
son oguul
song s,arki.
other english words that include "in" : turkish :
Abyssinia Habes,istan
affecting aci.kli.
again tekrar, yine
against aleyhinde, kars,i.
all over again tekrar, yine
aluminium alüminyum
aluminum alüminyum
American Indian Ki.zi.lderili
appointment book gündem
Argentina Arjantin
Asia Minor Anadolu
be acquainted with tani.mak
begin bas,lamak
beginner acemi
behind arkasi.ndan, sonra
be painful aci.mak
brain aki.l, beyin, dimagu
bring getirmek
Britain Britanya
building bina
business is, macera, mesele
business deal is, macera, mesele
cabin kulübe
captain kaptan
ceiling tavan
chain zincir
chin çene
China Çin
cinder kül
cinema sinema
clinic klinik
clothing elbise
cocaine kokain
complain s,ikayet etmek
complaint s,ikâyet
cunning açi.kgöz, zeki
curtain perde
cylinder silindir
din gürültü
distinct açi.k
dolphin yunus baligui.
drink içilen s,ey, içmek
earring küe
engine makine, motor
engineer mühendis
evening aks,am
everything bütün
explain açi.klamak
faint aciz
find bulmak
fine güzel
Finland Finlandiya
fountain çes,me, fi.skiye
gasoline benzin
go in girmek
Great Britain Britanya
hardworking çali.s,kan
human being adam
in a way sanki
India Hindistan
Indian Hintli, Ki.zi.lderili
Indian corn dari.,
industrious çali.s,kan
in exchange for aleyhinde, kars,i.
inexperienced acemi
infant çocuk
insatiable açgözlü
intercessor avukat, savunucul
in what way nasi.l
iodine iyod
king kral
kingdom kraliyet
machine makine
morning sabah
mother-in-law kaynana
mountain dagu
moving aci.kli.
nightingale bülbül
nine dokuz
nothing hiçbir s,ey
pain aci.
Palestine Filistin
plain açi.k
pressing acil
Rhine Ren
since çünkü, yüzünden
Spain I.spanya
spine belkemigui
swine domuz
take in kabul etmek
tangerine mandalina
thing madde, s,ey
think düs,ünmek
tin kalay
touching aci.kli.
train tren
vain abes
wheeziness asti.m
wind rüzgar
wine s,arap
winter ki.s,
zinc çinko
other english words that include "law" : turkish :
barrister-at-law avukat, savunucul
claw pençe
lawyer avukat, savunucul
mother-in-law kaynana
Written Turkish Language
Before 1932, less than half of Turkish words were used in written form. Since 1932, the percentage of Turkish words has jumped from 40 percent to between 75 and 80 percent. The Turkish Language Association started to reform the language after 1932 and its goal was to remove the loan words that had entered into the written languages from the Persian and Arabic languages. Despite not having a lot of written words until the 20th century, written Turkish has been found on Stone Monuments dating back to 725 AD in Central Asia and Mongolia.
Turkish is a Concise Language
In some languages, it takes quite a few words to express something. But in Turkish, it actually doesn’t take that many at all. Just one word might have multiple endings, suffixes, and affixes. This one word can then be used to form the basis of other words.
Did You Hear the One About…?
In Turkish, there are many jokes about Temel, his wife Fatima, and their friend Dursun. So if you’re learning the language, don’t be surprised if you hear about them in a variety of contexts from wisdom to political issues.