The Swedish term "kul" matches the English term "fun"

other swedish words that include "kul" : english :
kulram abacus
restskuld arrear
resterande skulder arrears
artikulation, artikulera articulation
bakom kulisserna backstage
klot, nystan, kula, bal, boll ball
kulspetspenna ball-pen
stor kulört näsduk bandanna
ukulelebanjo banjulele
pärla, glaspärla, kula bead
kulspetspenna biro
kulen bleak
grubbla, yngel, kull, ruva brood
kula bullet
segla omkull, kantra capsize
träskulptur carving
håla, jordkula, grotta cavern
cirkulerande circling
cirkelrund, cirkulär circular
cirkulera, skicka omkring circulate
sprida, cirkulera cirkulate
civilisation, kultur civilization
kullersten cobble-stone
färga, kulör, färg colour
kuliss coulisse
kröna, hjässa, krona, hattkulle crown
kulminera culminate
kulmen culmination
kult, dyrkan cult
kultivera, bruka, odla, upparbeta cultivate
bildad, kultiverad cultivated
kulturell cultural
kultur culture
kulturer cultures
dalkulla Dalecarlian woman
skuld debt
skulder debts
lya, näste, kula, lya, håla, håla den
nere, fjun, utför, ned, omkull, dun, nadanför down
urskulda sig exculpate oneself
fakultet, förmåga faculty
bock, skuld fault
för min skull for my sake
komisk, kul, rolig, lustig, löjlig funny
spelskulder gamblingdebts
gestikulera gesticulate
svek, list, skuld guile
kull, lucka, kläcka, kläckning hatch
kulle, backe hill
hög, kulle hillock
kullar hills
kuperad, kulle hilly
liten kulle hummock
okultiverad illiberal
oartikulerad inarticulate
skuldsatt indebted
oskuld innocence
spekulant intending buyer
skuldförbindelse iou
liten kulle knoll
lya, kula, bo lair
skräp, bår, kull av djuryngla litter
loft, vind, skulle loft
för nöd vinnings skull lucre
kulspruta machine-gun
kulsprutor machine-guns
marmor, spelkula marble
maskulin masculine
klippa, loge, slå, höskulla mow
muskulös muscular
kult, mytbildning mystique
ockult occult
ockulta occultic
bör, skulle, borde, skall ought
kullkasta, störta overthrow
anbud, uvertyr, stjälpa omkull overture
hagel, liten kula pellet
isterbuk, kalaskula potbelly
kulen, rå raw
kult-handling rite
skull sake
bildhuggare, skulptör sculptor
skulptut, skulptera, skulptur sculpture
skulle, borde should
axel, bog, skuldra shoulder
volt, kullerbytta somersault
spektakulära spectacular
spekulera speculate
spekulation speculation
spekulativ speculative
spekulant speculator
bildhuggar-, skulpturer statuary
auskultant student teacher
tekula tea ball
muskulös, senig thewy
odlare, rorkult tiller
tuberkulos tuberculosis
kullkasta, oroa, välta, stjälpa upset
jungfru, oskuld virgin
oskulder virgins
artikulera vocalize
makulatur waste paper
kulisser wings
spel bakom kulisserna wirepulling
morkulla woodcock
skulle would
skulle inte wouldn't
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.