The Swedish term "utställa, ståt, utställning, skylta" matches the English term "display"

other swedish words that include "utställa" : english :
utställa exhibit
utställare exhibitor
utställa expose
other swedish words that include "ståt" : english :
prestation accomplishment
antistatisk antistatic
bus station busstation
droskstation cab-rank
droskstation cab-stand
konstatera, intyga certify
stadsstater city-states
statsförbund confederation
statsobligationer consols
förfalska, statsförfattning, författning constitution
inrätta, konststatera, grun, etablera, fastställa establish
statsförbund federacy
stativ, fot foot
gastätt gas-tight
bensinstation gas station
gastät gasproof
vacker, ståtlig handsome
underförstått implicitly
mellan stater interstate
ståtlig, hög lofty
förnäm, myndig, ståtlig lordly
majestätisk majestic
majestät majesty
manifestationer manifestations
minister, frikyrkopräst, präst, statsråd minister
ministär, statsråd, departement, prästämbete ministry
dämpa, statist, stum mute
nationalstat nation-state
förstatliga nationalize
uppstått occurred
utpeka, framhålla, påoeka, konstatera, poängtera point out
ståt pomp
ståtlig, uppblåst pompous
ståtlig, fetlagd portly
kraftstation power station
premiärminister, statsminister prime minister
statlig, offentlig, publik public
drottninglik, majestätisk queenly
idrott, sport, ståta med sport
stativ, ställ, bestå, tåla, uthärda, stå stand
ståt, tillstånd, skick, påstå, stat, konstatera state
ståtlig stately
statisk static
station, förlägga station
statistiskt statistical
statistik statistics
statistikfunktion statistics-function
staty statue
statylik statuesque
statyett statuette
ställning, status status
statist, övertalig supernumerary
överstatlig supranational
ändstation terminus
text-statistik text-statistics
termostat thermostate
rostat bröd, skål (utbringa en -) toast
stativ, trefot tripod
förstått understood
arbetsstation workstation
other swedish words that include "skylta" : english :
skylta be exposed
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.