The Swedish term "adoptera, anta" matches the English term "adopt"

other swedish words that include "anta" : english :
vänta, stanna abide
antaga, acceptera, anamma, godtaga accept
accept, accepterande, antagande acceptance
antagning, tillträde, medgivande admission
antagningsnämd admission board
antagit admits
antågande advancing
antal, summa, belopp amount
livränta annuity
antabus Antabuse
antagonist antagonist
Antarktis Antarctic
förvänta anticipating
förväntan, antecipation anticipation
antastlig assailable
antagande assuming
väntade awaited
väntar awaits
banta bant
kantad bordered
låntagare borrower
kantarell chanterelle
antal counts
äggplanta eggplant
texta, massuppköp, textning, pränta engross
undantag exception
undantag exceptions
exklusive, undantagen excluding
undantag exclusion
förvänta, påräkna, vänta expect
väntande expectant
förhasta, förhoppning, förväntan expectation
väntande expecting
jättebra, fantastisk fab
bekanta familiarize
nyckfull, fantasi, romantisk fanciful
fantasier fantasies
fantast fantast
sagolik, fantastiska, fantastiskt fantastic
fantasi fantasy
fantasi-språk fantasy-language
demon, slav, fantast, djävul, odjur fiend
kanta, flik, frans, lugg fringe
glänta, skogsglänta glade
fålla, fåll, kanta, kant hem
antända ignite
inbillning, fantasi imagination
fantasirik, fantasifull imaginative
prägla, imponera, inprägla, inpränta impress
inpränta inculcate
antända, inflammera inflame
lättantändlig inflammable
intresse, intresse, ränta interest
antändning kindling
trolig, sannolik, antaglig likely
overklighet, fantasi, låtsaslek, låtsad make-believe
antasta molest
antal, tal, nummer number
glänta på open slightly
överträffa i antal outnumber
pantat pawned
ört, växt, placera, plantera, planta plant
plantering, plantage, koloni plantation
rimlig, sannolik, antaglig plausible
premiss, fastighet, antagande premise
propagera, fortplanta propagate
kvanta, mängd quantum
karantän quarantine
beslutsmässigt antal quorum
registrera, inregistrera, mantalsskriven register
ränta, inkomst, att få revenue
antända, tända eld på set fire to
undantagstillstånd state of emergency
eftersläntare straggler
fantastisk stunning
förmoda, tro, mena, anta suppose
antagande, förmodligen supposition
pränta text
att få, ränta to get
förskräcklig, fantastisk tremendous
oväntad, oförmodad unexpected
oväntat unexpectedly
vänta, passa upp wait
invänta, vänta wait for
väntade waited
väntar waiting
jänta wench
fantasier whimsy
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.