The Swedish term "kol" matches the English term "carbon"

other swedish words that include "kol" : english :
skolk absenteeism
ekollon acorn
människoliknande anthropod
människolik anthropomorphous
anmärkning (i skolan) bad mark
koltrast blackbird
koltrastar blackbirds
vapensköld blazon
internatskola boarding school
pickolo call-boy
området kring skola campus
kola caramel
kolhydrat carbohydrate
kol (trä-), träkol charcoal
skolsal classroom
stenkol, kol (sten-) coal
kolgruva coal-mine
majskolv, ridhäst, klippare cob
köld, frusen, snuva, kall, förkylning, kyla cold
sammanbrott, kollapsa collapse
jämföra, kollationera collate
kollega colleague
kollegor colleagues
samling, avhämtning, insamling, kollektion collection
kollektivt collectively
gymnasium, högskola college
kollega collegue
kollidera, stöta ihop, sammanstöta collide
kolgruvearbetare collier
kolgruva colliery
sammanstötning, kollision collision
kolon, grovtarm colon
kolonisatörer colonists
koloni colony
kolosserna colossians
koloss colossus
kolumn, pelare, kolonn column
befälsskolor command-schools
skolavslutning commencement
sovhytt i skola cubicle
dubbelkolla double-check
dubbelkolumn double-column
ekologiska ecological
grundskola elementary school
glödkol ember
vapensköld escutcheon
klänning, kåpa, kolt frock
köld, tjäle, frost frost
kolik, magknip, gnälla gripe
kolja haddock
högre skola, läroverk, högskola high-school
fuling, mutkolv hireling
skolka hooky
människoliv human life
kolibri humming-bird
kolväten hydrocarbons
kolsvart jet-black
köl keel
lekskola kindergarten
ytterst, hålla, sist, skoläst, vara, föregående last
koloss, sjöodjur leviathan
majskolv maize-cob
mammut, jätte-, kolossal mammoth
vemod, svårmod, melankoli, dysterhet, tungsint melancholy
koltrast merle
protokoll, minuter minutes
mykolog, svampkännare mycologist
nykolonialism neo-colonialism
aftonskola night-school
kolli, bal, paket package
kolv piston
kolsvart pitchblack
plantering, plantage, koloni plantation
skolka play traunt
premium i skolan prize in school
protokoll protocol
psykolog psychologist
psykologi psychology
omskola re-educate
omskolning retraining
sköljning, skölja, spola rinse
skolväska satchel
skola school
skolgång school attendance
lärare, skolkamrat, lärarinna schoolfellow
skolor schools
skolarbete schoolwork
realskola, läroverk secondary school
semikolon semi-colon
skydda, sköld shield
skolka, smita ifrån, undanbe sig shirk
sköljkopp slop-basin
skolavslutning speech-day
kolonist squatter
elda med kol stoke
radikal, kolossal sweeping
skölja swill
skolexempel textexample
den, tull, vintergatan, trokoloren, vänstern, det the
sköldkörtel thyroid gland
knäck, kola toffee
sköldpadda tortoise
verkstadsskola training-school
trokoloren tricolour
skolkare truant
havssköldpadda, sköldpadda turtle
två kolumners two-column
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.