The Swedish term "pigg, kry, hurtig, rask" matches the English term "brisk"

other swedish words that include "kry" : english :
akryl acrylate
akrylfiber acrylic
akryl acrylic fabric
krypande smicker adulation
kryddpeppar allspice
apokryfiska böcker apocrypha
apokryfisk apocryphal
besegra, dänga, kryssa, slå, bulta, piska, hamra beat
skryt, förhäva sig, berömma sig själv boast
skrävlare, skrytare boaster
skrytsam boastful
skryta brag
skryter brags
skrymmande bulky
klöv, lökklyfta, kryddnejlika clove
krydda condiment
rekryt, värnpliktig conscript
krypa ihop cower
kräla, krypa, kravla crawl
vecka, veck, skrynkla, rynka crease
skrynklig creased
krypa, smyga creep
krypt creeped
kryper creeps
svansa, krypa cringe
krympling, omintetgöra cripple
korsa, vresig, kryss, övergå, kors cross
kryss, kryssa, kryssning cruise
kryssare cruiser
krycka, stöd crutch
kryptiska cryptic
dekryptera decrypt
dekrypterad decrypted
dekryptering decryption
dekrypterar decrypts
avkryptera encrypt
kryptering encryption
avkrypterar encrypts
resa upp, upprätt, eregerade, rak, rakryggad erect
gulbrun, krypa, lisma fawn
smak, arom, krydda flavour
kryddad flavoured
kryddar flavouring
kräla, krypa grovel
kraftig, kry, frisk hale
krypa huddle
hycklare, skrymtare hypocrite
skryt jactation
kryphål loop-hole
kryp, mygga midge
krypa in nestle
icke-krypterad non-encrypted
skrytsamt, prål, vräkighet ostentation
orera, skryta rant
krya på sig, repa sig, tillfriskna, hämta sig recover
rekrytera, rekryt recruit
rekrytering recruitment
skrynkla till rumple
skrynklig rumpled
krydda seasoning
servil, krypande servile
krympte shrank
krympa, skrumpna shrink
oskrymtad, uppriktig sincere
krypskytt sniper
krydda spice
skryta, skryt, luffare swagger
krypande sycophantic
oskrymtad unfeigned
rättskaffens, rakryggad, rak, upprätt, renhårig upright
skrytsam vainglorious
skryta vaunt
väl, kry, källa, jo, gott, brunn, bra well
skrynkla wrinkle
aptit, krydda zest
kryddad zestful
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.