The Swedish term "bris, bris, fläkt, kåre" matches the English term "breeze"

other swedish words that include "kåre" : english :
kämpa för, förespråkare advocate
förstärkare amplifier
ankra, ankare anchor
apotekare apothecary
påstrykare applicator
hantverkare artisan
underläkare assistant doctor
pratmakare babbler
processmakare barrator
strandgodssökare beach-comber
älskare, sprätt beau
kikare binoculars
möbelsnickare cabinet-maker
pratmakare cackler
snickare carpenter
pratmakare chatter-box
kemist, apotekare chemist
omskärelse circumcision
skomakare cobbler
förfalskare coiner
feg, pultron, feg, kujon, stackare coward
knäckare, smällkaramell cracker
hantverkare craftsman
muspekare cursor
käresta darling sweetheart
uppackare decompressor
tandläkare dentist
omväg, avstickare detour
dykare diver
läkare, doktor doctor
fälla ankaret drop the anchor
apotekare druggist
drinkare drunkard
salomos predikare ecclesiastes
miljöforskare ecologist
utforskare explorer
förfalskare falsifier
bonde, lantbrukare, jordbrukare farmer
kikare field-glass
kikare fieldglass
ankare firkin
fiskare fisherman
förfalskare forger
hattmakare hatter
utredningsman, forskare investigator
bråkmakare jangler
möbelsnickare, snickare joiner
knarkare junkie
ärekränkare libeller
älskare lover
fabrikant, tillverkare, skapare maker
tillverkare makers
tillverkare, fabrikant manufacturer
tillverkare manufacturers
biobesökare moviegoer
sensationsmakare muckraker
läkare physician
pekare, visare pointer
krukmakare potter
upptågsmakare prankster
skrivare, boktryckare printer
kväkare Quaker
törstsläckare quencher
skojare, bov, lymmel, rackare rascal
forskare researcher
härskare, linjal ruler
avsökare, antenn radar scanner
forskare, vetenskapsman scientist
forskare scientists
skurk, slyngel, lymmel, rackare scoundrel
skärmsläckare screensaver
klockare, kyrkvaktmästare sexton
skomakare shoemaker
småbrukare smallholder
rökkupé, rökare smoker
suverän, pund, regent, härskare sovereign
uppsyningsman, övervakare supervisor
svärdslukare sword-swallower
pratmakare talker
teleskop, kikare telescope
kittelflickare, fuskare tinker
affärsidkare, handlare tradesman
lastfartyg, luffare, landstrykare tramp
avtryckare på vapen trigger
bråkmakare trouble-maker
skolkare truant
uppackare unarchivers
uppackare uncompressor
skurk, rackare, bov villain
besökande, gäst, besökare visitor
urmakare watchmaker
klen stackare, krake weakling
pratmakare windbag
torkare wiper
dyrkare worshipper
usling, stackare, kräk wretch
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.