The Swedish term "slinka, tik, hynda" matches the English term "bitch"

other swedish words that include "slinka" : english :
slinka floosie
slinka, smyga slink
slinka iväg slink away
other swedish words that include "tik" : english :
akustik accoustics
ättikssyra acetic
akustik acoustical
akustik acoustics
akrobatik acrobatics
amnestikungörelse act of indemnity
narkotikaslav addict
estetik aesthetics
agnostiker agnostic
anestetikum, bedövningsmedel anaesthetic
stillande, analgetikum analgesic
analytiker analyser
analytiker analyst
analytiker analyzer
antibiotikum antibiotic
antikropp antibody
antiklerikal anticlerical
antiklimax anticlimax
antikvarisk antiquarian
antiksamlare antiquary
antikvitet, antik antique
antikbehandling antique finish
antikvitetsaffär antique shop
forntiden, antiken antiquity
apartheidpolitik apartheid
mattematik, aritmetik arithmetic
matematik arithmetik
aritmetik aritmetic
persedel, vara, artikel article
artiklar articles
artikulation, artikulera articulation
astigmatiker astigmatic
ballistik ballistic
ballistiken ballistics
våghalsig politik brinkmanship
skönhetsmedel, kosmetik cosmetic
kritiker critic
anmärkning, kritik criticism
kritik criticisms
kritik critics
kritik, recensent critik
engångsartiklar disposables
dramatiker dramatist
ledande artikel, ledare editorial
erotik erotica
etik ethics
etikett, konvenans etiquette
fanatiker, fanatisk fanatic
butiksskylt fascia
lösaktik kvinna floozie
bråk (i matematik), fraktion fraction
gymnastiklärare gamemaster
geopolitik geopolitics
gestikulera gesticulate
grammatik, språklära grammer
gymnastiksal gymnasium
gymnastik gymnastics
oartikulerad inarticulate
journalistik journalism
motionsgymnastik keep-fit
etikett label
etiketter labeler
etiketter labels
korridorpolitiker lobbyist
matematik math
matematiker mathematician
matematiker mathematicians
matematik mathematics
mystiker mystic
mystik mysticism
klämma, ättikslag pickle
taktik policies
politik policy
politiker politician
politik politics
vana, praktik, övning, idka, öva practice
praktik praxis
recension, tidskrift, revy, kritik, recensera review
antikva roman (type)
romantik, romantisk romance
romantik romanticism
romantiker romanticist
butiksbiträde sales-woman
begagnad, antikvariat second-hand
affär, verkstad, butik, bod shop
butiksråtta shop-lifter
butikskontrollant shop-walker
statistik statistics
statistikfunktion statistics-function
skarp kritik stricture
etikett, lapp tab
etiketter tabs
taktiker tactician
taktik tactics
text-statistik text-statistics
engångsartiklar throwaways
vatikanen vatican
vertikal vertical
vertikalt vertically
ättika vinegar
artikulera vocalize
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.