The Swedish term "övergå, vändning, vrida, svarva, tur, varv, vända" matches the English term "turn"

other swedish words that include "svarva" : english :
svarvare turner
other swedish words that include "tur" : english :
akupunktur acupuncture
agentur agency
angostura angostura
arkitektur architecture
armatur armature
spotsk, stursk, oförskämd arrogant
barbiturat barbiturate
vara ute på turné barnstorm
ha tur be lucky
naturskön plats beauty-spot
litteratursökning booksearch
ömsom, i tur och ordning by turns
träskulptur carving
kreatur, boskap cattle
turistbuss charabane
civilisation, kultur civilization
kontur contour
kulturell cultural
kultur culture
kulturer cultures
konjunkturbetingad cyclical
diktatur dictatorship
manufakturvaror drapery
enhet, åka, åktur, driva, köra, bringa drive
armatur electric fittings
utrustning, apparatur equipment
skönlitteratur, diktroman fiction
flygtur, flykt flight
flax, tur, lyckoträff, ankarfly fluke
lycklig, tursam fortunate
guttural guttural
naturlig hemvist habitat
in natura, i natura in kind
stursk, oförskämd insolent
faktura, faktuera invoice
kontursåg, lövsåg jigsaw
nöjestur joyride
naturlig storlek life-size
lektyr, litteratur literature
liturgisk liturgic
liturgisk liturgical
liturgi liturgy
naturlig magnet lodestone
tur luck
oturlig, vanlottad luckless
manufakturhandlare mercer
gunstling, någons kreatur minion
turistbuss, buss motor coach
naturlig natural
naturalistisk naturalistic
naturalisering naturalization
naturalisera naturalize
naturligtvis naturally
natur, beskaffenhet nature
naturligtvis, givetvis of course
tur, tripp outing
skissera, kontur outline
förtursrätt, företräde, prioritet priority
prov, bevis, korrektur proof
omstrukturera restructure
omstrukturering restructuring
återkommst, återvända, returnera, återlämna return
tur och retur, återfärd return journey
returbar returnable
returnerade returned
skulptut, skulptera, skulptur sculpture
returnera send back
påskrift, signatur, underskrift signature
signaturmelodi signature tune
bildhuggar-, skulpturer statuary
turistklass, mellandäck steerage
strukturell structural
struktur structure
strukturerad structured
övernaturlig supernatural
temperatur temperature
temperaturer temperatures
konsistens, struktur texture
tur, turnera, resa, turné tour
turist tourist
turnering tournament
krokben, färd, tripp, utflykt, tur, snava, trippa trip
jetturbin turbo-jet
proppellerturbin turbo-prop
turbulens turbulence
turistbyrå turist agency
turk Turk
Turkiet Turkey
turkisk Turkish
turkos turquoise
turturduva turtle-dove
oturliga, olycklig unlucky
onaturlig unnatural
makulatur waste paper
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.