The Swedish term "tio" matches the English term "ten"

other swedish words that include "tio" : english :
abstraktion abstraction
acceleration acceleration
prestation accomplishment
prestantion, insats, gärning achievement
gärning, rättegång, process, aktion, handling action
anpassning, adaptation adaptation
administration admin
emotion affekt
företag och organisationer agencies
alteration, sinnesrörelse agitation
luftkonditionerad air-conditioned
luftkonditionering air-conditioning
fjärmande, alienation alienation
allitteration alliteration
ammunition ammo
ammunition ammunition
amputation, amputering amputation
animationer animations
förväntan, antecipation anticipation
apparition, utseende, framträdande appearance
blindtarmsinflammation, appendicit appendicitis
tillämpning, applikation application
applikationer applications
applikationer applikation
apposition apposition
approximation, närmevärde approximation
artikulation, artikulera articulation
umgänge, samfund, association, förening association
associationer associations
auktion, auktionera auction
auktionsförrättare, auktionsutropare auctioneer
berättigande, auktorisation, auktorisation authorization
backup-funktion backup-function
deposition av egendom bailment
donation, välgörenhet, välsignelse benefaction
förbindelse, obligation, band bond
bus station busstation
droskstation cab-rank
droskstation cab-stand
ackvisition canvassing
civilisation, kultur civilization
civilisationer civilizations
klassifikation classification
jämföra, kollationera collate
samling, avhämtning, insamling, kollektion collection
kombination combination
kombinationer combinations
skrivelse, meddelande, kommunikation communication
kompensation compensation
tema, uppsats, komposition composition
koncentration concentration
kondition, tillstånd, skic, villkor, beskaffenhet condition
konfirmation, stadfästelse, bekräftelse confirmation
gratulation, lyckönskan congratulation
konjugationer conjugations
konsignation consignation
statsobligationer consols
konstruktion construction
konstruktioner constructs
konsumtion, lungsot, förbrukning, åtgång consumption
vedertagen, konventionell conventional
konversation, samtal conversation
redaktionschef copy-taster
appellationsdomstol court of apeal
av-installation de-installation
årtionde, decennium decade
årtionden decades
tiohörning decagon
tioplaning decahedron
tiofoting decapod
tiostavig decasyllabic
tiokamp decathlon
tioårs decennial
deklaration, förklara declaration
deklarationer declarations
deklination declension
utsmyckning, dekoration, orden decoration
definition, förklaring definition
definitioner definitions
avinstallation deinstallation
delegation delegation
bevisande, demonstration demonstration
deputation deputation
konstruktion, planera design
bestämmelseort, destination destination
desinfektionsmedel disinfectant
distribution distributing
dokumentation documentation
dokumentation documention
nationalekonomi economics
nationalekonom economist
redaktionschef editor-in-chief
redaktion editor`s
redaktion editorial staff
redaktion editorship
åttionde eighieth
åttio eighty
kvalifikation eligibility
ekvation equation
ekvationer equations
erektion, resning erection
upprättande, inrättning, institution establishment
etiopisk ethiopian
evangelisation evangelization
utöva, manöver, övning, inöva, öva, motion exercise
explotioner explosions
exposition expo
femtionde fiftieth
femtio fifty
filsöknings-funktion filesearch-function
filspecifikation filespec
reparation fixing
fyrtio forty
expedition, spedition forwarding
fyra funktioners four-function
bråk (i matematik), fraktion fraction
recentior freshman
friktion friction
desinfektion fumigation
funktion function
funktionsdugligt functional
funktionalitet functionality
funktioner functions
funktioner funktions
spelinstruktion gameinstruction
bensinstation gas station
beräkna, dimention, kapacitet, kaliber gauge
gingivit, tandköttsinflammation gingivitis
ledning, instruktioner guidance
html-funktioner html-functions
identifikation identification
illustration, exempel, förklaring illustration
imitation impersonation
imitationer impersonations
inkarnation incarnation
motivation incentive
smitta, infektion infection
smittosam, infektioner infections
inflammation inflammation
information, underrättelse, upplysning information
insinuation innuendo
inkvisitationenr, äfst inquisition
inskriptioner inscriptions
insinuation insinuation
visitation, inspekterande inspecting
inspektion inspection
installations-disketten installation-diskette
installationsfiler installationfiles
installation installing
installationer installs
institutioner institutions
anvisning, instruktion, undervisning, föreskrift instruction
besked, instruktioner instructions
integration integration
interaktion interaction
internationell international
internationellt internationally
inledning, introduktion, rekommendation introduction
introduktioner introductions
introduktions introductory
mygel, korruption jobbery
juridiktions jurisdictional
motionsgymnastik keep-fit
motreaktion kickback
lektion, läxa lesson
lektioner lessons
manifestationer manifestations
hjärnhinneinflammation meningitis
menstrution menses
noggrann, minutiös meticolous
meterconventionen metric-convention
idka sensationsskriverier, dynggrep muckrake
sensationsmakare muckraker
multinationell multinational
multiplikation multiplication
ammunition munition
inspektion, mönstra, uppbåd muster
folk, nation nation
nationalstat nation-state
nationell, riks national
nationalistisk nationalistic
nationaliteter nationalities
nationalitet nationality
nationalisering nationalization
nyhetsredaktion newsroom
nittionde ninetieth
nittio ninety
funktion, opererande operating
operationer operations
organisation organization
prydnad, smycke, sira, dekoration ornament
otit, öroninflammation otitis
lunginflammation pneumonia
dela, del, portion portion
obduktion post-mortem
potentiometrar potentiometers
kraftstation power station
preposition preposition
presentationer presentations
produktion, alstring production
profetior prophecies
proportioner proportions
skrift, publikation publication
publikationer publications
interpunktion punctuation
förbehåll, kvalifikation, merit qualification
kvalifikationer qualifications
cituationstecken quatation marks
anföringstecken, cituationstecken quotation mark
citationstecken quotes
aktionsradie range of action
portion, ransonera, ranson ration
rationalisera rationaiize
rationalisering rationalization
rationalisera rationalize
reaktion reaction
bakåtsträvare, reaktionär reactionary
konfektion ready-made clothing
studsa tillbaka, reaktion rebound
receptionist receptionist
deklamation recitation
rekommendation recommendation
rekommendationer recommendations
förströelse, nöje, rekreation recreation
upprepa-funktion redo-function
repetition, övning rehearsal
reinkarnation reincarnation
reincarnation reinkaration
relationer, förhållande relations
relation relationship
relationer relationships
reparationsverkstad repair-shop
reparation, lagning repairing
reparationer repairs
reparation, gottgörelse reparation
upprepning, repetition repetition
rekvisition requisition
tillbakariktad, reaktionär retrograde
recentioner reviews
varv, revolution, rotation, omvälvning revolution
revolutionär revolutionary
revolutionera revolutionize
häftig reaktion revulsion
svängning, rotation rotation
rotations rotational
portionspåse sachet
rea, omsättning, försäljning, realisation sale
tillåtelse, sanktion sanction
dimention, aning scantling
parti, sektion section
realisation selling of
förnimmelse, sensation, uppståndelse sensation
organisation set-up
sjutionde seventieth
sjutio seventy
plats, läge, tjänst, ställning, situation situation
situationer situations
sextionde sixtieth
sextio sixty
specialfunktioner specialfunctions
specifikation specification
specifikationer specifications
spekulation speculation
station, förlägga station
statistikfunktion statistics-function
prenumeration, abonnemang subscription
subventionera subsidize
subtraktion subtraction
injektionsspruta, spruta syringe
telekommunikation telecommunication
tionde tenth
ändstation terminus
teater, operationssal theatre
trettio thirty
roman, sensationsfilm thriller
schema, kommunikationstabell, tidtabell time-table
tionde tithe
traditionell traditional
traditionell traditionally
transaktion transaction
översättningsfunktion translationfunction
undervegenation undergrowth
ångrafunktion undo-function
vaccinationer vaccinations
korruption venality
versifikation versification
minutiös vivisection
väl-proportionerade well-proportioned
arbetsstation workstation
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.