The Swedish term "brytning, accent, tonfall, betoning" matches the English term "accent"
other swedish words that include "brytning" : | english : |
utbrytning | break-out |
brytning, brott | breaking |
nedbrytningsprocess | decomposition |
nedbrytning | degradation |
sidbrytning | pagination |
utträde, utbrytning | secession |
radbrytning | wordwrap |
other swedish words that include "accent" : | english : |
betona, accentuera | accentuate |
betona, accentuera | accentutate |
accent, tryck, betona, påfrestning | stress |
accent | stress-mark |
other swedish words that include "tonfall" : | english : |
tonfall, intonering | intonation |
other swedish words that include "betoning" : | english : |
betoning | accentuation |