The Swedish term "bort" matches the English term "rid"

other swedish words that include "bort" : english :
bortföra abduct
rövande bort abduction
borttagande ablation
abortivmedel, abortframkallande abortifacient
missfall, abort abortion
abortör abortionist
frånvarande, borta absent
borta afield
borta, bort away
schackra bort barter
över, förutom, utom, bortom beyond
bortbyting changeling
utradera, ta bort, utplåna delete
tar bort deletes
borttagande deleting
välja bort deselect
bortvald deselected
kassera, kasta bort discard
driva bort dispossess
dra bort, distrahera distract
bortlagd, avlagd disused
erodera, nöta bort erode
stöta bort estrange
utesluta, välja bort exclude
borttagen excluded
vissna bort fade away
fjärran, avlägsen, långt borta far away
längst bort, längst, ytterst farthest
främja, befrämja, ytterligare, vidare, bortre further
längre bort further away
ytterst, bortest furthest
ge sig av, komma bort get away
borta gone
bortrest gone away
ignorera, bortse från ignore
skämma bort indulge
bortskämd indulged
röva bort kidnap
tar bort kills
tyna bort, tråna languish
skära bort lop
åstad, bort, från off
planens bortersta del outfield
klema bort pamper
tyna, tall, barrträd, tråna, tyna bort pine
borttagningsbar removable
borttagande removing
tog bort skipped
snappa bort snatch away
rov, förstöra, byte, skämma bort, förstöra spoil
bortskämd spoilt
slösa bort squnder
ta bort take away
framtida, bortre ulterior
bortkastad wasted
med vinden, borta with the wind
den där, där borta yonder
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.