The Swedish term "helt, ganska, stilla, alldeles" matches the English term "quite"
other swedish words that include "helt" : | english : |
cigarettfimp, stöta, stånga, ända, helt | butt |
helt, alldeles | entirely |
heltid | full-time |
helt | fully |
helt stum | gob-struck |
heltal, heltal | integer |
helt enkelt | plainly |
helt om | right-about |
helt enkelt | simply |
alldeles, helt | wholly |
helt | wholy |
other swedish words that include "ganska" : | english : |
organskada | lesion |
ganska, nätt, näpen, vacker, söt, någorlunda, täck | pretty |
ganska, snarare, hellre | rather |
ganska liten, små | smallish |
mycket, ganska | very |
other swedish words that include "stilla" : | english : |
vindstilla | airless |
stillande, analgetikum | analgesic |
smärtstillande medel | anodyne |
stilla | calm |
sakta, mild, vek, fredlig, stilla | gentle |
fridfull, stilla | halcyon |
stilla | pacific |
stillastående, slö | stagnant |
stillastående, stockning | standstill |
stillastående | stationary |
ännu, stilla, fortfarande, dock, alltjämt, än | still |
other swedish words that include "alldeles" : | english : |
helt, alldeles | entirely |
alldeles, helt | wholly |