The Swedish term "kontor, byrå, ämbete, tjänst, kontor" matches the English term "office"
other swedish words that include "kontor" : | english : |
biljettlucka, biljettkontor | booking-office |
juristkontor | chambers' |
kontorist, notarie, tjänsteman | clerk |
växelkontor | exchange-office |
icke-kontorstid | non-office |
kontor | offices |
postanstalt, postkontor | post-office |
other swedish words that include "byrå" : | english : |
annonsbyrå | advertising agency |
byrå | bureau |
byrå | chest of drawers |
byracka | cur |
låda, byrålåda | drawer |
valbyrå | election office |
depeschbyrå | news-office |
nyhetsbyrå | newsagency |
turistbyrå | turist agency |
other swedish words that include "ämbete" : | english : |
abbotsämbete | abbacy |
ämbete, möte | appointment |
prostämbete | deanery |
domarämbete | judgeship |
domarämbete | justiceship |
ministär, statsråd, departement, prästämbete | ministry |
regeringsämbete | regency |