The Swedish term "vördnad, vördnadsfull hälsning" matches the English term "obeisence"
other swedish words that include "vördnad" : | english : |
vördnadsvärd, gammal, grå | hoary |
vördsam, aktningsfull, vördnadsful | respectful |
pietet, vördnad | reverence |
vördnadsfull | reverent |
vördnadsfull | reverential |
vördnad | veneration |
vördnadsfull | worshipful |
other swedish words that include "vördnadsfull" : | english : |
vördnadsfull | reverent |
vördnadsfull | reverential |
vördnadsfull | worshipful |
other swedish words that include "hälsning" : | english : |
böja, rosett, hälsning, bog (på fartyg), båge | bow |
hälsningar | compliments |
hälsning | greeting |
hälsningar | greetings |
hjärtliga hälsningar | kindest regards |
avskedshälsning | parting greeting |
hälsningar | regards |
hälsningsfras, hälsning | salutation |